Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6829: Body of Extreme Thunder

The body of extreme thunder

Press the right hand down at the same time, and a terrifying roar erupts!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

In the loud noise of the sky, the terrifying thunder exploded outside him, directly tearing thousands of feet into the void.

The expressions of the four companions changed, and they quickly retreated.

The thousand-zhang void was smashed by the terrifying thunder, and the aura of destruction filled the void!

"Hahaha, fighting with this old man, you are at least a thousand years behind!"

The old man laughed wildly, as if he had succeeded.

In fact, he did not want to resort to such means.

Because this method is too domineering, in the middle stage of Yuanshen Realm, he dare not carry it hard, otherwise his physical body will be severely damaged.

But after witnessing Jiang Tian's previous shot, he had no scruples.

This supreme monster from the Central Territory, the physical strength has reached the level of the middle stage of the original god, and he also has the dual hegemony of space and physical body.

Such a physique is enough to allow him to save his life under the power of "Extinguishing Sky Thunder".

But under the bombardment of such a violent thunder, serious injuries are inevitable, and then you only need to calm down and take it down smoothly.

"Phew! Finally got it!"

"I didn't expect that a junior in the starry sky would make us pay such a price. Is the junior in the middle domain already so evil?"

"Huh? No!"

"Be careful!"

Looking at the void blasted by thunder, the four companions who retreated into the distance exhaled sullen breaths, as if the dust had settled.

However, the next moment, their faces changed!

"Huh?" The old man opposite was shocked!

He has already used the "Destroying Extreme Thunder", could there be any accident?

The exclamations of the same people shocked him, but he still had the extremely thunderous body protection, so he could protect himself.

No matter how strong the opponent's physical body is, if he dares to force a shot, he will be injured by the shock of extreme thunder.

Even if he doesn't have time to dodge, the worst result is that both sides lose!

After being injured, facing the siege of five people, Jiang Tian naturally could not escape!

Thinking of this, the old man already had a bottom in his heart.

He let go of his spiritual sense and glanced around, only to find that Jiang Tian was standing opposite him.

At this time, Jiang Tian was not injured!

There was even a disdainful sneer on the corner of his mouth!


The old man's face changed suddenly!

"Destroying the Sky Extreme Thunder" is one of his trump cards, and its power is terrifying.

Relying on this method, he has killed many powerful enemies, and quite a few of them were opponents stronger than him.

Why did you miss out in front of a starry sky junior today?

"not good!"

The old man's heart was turbulent, and he suddenly thought of some possibility!

The body of thunder attribute talent!


Thinking of this, the old man's face changed greatly!

If the guess is true, his proud trump card will be completely useless to Jiang Tian.

呲 La... bang rumbling!

At this time, Jiang Tian was surrounded by golden thunder and lightning, and countless thunders danced wildly like golden snakes, hitting him one after another.

Shockingly, these thunderbolts failed to cause the slightest trauma to the belt, but all submerged into his body.

"Thunder-devouring body, you are the thunder-devouring body!"

The old man was completely shocked!

The power of "Destroying the Sky Extreme Thunder" is extremely terrifying, and few people in the entire Yuantong City can hold it.

It was through this means that he gained a firm foothold in Yuanheng Commercial Bank and became prosperous.

Unexpectedly, it was actually carried in the hands of a junior in the middle domain today!

The back waves of the Yangtze River pushed the front waves, and the junior Zhongyu he was determined to win turned out to be his nemesis!

At this moment, the old man was extremely furious.

He thought he had settled for the other party, but after all, he was careless.

Knowing that the other party is a "thunder-devouring body", he will definitely find another way, but it is too late now!

"This thunder force is very pure and very good!"

Crack... boom!

Jiang Tian raised his hand and held it, and the old man's body suddenly tightened.

The golden thunder shield on the surface of the body shrank sharply, pressing **** him.

The old man is also a thunder attribute physique, called "the body of extreme thunder"!

This physique is quite similar to the "Thunder-devouring Body", and to some extent has the same effect.

In terms of aggression and destructive power alone, the "Extreme Thunder Body" is even stronger than the "Thunder Devourer".

However, in terms of the ability to swallow and bear the power of thunder, it is slightly inferior.

Especially after reaching a certain limit, its power will decline and it will be strongly backlashed.

At this moment, Jiang Tian is suppressing the opponent with thunder force.

After the momentary shock, the old man shouted loudly!

"It's useless! Even if you have a body that eats thunder, with your level, you can't do it if you want to crush the old man's body of extreme thunder!"

The old man calmed himself down.

He did underestimate his opponent's heritage, but so what?

Although the opponent is not afraid of lightning strikes, it is simply whimsical to suppress him by means of lightning power.

As a "extremely thunderous body", the most fearless thing is thunder force.

The other party is a whole big realm lower than him, and if he wants to use the thunder force to crush him, he can't do it at all!

"Then try it!"

Jiang Tian sneered and clenched his right hand.

bab la la... bang rumbling!

The "Leiyuan Immortal Body" was crazy, and endless thunder force surged out.

Purple Gold Thunder!

Jiang Tian did not use ordinary thunder power, but the powerful Ziji golden thunder!

With the support of the "Leiyuan Immortal Body", the rolling thunder struck the old man like a tsunami.

At first, the old man was a little disapproving, and even ridiculed his face.

But soon, he felt unusual pressure!

呲 lah... ka cha... rumbling!

"No, no!"

The corners of the old man's eyes jumped wildly, and he found that the thunder force blasted by Jiang Tian had reached the limit he could bear.

But the opponent has not stopped, and continues!

"Stop, stop!"

The old man screamed loudly.

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and he didn't stop.

呲 lah... ka cha... rumbling!

The biggest advantage of "Leiyuan Immortal Body" is that it has an almost inexhaustible thunder force.

Compared with the original "Thunder Devouring Body", the "Leiyuan Immortal Body" can both be swallowed and released to the extreme.

And the biggest feature of "Thunder Devourer" is mainly to swallow!

The "Leiyuan Immortal Body" can both swallow and spit, and various characteristics kill the "Thunder Devouring Body" in seconds.

"No, you're not a lightning body, what kind of lightning body are you?"

The old man was horrified and roared sharply.

Jiang Tian was too lazy to pay attention, and his clenched right hand exerted force again.

Crack... boom boom!

The old man's body was extremely suppressed, and he had to do his best to resist.

呲 la... clack... bang rumbling!

The rolling thunder force was released by him, trying to forcibly open the golden thunder shield and get rid of Jiang Tian's suppression.

A trace of ridicule flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes, and he reversed the "Leiyuan Immortal Body" and swallowed it!


Crack clap... rumbling rumbling!

"Do not!"

The old man let out a desperate roar, but the thunder force poured out uncontrollably, and was swallowed up by the opponent!

Thunder Devourer!

This is clearly the super talent that the Thunder Devourer can only have!

But the infinite thunder force that suppressed him to death made him feel terrified and confused.

"What kind of lightning body are you?"

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