Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6873: Star Sword Region!

Chapter 6873 Star Sword Domain!

Elder Baili's expression was solemn, and his tone began to increase.

It is intended to remind Jiang Tian to think clearly about his situation and not to ruin this great opportunity to be delivered to his door because of impulsiveness!

Song Yuan thought for a while: "Brother Jiang, I don't mean anything else, I just think that what Elder Baili said is really good. If you choose to join the City Lord's Mansion, you may be able to get rid of the threat of the Taoist Palace's reward list. Your talent, aptitude In fact, it is not under me, as long as you grow up smoothly, your future achievements may not be worse than mine, but the problem is, you have to overcome the difficulties in front of you first, please consider this clearly!"

"Nephew Song said very well, so-called heroes don't have to fight for a momentary victory or defeat. In the face of an unshakable general trend, you have to be patient when you should, and when you need to give in, you should give in. Those who know the times are the best! "

Bailikong smiled and nodded.

He found that Song Yuan's persuasion was more persuasive than his, and it might have moved Jiang Tian's stubborn heart more.

"Thank you Brother Song for reminding me, and I also thank Elder Baili and the City Lord's Mansion for their invitations, but I have no intention of staying here. Please continue this contest!"

Jiang Tian said lightly.

Elder Baili frowned and took a breath or two to suppress the anger in his heart.

Shen Sheng said: "The opportunity has already been given, but since you have made up your mind, the old man has nothing to say, so let's continue!"

"Brother Jiang, you don't have to!"

Song Yuan slowly shook his head with a look of regret.

"Brother Song, don't be distracted, and don't underestimate the enemy!" Jiang Tian said lightly.

He had no ill will towards this Song Yuan.

The opponent's shot is very measured, and there is no arrogance that most geniuses have.

This was a fair contest, and the other party even persuaded him more than once to think of him.

This alone is very rare!

"Brother Jiang, don't worry, I just appreciate your potential, but if you continue to compete, I will not have the slightest reservation!"



"Ha ha ha ha!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, their auras skyrocketed wildly, and they fought together again!

Elder Baili has stepped aside!

Song Yuan sacrificed the white hurricane again, tearing the void and crashing into Jiang Tian.

"Sword Domain!"


Jiang Tian gave a command and took out the purple-black "sword domain" to try to suppress.

However, the white hurricane transformed by Song Yuan effortlessly tore the edge of the "Sword Domain" and slammed into it.

The entire "Sword Domain" will be completely torn apart!

Jiang Tian is not surprised!

He did this just to verify the strength of the "Sword Domain".

Obviously, the "sword domain" with a range of thousands of feet could not resist Song Yuan's onslaught.

"Come again!"

Jiang Tian squeezes the trick lightly!

The purple-black "sword domain" that had just been torn closed instantly and began to shrink sharply.

Re-condensed into a hundred-zhang "sword domain"!


The corners of Song Yuan's eyes narrowed, and there was a hint of alertness on his face!

He originally wanted to hit Jiang Tian directly after tearing the "Sword Domain", but he felt some kind of threat in the face of the reunited Baizhang "Sword Domain"!


The re-condensed Baizhang "Sword Field" is completely different from the Qianzhang "Sword Field" just now!

At this time, the Baizhang "Sword Domain" is thick and solid, and the rolling sword intent is like a copper wall and an iron wall, giving him a feeling that is difficult to shake!


Song Yuan didn't hesitate, and went straight to the front!

Bang ka... bang rumbling rumbling!

A terrifying roar resounded through the void!

The white hurricane hit the edge of the Baizhang "Sword Territory", and the sound of collision and explosion sounded one after another, which was extremely terrifying!

The Baizhang "Sword Territory" trembled violently, as if it might collapse, but it was not really broken!

The strength of the Baizhang "Sword Domain" in front of him surprised Song Yuan!

He shouted and rose into the sky, as if a white dragon swooped down from the sky, hitting the center of the "Sword Field"!

It looks like a huge white arrow, shooting straight at the bullseye formed by the purple-black "Sword Domain"!

Bang ka... bang rumbling rumbling!


Ka Ka Ka!

The Baizhang "Jianyu" trembled wildly, and soon made a terrifying abnormal sound!

Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed, staring at the center of the Baizhang "Jianyu".

Under the bombardment of the white "dragon", cracks appeared in the "Sword Domain" after all.

It can be said that in this collision between spear and quality, Song Yuan still had the upper hand, and finally forcibly broke the "Sword Domain" barrier!

Jiang Tian was not surprised by this, nor was he disappointed.

The strength of the Baizhang "Jianyu" has been extremely exaggerated, but Song Yuan's strength is there, and it is not shocking to blow it away in this way.

But this is just the beginning!


Jiang Tian pointed and urged, and the Baizhang "Jianyu" dissipated instantly.

"Huh?" Song Yuan was taken aback!

Some unexpected actions of Jiang Tian.

Although the Baizhang "Jianyu" has been cracked by him, it has not completely collapsed.

It can be said that this blow also cost him a lot.

Jiang Tian should be able to continue to use the "Sword Domain" to cause him a little trouble, why did he take the initiative to withdraw?

The next moment, a little purple star burst out around Jiang Tian's body!

The Baizhang "Sword Domain" that had just disappeared reappeared!

"Star Sword Region!"

Rumble boom!

The "Sword Domain" of Baizhang appeared again, but the color has changed significantly!

It is made up of countless purple stars, and its aura is more powerful, majestic, and domineering than the previous "Sword Domain"!

Star Sword Body!

"It turns out that Brother Jiang is still a star sword!"

Song Yuan couldn't help exclaiming!

He felt the breath of a special sword body on Jiang Tian and the re-condensed "sword domain".

And that kind of sword body is the legendary "star sword body" that is rare in 100,000 years!

"Watch out!"

Jiang Tian shouted loudly and urged the "Xingchen Sword Body" to suppress it.

Rumble boom!

The Baizhang "Xingchen Sword Body" has greatly increased the power of the purple-black sword field just now, and it is not at the same level at all.

This time, Song Yuan felt a huge pressure!

He didn't dare to neglect, madly urged the power of blood, and the white hurricane was directly thicker.

babble la la la!

The cracks in the space appeared densely, and they slammed into the "Xingchen Sword Field"!

呲 la... bang ka... bang rumbling rumbling!

A terrifying roar resounded through the void, and this blow made the vast void tremble.

The terrifying aftermath even continued to spread over Hundred Refinements City, and the furthest distance reached 100,000 zhang!

This is still consumed by Xing Lei's defensive array, otherwise half of the city of Hundred Refinements may be destroyed.

"Xingchen Jianyu" withstood the impact of Song Yuan and did not break.

"Is this the power of the Xingchen sword body, it is really strong!"

Song Yuan's eyes were solemn, and he did not dare to despise him in the slightest.


Jiang Tian did not blindly wait for the bombardment of the other party.

Because of several verifications, he already had a deep feeling for the strength of "Sword Domain" in different states.

Next, it's time for him to fight back!

Bang rumbling... clack... babble!

The "Xingchen Sword Region" turned and pressed down on Song Yuan.

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