Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6861: fairy magic weapon

Chapter 6861 Immortal rank magic weapon

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the dozens of mid-level Primordial Divine Realm powerhouses who were closest to Jiang Tian recklessly launched a frantic attack, preparing to kill Jiang Tian.

At this moment, they no longer have too much extravagant expectations, knowing that Jiang Tian is not so easy to deal with.

Even if it is shot at this time, I am afraid that there will be a considerable price to pay.

But they have no second choice. If they retreat at this moment, they will definitely be killed by Jiang Tian, ​​and in the end, few people will be able to escape!

So even if you lose your life, you have to replace him!

At least that way, there are still a large number of people who can pick up the ultimate benefit.

As for who can survive this fierce fight, it depends on their luck!

Boom boom boom... boom boom!

One after another terrifying offensive attacked Jiang Tian, ​​and some people even threw the magic weapon directly and launched the strongest attack in their life!

buzzing... buzzing!

A violent roar suddenly resounded through the void!

One after another purple array pattern spread rapidly, delaying everyone's offensive to the greatest extent.

The purple-black "sword domain" unfolded again, turning into a circular sword domain that rotated and spread outward.


Chi chi chi... puff puff!

Everyone was forcibly forced back by the "Jianyu", and had to shoot again.

After a loud noise, the sword domain belt was forcibly torn apart.

And Jiang Tian's star power is still changing!

"so slow?"

Jiang Tian frowned!

Although the transformation time has only passed two or three breaths, it seems to be extremely long.

Because he devoured more than 20 Yuanshen powers at a time, and these Yuanshen powers all came from powerful mid-term powerhouses, the fusion was slower.

"Jiang Tian, ​​die!"


Suddenly, three figures attacked and killed!

The three powerhouses in the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm tore apart the raging waves of spiritual power and came to Jiang Tian, ​​ready to forcibly kill them.

At this time, Jiang Tian, ​​the power of the starry sky has not completely completed the transformation.

In the process of transformation, Jiang Tian's own aura was turbulent, and it was difficult for him to do anything to them.

Even if you force a shot, your combat power will be greatly affected!

For them, this is a great opportunity, and if it is missed, there will be no second chance!

"kill him!"

The three of them drank wildly, preparing to kill Jiang Tian desperately.

Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the transformation of the power of the starry sky, suddenly raised his head, and there was a strange sneer at the corner of his mouth!


呲 La... bang rumbling!

Black light appears!

A wicked thunder swept out of Jiang Tian's eyes, and it was divided into three and submerged into the three opponents' Divine Sea.


"Do not……"


The three of them let out shrill screams, and rolled over when the sky curled up.

Chi Chi!

Jiang Tian pointed out a purple sword intent and slashed the heads of the three of them.


After beheading the three, he let out a sullen breath.

Fortunately, there is such a powerful method as Nie Lei, otherwise he might have been attacked by the opponent this time.

Even if not beheaded, most will pay a huge price.


Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and shouted, the power of the starry sky accelerated, and finally completed the final transformation!


After the transformation was completed, Jiang Tian was filled with an unprecedented powerful feeling.

Looking around, the remaining more than 100 Yuanshen realm powerhouses no longer have the power of Yuanshen for him to swallow.

For him, the powerhouses of the original gods without the power of the original gods are just a group of ants, and it is not worth his time to waste!


Starfall Instant Killing Technique!

One of seventy-five!

Not reaching the limit?

It can be regenerated!


In addition to the seventy-five figures, another few appeared again, and there were as many as eighty "Jiang Tian" in this void!

Eighty "Jiang Tian" shot at the same time, and the purple sword intent slashed wildly.

Eighty heads flew up in an instant, and then fell down like raindrops, falling to the ground with the eighty corpses.

"Do not!"

"Go, let's go!"

"Can we still go?"

Witnessing this horrific scene, everyone was completely frightened.

The remaining dozens of people have lost the will to fight, but they are also in a dilemma.

Enter, there is a dead end!


Can you walk away?

No need for Jiang Tian to threaten, they all know that they are doomed!

"Don't struggle, let's hit the road together!"


Jiang Tian launched the instant killing technique again, but this time it was only at will.

Because beheading the remaining dozens of people, there is no need to motivate them with all their strength.

Chi Chi... puff puff!

The purple light disappeared like a star, and dozens of middle-stage powerhouses in the Yuanshen Realm separated their heads and died on the spot!


The space spiritual power scrolled, and more than a hundred storage rings and hundreds of magical treasures flew back upside down.

"Immortal magic weapon!"

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up, his eyes fell on the two deep-breathing magic weapons.

This is a long spear wrapped around a golden dragon and a silver gong with a bright blue light.

The grades of the two are obviously higher than other magic weapons, and they are both immortal grades!

The former is the main attack, and the latter is the defense, which is very rare!

In addition to the Chi Ling Ke obtained by beheading Chi Heng before, this is already the second and third fairy magic weapon he has harvested!


Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, but he was not particularly excited.

Because he is no longer the "critical Dao domain" he was.

At that time, the magic weapon of the Immortal Rank might have been extremely precious to him, but now, it feels nothing more than that.

The power of the fairy-rank magic weapon is indeed stronger, and the rank is more perfect, but compared with those top-level immortal-rank remnants, there is no difference in the power.

But in fact, his confidence stems more from the few treasures he already owns.

Whether it is the Chixue sword marrow or the giant demon's hand bone, the power is not under the immortal treasure, and it will even continue to become stronger as his cultivation level improves!

There is also the Yuantian Sacred Bell that he once controlled, and the Immortal Jue Treasure that he personally refined, those are also extremely powerful existences.

All of these have become his strong confidence.

Let him not be as fanatical and excited as others when facing all kinds of magic weapons.

"Hundred Refinements City!"

Jiang Tian looked at Bailian City tens of thousands of meters away, and his eyes flickered.

This distance, for a powerhouse of his level, is within walking distance!

But he was not too eager, but stepped on the void and moved forward at a slow pace.

at this time!

In front of the Baizhang Stone Monument Tiandao Monument in the center of Bailian City, a large number of warriors are watching!


Accompanied by a huge buzzing sound, the Baizhang Stone Monument was released through the brilliance, casting a virtual shadow of a thousand-zhang giant monument!

"It's coming, it's coming!"

"It starts again!"

"This is the third time we've hit the list today. Who will it be this time?"

"Will it still be that person?"

"Impossible, this kind of thing has never happened in the history of Daoyu, I bet it won't be him!"

"Who will it be? Could it be a strong person in the forefront?"

"Impossible! The higher the ranking, the harder it is to change. I guess most of the rankings are starting to change."

"Changes in the list beyond 20,000 will not cause any changes in the Heavenly Dao Monument, which means that this person's ranking should still be very high!"

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