Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6703: Silver Moon Danta

Chapter 6703 Silver Moon Pagoda

People who have reached this level are almost all the top demons of the younger generation.

How powerful is this foreign warrior?


The middle-aged warrior didn't have time to think about it, so he snapped a silver palm print with a loud shout.

This palm print is like a silver moon, directly close to Jiang Tian.

In his opinion, not only is it a hit, but it will also hit the opponent heavily.

But something unexpected happened to him!

Jiang Tian waved his right hand, and a purple pattern appeared.

And in the purple pattern, there are still silver threads swimming, like slender dragons!



Pfft... wow!

The face of the middle-aged warrior changed suddenly, shocked by the existence of those silver threads!

The purple space spiritual power is obviously not the way of the Silver Moon Sect, but those silver hairsprings are undoubtedly the exclusive space spiritual power of the Silver Moon Sect.

This kind of power can only be obtained through Yinyue Xuankong Pill cultivation, there is no other way!

This strange monster actually possesses these two powers at the same time, and purple is the main force, and silver thread is the supplement.

This means that the other party is majoring in purple space spiritual power, and after cultivating to a certain level, he has obtained the assistance and blessing of Yinyue Xuankong Pill!

The middle-aged Yinpao is the deacon of the Silver Moon Sect, and his cultivation base is in the early stage of the starry sky.

He was shaken back by Jiang Tian's palm, his body's spiritual power surged violently, and his breath was very disordered.

This palm directly suppressed him, and it was absolutely crushed!

Even a warrior of the same rank cannot do it.

Because of the collision of power between the same level, it must be a lose-lose!

But in this collision just now, the young man on the opposite side made his move, but he has the upper hand.

With a purple array pattern that easily crushed his silver palm print, the difference in strength between the two can no longer be described by size, but a world of difference!

"Impossible, it's impossible!"

The silver-robed middle-aged man exclaimed in shock, his face extremely ugly.

He is a sect deacon in the early days of the star realm, and within a few years, he will have the opportunity to advance to become a sect elder.

Such strength is not weak!

But on the opposite side, there is only a foreign monster at the pinnacle of the galaxy, and he was crushed by one move.

This huge difference in strength simply made him terrified!

"Who exactly are you?"

"Where is the medicine storehouse where the Yinyue Xuankong Pill is stored?" Jiang Tian asked coldly.

"You...what do you want to do?"

The silver-robed middle-aged man's expression changed in shock!

The other party broke into the Yinyue Sect, it turned out to be plotting the Yinyue Xuankong Pill!

This kind of medicine pill is the lifeblood of the sect and must not fall into the hands of outsiders.

It would be fine if there were dozens or hundreds of pills flowing out, but the refining and storage of this medicinal pill should never be known to outsiders.

Otherwise, once it is destroyed, the foundation of the sect will face the possibility of collapse at any time!

"I want to ask the secrets of the sect from my mouth, you do..."


Before the word "dream" was uttered, Jiang Tian's palm had already covered the top of his head.

At this moment, Jiang Tian was too lazy to say a word of nonsense.

He is in a hurry to go to Daoyu, and he must enter the starry sky as soon as possible.

Although this person in front of him has no grievances or enmity with him, in the "critical Dao domain", the warriors of the Silver Moon Sect were not polite to him at all.

Therefore, he has no scruples at this moment.


Jiang Tian launched the soul-searching secret technique, and the powerful divine sense blasted into the other party's divine sea like a tide.

This middle-aged silver-robed middle-aged star in the Star Realm probably never dreamed that he would be searched for the soul of a "junior" at the peak of the Star River Realm in his lifetime.

The soul search ends soon.

Jiang Tian retracted his palm and turned to look at a tower in the depths of Yinyue Sect.

The silver-robed middle-aged man behind him had rolled his eyes and collapsed to the ground.

Several young disciples were too frightened to approach and were at a loss.

The spire of this high tower is pierced into the clouds, surrounded by aura, and it looks quite artistic.


With a flash of purple light, Jiang Tian instantly flashed outside the tower.

"No, he's going to attack the Silver Moon Pagoda!"

"Elder, what should I do?"

Several young disciples dashed onto the flying boat with fear on their faces.

The middle-aged silver robe roared: "What else can I do, call someone!"

"Someone rushed into the Silver Moon Tower!"

"There are spies!"

"Come on people!"


Several young disciples shouted wildly, and the middle-aged Yinpao used the space escape technique and ran to the sect hall.

The Silver Moon Pagoda is an important place in the Silver Moon Sect, and there is absolutely no room for loss!

Although there are experts from the sect in the tower, but the people who come here are powerful and should not be neglected!

"Who dares to break into my Silver Moon Tower?"

"Are you looking for death?"

"Take it for me!"


In an instant, more than a hundred figures rushed towards the Silver Moon Pagoda.

In front of the Yinyue Sect's main hall, more than a dozen figures with powerful breaths flashed, and they came to the front of the Yinyue Pagoda at the fastest speed.


Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, but the corners of his mouth were full of jokes.

Knowing this, he should sneak in quietly.

But at this point, of course he had nothing to say.

The people of Silver Moon Sect have surrounded him, next, fight!

"Silver Moon Tower, the trespasser is dead!"

Bang bang bang... bang!

In an instant, three elders in the middle of the star realm shot at him.

The strength of these three people greatly exceeds that of the middle-aged deacon just now.

Jiang Tian didn't care, and blasted three "Dong Xuquan" from the air.

Crack Crack... Boom!

The purple light burst, and a violent explosion resounded through the void!

puff puff... wow!

The three Silver Moon Sect elders were instantly shaken back by him, and they were all injured.

Looking at Jiang Tian again, his eyes were full of fear and panic!

"The pinnacle of the Star River Realm, how can it be so strong?"

"His strength... is too exaggerated!"

The three people who were knocked back did not have the courage to make another move.

Because the situation is obvious, they can't beat each other at all.

They attacked with all their strength, but were simultaneously knocked back by the opponent, and it was easy to understate it.

It shows that the strength gap between the two sides is not a star and a half, but a one-sided crush!

"Who is your Excellency, and why did you break into my Silver Moon Sect?"

At this time, a late star realm elder stood up.

"Six elders!"

When they saw him, they greeted him.

He is a member of the Silver Moon Sect Presbyterian Church, ranking sixth.

"Yinyue Xuankong Pill!" Jiang Tian said coldly.


"I want this sect's secret medicine pill!"


"You are too arrogant, who do you think you are?"

Before the sixth elder could answer, the Silver Moon Sect warriors who were present were angrily rebuked.

The Yinyue Xuankong Pill is very valuable, even for them, the monthly ration is extremely limited.

If you want more medicinal pills, you can either exchange them for spirit crystals, or perform sect tasks in exchange for rewards, or you can practice hard. The various competitions held within the sect are to get good rankings.

In a word, this kind of medicine pill is extremely strictly controlled within the Yinyue Sect, even if it is an elder of the sect, it is not easy to get it.

The sixth elder was almost furious, but he still forcibly suppressed his anger.

"Your Excellency... how much do you want?"

"The more the better!" Jiang Tian said.

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