Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6864: Who is Jiang Tian, ​​who is Jiang Tian?

Chapter 6864 Who is Jiang Tian, ​​who is Jiang Tian?


The crowd that had just dispersed, gathered around again.

Although the square in front of the city lord's mansion is very large, there are too many warriors to watch the battle, and the whole square has long been crowded.

The reason why they spread out and vacated such a large space before was mainly because they were afraid of disturbing Song Yuan's sight.

But now, in the face of this young warrior who was excluded by them, of course, they will not be polite any more.

Everyone gathered around again and looked around at the same time, trying to find out Song Yuan's real goal!

Jiang Tian stood there, seemingly unresponsive.

However, Song Yuan spoke up again!

"Since Your Excellency has already appeared, there is no need to waste any more time, just come on stage!"

This time, everyone can see clearly!

The target of Song Yuan's battle was clearly the mid-star warriors who had just been excluded by them!


"Really him?"

"how is this possible?"

"Is he really capable of competing with Song Yuan?"

Everyone stopped, leaving a space of dozens of feet.

Countless lines of sight surrounded Jiang Tian, ​​some were shocked, some were horrified, and more were puzzled.

This junior in the middle of the starry sky can actually make Song Yuan take the initiative to speak up and insist on fighting!

What's so special about him?

"It seems that the breath is a little stronger?"

"He should have a certain level of leapfrog combat power!"

"Earth-level combat power? Haha, in front of Song Yuan, who would dare to call himself a high-level combat power?"

"But it's obviously impossible for an ordinary opponent to make Song Yuan so active!"

"That's right, it seems that this person should have some abilities that we don't know about!"

Of course everyone didn't believe that Jiang Tian had strength, but they would not doubt Song Yuan's judgment.

Since Song Yuan did this, there must be his reason!

"Boy, Song Yuan called you, didn't you hear?"

"Don't waste his time, people are waiting!"

"go quickly!"


The dense crowd quickly tore a passage from the edge of the square to the edge of the ring under Song Yuan!

"I'm Bailikong, the elder of the city lord's mansion, who is supervising the supernova competition. Who is coming? Sign up!"

After confirming the target, Elder Baili suppressed the doubts in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

This is the practice of Hundred Refinements City and Supernova Challenge.

Every martial artist who boarded the Xing Lei must report his identity, otherwise he will not be allowed to appear on the stage.

At this moment, everyone is full of curiosity!

Who will this man be?

What is his origin and background?

Why can Song Yuan insist on calling for war?

This mystery is obviously about to be revealed soon!

"Zhongyu, Jiang Tian!"

The words spread, and Elder Baili's eyes shrank slightly, with a shocked expression on his face!

"Central domain warrior?"

"Who? Jiang Tian!"

"Who is Jiang Tian?"

"Hey, this name...why does it sound familiar to me?"

"I also feel like I heard it somewhere, but why can't I remember it?"

The warriors in the square looked at each other and fell into confusion for a while.

Does this name seem familiar?

But where did you see it?

"You are Jiang Tian?"

Elder Baili asked in a deep voice, watching Jiang Tian come step by step.


Jiang Tian walked on foot and walked towards the ring slowly.

An invisible pressure rushed towards him, making him stunned for a moment!

Before entering the ring, the other party has already begun to test?



Jiang Tian immediately dismissed the thought just now.

This is not Song Yuan's temptation, but an indescribable special will!

At this time, Song Yuan did not take the initiative.

But there is indeed an inexplicable will surging between the two people who are thousands of feet apart!

Although this will was not released by Song Yuan on his own initiative, it was indeed caused by him!

"What kind of secret technique is this?"

Jiang Tian frowned in confusion.

If it is the pressure released by the warrior deliberately, no matter how strong he is, he will not be afraid.

But at this moment, the special will between him and Song Yuan made him deeply puzzled!

If Song Yuan didn't release it deliberately, what was it?

At this time, Song Yuan also frowned!

This will originated from him, but it was not his intention to release it.

But it was caused by some kind of Qi secret technique he cultivated on his own!

It was this kind of qi secret technique that made him directly lock Jiang Tian under the affection he had never met before!

Watching Jiang Tian step into the ring, Song Yuan's whole body was surging with fighting intent, almost turning into a substantive coercion and leaving his body.

Elder Baili's expression was solemn, and he looked at Jiang Tian with a strange look, as if a little unbelievable.

"You...are Jiang Tian on the Taoist Palace reward list?"

Could it be just a coincidence that this Jiang Tian is not the other Jiang Tian?

Will it just be the same name?

Hundred Refinements City is so big, it is not uncommon to have the same name and surname.

Jiang Tian's name looks ordinary, and the same name is normal, right?

It shouldn't be so coincidental, this Jiang Tian is Jiang Tian on the Taoist Palace reward list, right?

Various questions tumbled in Bailikong's mind, and he even set an answer for himself in advance.

This Jiang Tian will probably not be that Jiang Tian!

"If there is only one Jiang Tian on the reward list, it should be me."

Jiang Tian said lightly, and stepped onto the ring step by step.

"Really you?"

Bailikong was surprised!

He didn't expect that the other party would admit it directly!

If it was him, it was too late to deny it, this kid actually admitted it directly!

Song Yuan was a little puzzled.

Judging from Elder Baili's reaction, the identity of the other party seems to be somewhat hidden.

But as for what, he didn't know.

After all, for the past few months, he has been in the two-point line between the City Lord's Mansion and Xing Lei, and he has not paid attention to the outside world.

Is the name "Jiang Tian" special?

"Elder Baili, is there a problem with his identity?" Song Yuan asked.

"Not only is there a problem, the problem is quite big!"

Bailikong took a deep breath and let out a sullen breath.

"Elder please clarify your doubts!" ​​Song Yuan continued to ask, a little impatient.

"If his identity is true, then he is someone listed on the Taoist Palace's reward list!"

"It's not easy to be on the Taoist Palace's reward list, but to participate in the Star Challenge!"

Song Yuan nodded slowly and looked at Jiang Tian carefully.

The Dao Palace bounty list is almost a must-kill list!

Except for the mysterious and terrifying existences at the top of the list, almost everyone on the list will disappear for the first time in order to protect themselves!

But even so, there are too many people who have no time to hide, and are killed by the tide of powerhouses.

The corpse will be taken away by the other party in exchange for a reward from the Taoist Palace!

If Jiang Tian is really on the Dao Palace bounty list and dares to come here to challenge Xing Lei, it is enough to show that he has extraordinary courage and courage!

"No, that's not the point!" Elder Baili shook his head slowly with a solemn expression.

"What's the point?" Song Yuan frowned.

"The point is, he refreshed the list three times in a row within half a day!"

"Huh?" The corners of Song Yuan's eyes narrowed, surprised!

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