Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6876: Still not admit defeat?

Chapter 6876 Still not admit defeat?

Jiang Tian's breath is still unstable, and it seems that the changes have not stopped.


"Okay, then I'll accompany you to the end!"

Song Yuan shouted, and once again turned into a white hurricane and slammed forward.

Jiang Tian also met head-on, and the two collided fiercely again!

Crack... boom boom!

blah blah blah... bang bang bang!

Uncle Run and Song Yuan collided wildly, and the void of thousands of feet collapsed instantly!

One after another huge space cracks spread like demon tentacles, which shocked the martial artist in the audience!

This time, the two of them quit each other!

Song Yuan's gaze towards Jiang Tian became more and more solemn!

This time he used more powerful force, but still did not take advantage.

On the contrary, it was Jiang Tian. Although he had retreated a little further than before, his whole person seemed to be much more relaxed than when he collided for the first time!

"how come?"

Song Yuan frowned, deeply surprised.

Judging from the situation just now, Jiang Tian should be more passive this time.

Why does it seem so much easier?

No, the situation is not right!

At this time, Jiang Tian once again fully felt the changes in his body.

The once confused eyes gradually became clear!

"Space Spiritual Power, Void Dominant Body... Dominant Body Enhancement, Power Transformation!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, and a ray of light suddenly appeared in his eyes!


He got it!

The Void Overlord was stimulated by a strong external force, causing his space spiritual power to transform!

And this kind of stimulation comes from the space crack inspired by Song Yuan!

"Brother Song, come again!"


Song Yuan was not ambiguous, and he fit in again and bumped into it.

Crack... boom!

Thousands of feet of void collapsed again, and both of them fell out!

But this time, as soon as Jiang Tian stepped back, he used his instant skills and rushed towards Song Yuan!


Song Yuan's heart was startled, and he felt that something was wrong!

With space spiritual power, he knows the power of teleportation.

A warrior with teleportation skills, even if the strength is one level lower, can bring a fatal threat to the opponent by virtue of the huge advantage of speed!

Such means must be guarded against!

Not to mention, it is still an opponent like Jiang Tian!


Rumble boom!

Jiang Tian teleported over!

Song Yuan let out a thunderous shout, urging the white hurricane to circle and crush Jiang Tian!


The martial artists in the audience were horrified and gasped!

An instant collision can release thousands of space cracks, enough to severely injure or even kill any opponent.

Now circling around Jiang Tian like this, the power is probably several times greater than before!

In the face of such a terrifying offensive, does Jiang Tian still have the power to protect himself?

Apparently not!

The corners of everyone's eyes twitched, and they had already made a final judgment on this contest.


Jiang Tian is finally going to lose!

No matter how strong his physical body is and how powerful his spatial spiritual power is, it is impossible for him to withstand such a terrifying offensive.

Song Yuan, after all, is superior!

呲 la la la... clap clap!

Bang rumbling... clack clack!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the white hurricane circled around Jiang Tian for a few moments.

During this time, countless space cracks slashed on his body.

Although these space cracks are slender, their power is not ambiguous!

They were several inches short and more than ten feet long, as if they were dragon hairs growing from the body of a white dragon.

Every one can tear the void, and in an instant, Jiang Tian's body has been slashed countless times!


The audience was in an uproar, and everyone was deeply shocked!

Under such a terrifying offensive, Jiang Tian was lucky if he didn't die, what else could he use to support him?

"Failed, he has already lost!"

"Why doesn't he admit defeat?"

"I'm afraid he doesn't even have the strength to admit defeat!"

"I don't think it's a matter of admitting defeat, I'm afraid he's gone now!"

"Yeah, there are countless space cracks slashed on the body, even if it is the late stage of the original god, it may not be able to withstand it, right?"

Countless warriors exclaimed in shock, guessing Jiang Tian's ending.

Although quite different, the final result is exactly the same - Song Yuan has won!

Jiang Tian, ​​after all, is defeated!

As for whether you can save your life after this defeat?

This suspense is indeed a bit big, because not many people think that Jiang Tian can safely protect himself under such a terrifying offensive.

Since you can't protect yourself, there seems to be only one ending.

That is the collapse of the physical body, and the death of the body is eliminated!

"Strong as a tyrant, it will also be crushed in the face of space forces!"

"This is the scary part of Song Yuan!"

"Jiang Tian's ending...it's a pity!"

No one dared to underestimate Jiang Tian anymore.

Because he has shown formidable means and power!

It's just that his opponent is Song Yuan, who is even more monstrous. It's not a pity to lose to such a character!

"This breath... space spiritual power!"

The white hurricane has not stopped attacking, but Song Yuan at the center of the hurricane is even more shocked!

He found that in the face of his offensive, Jiang Tian's breath not only did not weaken, but even climbed steadily!

Are the cracks in space enough to suppress him?

this is too scary!

The corners of Song Yuan's eyes shrank, and his pupils were full of shock!

What exactly did Jiang Angel come up with?

Even if he has both space and physical body, it is impossible for him to be safe under the cuts of countless space cracks, right?

Why does the breath become stronger and stronger?

rumbling rumbling!

At this time, Jiang Tian was slashed by countless space cracks on his body, and the discomfort became less and less.

The transformation of his space spiritual power made him even more excited!

"Okay, very good, stronger, faster!"

Jiang Tian shouted loudly, and at this time he no longer shot at Song Yuan.

Not even making an obvious defense!

Song Yuan's face became more and more solemn!

What kind of metamorphosis is this?

Space and physical double hegemony, wouldn't it be so strong, right?

Shocked by shock, but he did not stop shooting.

Strong is strong!

A genius has the arrogance of a genius, not to mention a monstrous monster like him!

He is going to go to Chiyue City to participate in the selection of the super city. If he can't even cross the hurdle of Jiang Tian, ​​everything that follows will become a fantasy!

"Up, give me up!"

Song Yuan responded to Jiang Tian's request with practical actions!

The breath of the whole body skyrocketed wildly, and the speed of the white hurricane skyrocketed, slashing wildly around Jiang Tian with an even more amazing momentum.

At the same time as the slashing, the hurricane suddenly turned into two!

One of them is like the whip of the gods, madly whipping Jiang Tian's body!

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

The roar of the sky resounded through the void, and two hurricanes crushed and pumped, and a terrifying offensive broke out.

However, Jiang Tian's breath continued to rise in this offensive, and his spatial spiritual power gradually reached a certain level!

"Come on, come on!" Jiang Tian's eyes lit up!

At this moment, he has completely stopped shooting.

Let the two hurricanes attack him frantically, and he is completely adapted to this kind of external stimulation.

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