Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6822: Daoyu, here I come!

Chapter 6822 Daoyu, here I come!

A strange feeling arises spontaneously.

It seems that there is a pair of eyes in front of him, looking at him from the void!

This feeling, can't tell whether it is good or bad, but it is very strong!

At this moment, he couldn't help but be vigilant.

Once upon a time, when he just stepped into this upper realm, there was a terrifying finger that stretched out in the void.

Can't help but say that his fleshly exploded!

Recalling that "Hand of Nothingness", even if he has reached the current level, there is a deep sense of powerlessness.

You can be sure!

With his current strength, if he encounters the "Hand of Nothingness" again, even if he uses all means, he will still be unable to escape the suppression!


The vigilance in his heart urged him to leave.


Jiang Tian once again opened the "Empty Transformation Array" and fled south.

However, after leaving, he still seems to be able to sense the mysterious will that descends from space!

It's just that with the continuous escape, it gradually becomes weak.

"It's not an illusion, what is that?"

Jiang Tian looked solemn!

He couldn't be sure why.

Because he was the only one on the way, and he didn't even have a reference.

If someone else stood with him, would he also feel that mysterious will?

He can't be sure!

Jiang Tian continued to move forward, and after a few days, he came to a mountain full of spiritual energy!

"What an amazing aura!"

Feeling the aura condition here, Jiang Tian couldn't help being surprised!

Compared with the Central Domain and the "Critical Dao Domain", the aura conditions on the periphery of this mountain are more than ten times higher.

Compared with many spiritual veins he has encountered before, it is not inferior!

"Is this the Dao Domain?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were full of light, and he was greatly moved for a while.

After several days of escaping, he has left the "critical domain" far, far away.

And the aura conditions here are enough to make the "critical Dao domain" unmatched, and most of them have come to the vicinity of the Dao domain!

"The aura condition is so exaggerated, no wonder Longxuan's strength is so powerful!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but recall the fight with Long Xuan.

It is also in the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm, and the strength of Longxuan is very different from the powerhouses in the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm in the "critical Dao Domain".

If this is the domain of Taoism, with the current aura conditions, it can perfectly explain the origin of Longxuan's strength.

Not to mention the various heaven and earth treasures and rare resources unique to Daoyu, this aura condition alone can spawn countless terrifying powers that are invincible at the same level.

If it was him, after cultivating in this environment, his strength would definitely be several times greater than he is now!

"Daoyu, here I come!"

Jiang Tian suppressed his inner excitement and swept into this mountain.


The rich spiritual energy turned into layers of clouds and mist, and his bloodline and spiritual energy changed slightly between his breaths.

This kind of improvement, whether in the Middle Domain or the "Critical Dao Domain", is impossible.

If it is a martial artist with a weaker realm, such as the early starry sky realm in the Central Territory, especially the martial artist below the star realm, just staying in this environment for a few hours will be better than swallowing a large number of rare medicinal herbs and heavenly materials. precious!

"The cultivation conditions in the Dao Domain are really good. If such conditions exist in the Central Domain..."

Jiang Tian took a deep breath and was filled with emotion.

He hardly dared to think about such a scene.

If such aura conditions are spread all over the Central Territory, countless monstrous monsters will be born there.

But no way!

It is too far away from the Central Territory, and to come from the Central Territory, it is necessary to overcome the difficulty of the "critical Dao Territory".

Even the top evildoer in the Central Territory would not dare to say that it is foolproof.

The vast majority of people are likely to be unable to even get out of the boundary of the "critical Dao region", and they will be intercepted by the strong men there.

This is the difference in strength, this is the difference in the environment, and this is the cruel reality of the martial arts world!

The lower realm, the upper realm, the central realm, the critical Dao realm, the Dao realm... It seems like a huge step, and it is like a terrifying sky moat.

Every step up, you have to make extraordinary efforts, you have to go through great difficulties and dangers, and there is a possibility of falling at any time in the process.

And there are at least five such steps... The difficulty and danger among them can't be described in words!

The thoughts in Jiang Tian's mind were surging, and countless pictures changed rapidly.

It started from the first step of the Jiang family in the lower realm, and then grew into a strong one, and then crossed the boundless sea east to the territory of the demon clan, traveled westward to Shatopia, and returned to the boundless sea.

Since then, he has crossed the border, exploded the original sacred clock, and annihilated and rebuilt his body. He grew up all the way, and obtained the "Three Lives Daomu", until he established a firm foothold in the upper realm, encountered Wei Feng Wei Yu, and went through difficulties to find Su in the upper realm. Wan.

Harvest the magic vine in the beginning, and then reunited with Yun Xianghan. After going through the dangers of the dusty and secret realm, he finally won the Jiuqiao Qishan!

Until now, I have just stepped through the difficulties of the "critical Dao domain", possessing two hegemonic bodies, the physical body and the void, and all kinds of aptitudes have been improved in an all-round way... Now, I have finally arrived before the Dao domain.

Countless images flashed through his mind, and in just a short while, Jiang Tian seemed to have passed through several reincarnations, and he was in a state of emotion and filled with emotion!

"Dao Domain!"

I am Jiang Tian, ​​here we come!


Jiang Tian swallowed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and swept into the sky above the mountain.

"Hmph, the ants in the district... also dare to delusionally enter the Dao realm, beyond their own capabilities!"

A disdainful snort came from far ahead, making Jiang Tian stunned!

"Central domain ants?"

Midfield warrior!

There are midfield warriors ahead!

And it seems to have encountered a strong man in the Dao domain!

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and he immediately let go of his spiritual sense and went forward.

Ten thousand feet away stood a giant mountain, and four people stood on the top of the mountain.

One of them has a tyrannical breath!

The other three were obviously weak and turbulent, as if they had been injured!

"The Dao Territory is powerful!"

Jiang Tian's eyes brightened, and he immediately accelerated.

Needless to say, the person who sneered at the powerful aura should be the Dao domain master.

The other three people with weaker cultivation bases and injuries are naturally the Central Territory warriors!

These three people, two men and one woman, just don't know their true identities from a distance.

"Could it be them?"

Jiang Tian thought of Si Yu'er, Qin Chuan, and Yuan Chen, the three supreme evildoers in the Central Territory, and couldn't help but move!

At the time of the "critical Dao domain", the three of them once fought side by side with him to jointly maintain the martial arts luck of the central domain.

Later, they and some other top powerhouses in the Central Territory left the "critical Dao Territory" and formed a team to rush to the Dao Territory.

Two men and one woman, could it be Si Yuer and the others?

Jiang Tian couldn't help but look forward to it, but at the same time, he was also worried.

If it is them, the situation at the moment must be bad!

Even if it delays for a moment, it may be obliterated by the power of Dao Domain.


Jiang Tian immediately teleported across the vast void.

"Well, another one?"

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