Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6839: red medicine pot

Red medicine pot

As the young master of the Chiyue family, he will soon participate in the Supernova Conference.

And the opponents at the Supernova Conference are all the top demons in the Dao domain, and their combat power is extremely strong!

Some people are even more powerful than the powerhouses of the older generation!

Facing the upcoming test, he must try his best to improve his cultivation.

In fact, the family has prepared a lot for him, but he also has his own plans.

This is also the reason why he insisted on coming regardless of Old He's objection when he saw the change of spiritual power!

The young man stretched out his left hand to his chest, and the palm of his hand flashed, and a red medicine pot appeared!

The whole body of this pot is crimson red, and the surface is wrapped with mysterious white filaments, exuding a wonderful breath.

It's called Tiantian Pot!

He will use this magic weapon to deal with the advancing warrior in front of him, capture the opponent's luck, and devour the spiritual energy of the sky and earth in this void!

Compared with the orthodox cultivation method, the spiritual change caused by the martial artist's advancement is more pure and violent.

Devouring and refining these spiritual powers will greatly shorten his cultivation time and significantly improve his combat power.

It can be said to be an excellent means to do more with less!

The red flying boat flew into the mountain and lay on the source of the spiritual power change.

The red-robed youth took one step forward, standing in the air and looking down.

I saw a strange warrior sitting cross-legged at the source of the heavy storm.

That violent aura emanated from this person!

"Good one... Huh?"

The red-robed boy's eyes twitched, and his face became extremely surprised.

The opponent was not a mid-level Primordial Divine Realm warrior, nor was he in the early stage of Primordial Divine Realm.

It's just a star-level martial artist!

"how is this possible?"

The red-robed youth was secretly surprised!

Starry sky warriors can cause such a large-scale spiritual change, and the aptitude of the opponent is greatly unexpected.

"Well, what's the origin of this man?"

At this time, Old He had also discovered the strangeness.

The junior starry sky realm can trigger a spiritual change comparable to the middle stage of the original **** realm.

This should not be an ordinary martial artist from the periphery of Dao Territory. It is likely to be a descendant from a large force in the depths of Dao Territory.

Even if the identity is not as good as the red-robed youth, I am afraid that he has a lot of background!

"Young Master, be careful!"

Elder He immediately reminded, with a solemn expression.

"Do you know him?" the red-robed boy asked.

He Lao stared at the warrior below, carefully feeling the spiritual energy in the void, and slowly shook his head.

"I don't know, but judging from this movement, the other party is likely to be a descendant of a major force in the Dao domain!"

He couldn't see the origin of the other party at all, and could only make some guesses based on the signs in front of him.

The red-robed youth smiled coldly: "Since you don't know each other, then it's fine!"

"Little Lord!"

Old He's face changed slightly, and he was about to stop it, but the red-robed youth directly shot.


I saw his left hand shake, and the red medicine pot flew out.

The body of the pot flipped over and hung upside down in the void.

White light surged at the mouth of the pot, and a huge suction force suddenly enveloped the void!


In the violent roar, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the tens of thousands of meters of void poured out and poured into the medicine pot.

"This..." Elder He frowned, and a complex color flashed in his eyes.

He knew what this young master was doing, and he also understood what it meant for the unfamiliar warrior below.

If it was in the central area of ​​Taoism, he might stop the young master, but considering that this was in the outer area, and the red-robed youth had made up his mind, he would not be able to forcibly stop him.

Bang rumbling... clack clack!

The red medicine pot was madly sucking the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the void, and the shock wave of spiritual power that had spread rapidly outward was torn apart at this moment, turning into a long line of spiritual energy and pouring into the medicine pot.

The aura of heaven and earth rubbed violently, and even terrifying thunders were born outside the mouth of the pot!


Jiang Tian, ​​who was staring at the refining medicinal power in the forest below, suddenly changed his face!

His practice was too focused, and the changes caused by it were so strong that he couldn't notice the changes in the sky for a while.

Until this moment, the mutation suddenly occurred, and he realized that the situation was not right!

Looking up, I saw a red flying boat suspended in the sky.

In front of the flying boat, there was a figure standing in the air, with a magic weapon suspended in front of him, madly swallowing the spiritual energy of the sky and the earth!

"No reason!"

Jiang Tian was instantly furious!

The other party didn't say hello, and directly devoured the spiritual change caused by him with a magic weapon, obviously to take advantage of him.

Fortunately, he was only refining the medicinal power, not on the way to the advanced stage, otherwise he might have suffered a backlash at this moment and was seriously injured.

This act of robbing one's luck is tantamount to seeking money and killing one's life!

Jiang Tian's heart was full of anger!

At this moment, I can no longer care about continuing to practice, and the medicinal power in the body is forcibly banned, and a long whistle rises into the sky!

"Who is coming, why did you take my luck?"

In the face of Jiang Tian's questioning, the red-robed youth was full of disdain.

Extend your right hand and press down!


A violent roar suddenly sounded, and a three thousand-foot-long red palm print suddenly appeared, and it slammed straight down towards Jiang Tian.

He Laoben wanted to intercept, but seeing this situation, he couldn't help feeling relieved.

Although this young master has a arrogant temperament, his talent and aptitude are indeed very strong, and it is almost impossible to block the middle stage of the general Primordial Divine Realm with this palm.

Presumably the young genius of this star realm cannot escape.


Purple light appears!

Jiang Tian punched out, shattering the red giant palm from the air, and continued to step up.



This collision made Jiang Tian and the red-robed boy a little surprised.

Jiang Tian was surprised that this punch did not completely disperse the huge red palm, but only blasted a hole nearly a hundred feet in the palm.

To the surprise of the red-robed youth, this palm failed to knock the opponent down, but was instead broken open by the opponent!

"It seems that you do have some background, but since I have already shot, it is impossible for you to leave alive!"

The red-robed boy knows the truth of cutting grass and rooting.

Although he is extremely proud, he will not leave any hidden dangers for himself.

After all, there are many forces in the depths of the Dao Domain, each of which is very strong, and it is impossible for him to know all of them.

Only after completely solving this strange warrior can he go to the Supernova Conference with confidence.

The red-robed boy tapped the medicine pot with his left hand, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was poured back at an accelerated rate!

He grabbed his right hand in the air, and the five fingers of the red giant palm folded together, intending to imprison Jiang Tian.

Bang rumbling... clack clack!

The giant scarlet palm stirred the void to make a terrifying loud noise, and the heavy pressure spread out and enveloped Jiang Tian instantly, causing his speed to be greatly reduced!

"But so!"

The red-robed youth looked disdainful, as if he had seen Jiang Tian being suppressed.


Violet burst!

The powerful space spiritual power suddenly swayed, and the crimson giant palm that was kneaded quickly exploded in an instant!

"Space Secret Art!" The red-robed boy's eyes shrank sharply, and his eyes turned cold!

If the scene just now only made him a little surprised, then this time, he really felt some kind of threat.

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