Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6866: Space hegemony?

Chapter 6866 Space hegemony?

"Oh... okay!"

The scholar-like warrior took out a spiritual stone bag and shook it.

"Ten thousand spirit crystals, this is all my net worth."

"Are you really here?"


The shopkeeper of Chase was happy.

This man is such a fool!

I just broke the spirit crystal like this, and if I didn't cover it in my pocket, I even insisted on sending it out.

I really don't know what he was thinking!

But don't want ten thousand spirit crystals for nothing, as the shopkeeper of the casino, of course he has to win this business.

"Come on, I'll bill you!"

As he said that, he was about to take over the spirit crystal in the opponent's side.

Just then, someone suddenly shouted.

"Come to me and lose two thousand for one!"

"My side, pay three thousand for one!"

"One for ten thousand!"

Several casinos and firms have offered prices, one by one outrageous.

But everyone understands that the higher the odds, the more stable it is to lose!

After all, if people dare to open it like this, it is specified that they will not lose money.

Who knows, the scholar turned his head and walked over just like a fool.

I came to the booth of the Jinyuan Trading Company that pays 10,000 yuan and placed all 10,000 spirit crystals!

"Ten thousand spirit crystals, hold Jiang Tian!"

"Receive 10,000 spirit crystals, bet on Jiang Tiansheng, the odds are 10,000!"

The shopkeeper of Jinyuan Commercial Bank opened a bet slip, patted the scholar on the shoulder, and laughed.

"Hahaha, you are going to develop, you are going to make a lot of money, if Jiang Tian wins, you will have 100 million spirit crystals!"

"Oh... borrow the shopkeeper Ji Yan!"

Borrow a fart!

The shopkeeper laughed wildly in his heart, and kept saying good things like "Congratulations, getting rich, and being polite".

Everyone looks at this scholar like a fool.

At this time, the scholar was still nodding to the shopkeeper, looking a little dumb.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, no wonder the casinos make so much money, after all, there are too many fools in this world.

Even if you know it's a pit and jump into it, what else can you say about such a person?

"Hahaha, is there still a fellow Daoist who bet against Jiang Tian? Our Jinyuan Trading Company will pay 10,000 yuan for each!"


In the face of the behavior of the shopkeeper of Jinyuan Commercial Bank who got cheap and good behavior, everyone was very contemptuous, and they rolled their eyes one after another.

At this point, the competition on the ring has begun!

According to the rules, all casinos and businesses will immediately stop betting and close the book at the moment when both parties take action!

"Guess how many moves he can survive under Song Yuan?"

"I think three moves are sure to defeat!"

"Be conservative, five tricks, right?"

"Be safe, you won't be able to survive until ten strokes!"

Everyone opened their mouths one after another, guessing the results of the competition.

Everyone is optimistic about Song Yuan.

At this time, no one paid attention to that poor scholar anymore.

The mere 10,000 spirit crystals were too embarrassed to take out, and the key was remanded to Jiang Tian. Isn't this an idiot?

On the Xing Lei, Song Yuan did not despise Jiang Tian, ​​and after the competition started, he took the initiative to attack!


I saw a flash of white light, and the violent blood force suddenly erupted, turning into a terrifying white hurricane and rolling towards Jiang Tian.

"Space hegemony?"

Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed, secretly surprised!

This white hurricane seems to be the condensation of spiritual power, but in fact it contains the power of overbearing space.


Jiang Tian suddenly discovered that Song Yuan was not a true space hegemon.

It's just that his bloodline contains a powerful space spiritual power!

"I see!"

The bloodline of Song and Yuan Dynasty should be a special kind of bloodline.

Space spiritual power is contained in his bloodline power, so it will have such terrifying power when it is displayed.

"Good come!"

Jiang Tian shouted loudly and directly unfolded the Void Domination Body!

Song Yuan has no reservations, and of course he does not need to reserve!

Among the evildoers of the younger generation, Song Yuan is indeed a strong opponent!

And from the beginning to the end, the other party did not show any slights, and this alone deserves his respect.

rumbling rumbling!

Once the Void Overlord body was unfolded, Jiang Tian clasped his hands together and spun it left and right!

Crack...bang, boom!

The seemingly violent white hurricane was instantly broken into several pieces!

There was an uproar!


"Oh my God!"

"What a powerful method!"

"This Jiang Tian doesn't seem so unbearable!"

The Square of the City Lord's Mansion exclaimed, and the elder Baili, who was supervising the test, also changed slightly!

"Space Domination!"

He found that Jiang Tian was the real space hegemon.

Because only space hegemony can crack Song Yuan's powerful offensive.

"Space Overlord, no, it's Void Overlord!"

The corners of Song Yuan's eyes shrank, and his heart was shocked!

In his bloodline spiritual power, he was born with a powerful space power.

This not only makes him invincible at the same level, but also makes him have a powerful leap-forward combat power.

Other warriors need to cultivate deliberately to master the space spiritual power, and he only needs to practice normally, the space power in the blood will continue to become stronger.

Because of this, the power of space, which is invaluable to others, is just an instinct for him, but that's it!

Seeing that the white hurricane was cut off by Jiang Tian, ​​Song Yuan did not panic at all!

With a big wave of his hand, the several hurricanes that had just broken all exploded, turning into pieces of mighty white clouds that shrouded down!

"What method is this?"


Song Yuan has never used such a method since he ascended to the Xing Lei.

As soon as Jiang Tian appeared on the stage, he made him show such skills, and this contest suddenly had a trace of suspense.

But even now, no one thinks Jiang Tian can win!

After all, Song Yuan's performance, they witnessed more than once.

His power has long been convincing!

"Void Rebellion!"


Song Yuan's violent shout resounded throughout the audience!

At the same time as the voice sounded, the mighty white cloud tumbled violently like boiling water in a pot.

The void covered by billowing clouds is distorted and turbulent, as if time and space are chaotic, extremely terrifying!

What is even more terrifying is that in this chaotic void, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has become extremely violent and extremely dangerous!

"Void Rebellion?"

Jiang Tian's face changed slightly, and he already felt unprecedented pressure.

The "Void Rebellion" that Song Yuan used was somewhat similar to the way he used the Void Overlord talent to rotate his hands together to make the Void fault.

To a certain extent, there is the beauty of the same thing!

But his method requires mutual rotation of both hands to control the display, and "Void Rebellion" is maintained by the power of the blood on behalf of Song Yuan, and once it is used, it does not require deliberate control.

Therefore, in the eyes of most people, Song Yuan's methods seem to be slightly better!

"Scary, terrible!"

"That void has been completely suppressed, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and even the laws of martial arts have been forcibly changed. Facing such a means, what chance does Jiang Tian have?"

"Desperate, Song Yuan's methods are simply desperate!"

"Hey, what's the fuss about, there is no suspense in this contest!"

"Yeah, although Jiang Tian is a monster, he is still no match for the tried and tested Song Yuan!"

There were wild shouts in the square, and many warriors had already made a firm judgment on the outcome of this contest.

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