Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6857: The power of the starry sky transforms!

Chapter 6857 The power of the starry sky transforms!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

puff puff... wow!

More than a dozen opponents were instantly crushed by him, and six or seven of them died directly.

The rest of the people were also seriously injured, and they were no longer able to maintain the bloodline vision.


Witnessing this scene, everyone gasped again and was shocked!

"The bloodline vision can't stop him!"

"Strange, why didn't he use the legendary instant kill skill?"

Everyone suddenly thought of a question, Jiang Tian didn't use the legendary instant killing skill!

Why is this?

If he is really as powerful as rumored, why bother with his opponents, isn't it faster to use the instant kill directly to harvest?

Everyone's thoughts rolled in their hearts, and they couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Instant killing technique? Hmph, how can it be that simple!"

"Yes, I think there is some kind of limit on his instant killing ability, otherwise, no matter how many people there are, wouldn't it be useless to him?"

"Yeah, in this case, it's impossible to think about it!"

After a brief contemplation, everyone shook their heads.

Although the instant killing technique is powerful, it is easy to use when facing a group attack, but it cannot be unlimited.

If Jiang Tian can use instant killing skills indefinitely, does it mean that even if there are thousands of Yuanshen realm powerhouses, they can easily harvest them?

If so, wouldn't it be too exaggerated?

Are the others all papery?

"Don't even think about it, that's obviously impossible!"

"No matter how strong the instant killing technique is, there is a limit after all!"

"It seems that his instant killing ability should have encountered a bottleneck, or he used it too frequently before, and he can't use it for the time being!"

"Have you noticed, he just shot, seems to have been a little reluctant, should have reached the limit!"

"What are you waiting for?"

"Kill it!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

In an instant, more than 30 middle-stage powerhouses of the Yuanshen Realm were killed!

They directly launched the bloodline vision, and several of them also released some extremely special abnormal fluctuations!

"The power of the original **** realm!"

Jiang Tian had never felt this kind of power.

Even Long Xuan and He Lao have never felt it!

Based on this alone, it is impossible to determine whether the two have such power, but that his strength at the time was simply not enough for the other party to use this level of power.

And now, in the face of him who has taken the initiative, these powerhouses of the original gods did not hesitate to show this kind of power!

"The power of the original **** realm, very good!"

Jiang Tian is in high spirits!

He was waiting for this opportunity!

This is what he wants!


Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Tian stepped out and pointed at the opponents who had unlocked the power of the original god.


The power of several Yuanshen realm bombarded.

The moment he came into contact with this power, Jiang Tian's body froze slightly, as if he was stuck in the mud.

A few people on the opposite side are full of ecstasy!

Who says Jiang Tian can't be suppressed?

What is the use of the body no matter how strong it is?

In front of the powerful "Power of the Original God Realm", it's not about being crushed!


"kill him!"

Several urged the power of the original gods to suppress Jiang Tian with all their strength, and couldn't wait to greet their companions to shoot at Jiang Tian.

Opportunities are hard to come by, don't miss them!

In Jiang Tian's eyes, a sneering color suddenly flashed!

The town of the power of the original **** is very strong, and it can cause him a little trouble.

But that's it!

"The power of the stars!"


Jiang Tian shouted wildly, and a strange aura erupted from his body!



"The power of the stars!"

"how is this possible?"

The powerhouses of Yuanshen Realm were shocked!

The power of the starry sky is a kind of power unique to starry sky warriors.

It is in the same vein as the power of fate, the power of reincarnation, the power of breaking the void, the power of stars, and the power of the galaxy!

But not all warriors can awaken this power!

In fact, with the continuous improvement of the martial artist's realm, every time a big realm is improved, a considerable number of people will have power faults and cannot awaken the power of the corresponding realm.

Jiang Tian obviously does not belong to this type of person. He has successfully awakened the power of the starry sky along the way!

At the moment when this breath appeared, Jiang Tian unbelievably got rid of the suppression of the power of the original god.

The body regained self-control in an instant, and was no longer affected by the people on the opposite side.

This scene shocked the powerhouses of the original gods who besieged him!

Without waiting for the opponents to react, Jiang Tian decisively began to devour!

"Give it to me!"

The Swallowing Void Art was unfolded, and the power of the original God realm shrouded in his body disappeared instantly, and he was swallowed up by him!


Jiang Tian's body swayed slightly, and his own breath changed significantly.

The "power of the starry sky" emanating from the body evolves towards a higher altitude.

"Transformation! His power is changing!"

"Devouring the power of the original **** at the level of the starry sky is too exaggerated!"

Everyone gritted their teeth, and their scalps were a little numb.

There are almost no records of such things in the martial arts books.

And now, they have actually seen it with their own eyes!

"What are you still doing? Hurry up!"

"Right now, strangle him!"

Boom boom boom... boom boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and everyone desperately shot, ready to take the opportunity of Jiang Tian's change of breath to kill him.

If he waits until his transformation is complete, he will only become more passive!


Rumble rumble!

All kinds of spiritual power erupted wildly, and the terrifying roar drowned the void.

Everyone's offensive seemed to fall on Jiang Tian.

But the next moment, a strange force suddenly rippling!

Om... rumble!

At the moment when this power swayed, everyone had a terrifying feeling that they could not help themselves, as if they were being pushed by a huge wave and their bodies were constantly turbulent.

"not good!"

"My God!"

Everyone's face changed greatly!

Especially the powerhouses who were devoured by the power of the original **** realm, this power made them both unfamiliar and familiar.

It is mixed with the breath of the power of the original god, but it is different!

That is the power of the starry sky, the power of the starry sky after combining the power of the original gods!


"His star power has been transformed!"

"How to do?"

Everyone was shocked, and some couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

Jiang Tian resisted the maddening attacks of the crowd, and abruptly completed the transformation of his power!

"What else can I do? Kill it!"


Everyone has no way out.

If you don't kill Jiang Tian now, you will never have a chance.

And the most serious problem is: even if they don't kill Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Tian may not let them go!

Jiang Tian, ​​who has completed the transformation of power, is obviously stronger than before.

In this case, will the brigade let them go?

Obviously not!

So they have no way out, only a dead end!


Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Everyone burst out with all their strength, all unfolding the bloodline vision!

This Void Vision masterpiece, one after another powerful bloodline phantoms emerged, almost bursting this Void!

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