Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6878: The trouble begins!

Chapter 6878 The trouble begins!

Song Yuan waved his hand and smiled, then turned to look at Bailikong.

"Elder Baili, I lost this test, it can be over!"

The whole square was silent!

Countless lines of sight converged on Xing Lei, moving back and forth between Song Yuan and Jiang Tian.

They seemed a little reluctant, as if to put the two in their eyes at the same time.

But in the end, the competition will be decided, and they still have to give up one in the end!

But now, Song Yuan, who had high hopes for them, took the initiative to make a choice.

He chose to admit defeat!

Jiang Tian, ​​naturally became the winner!

This is an unexpected result!

Therefore, there was no cheering in the square for a while, and the atmosphere was very dull and depressing.

"Okay, since both of you have no objection, this competition can indeed end!"

"Old man Bailikong, on behalf of the City Lord's Mansion, announced that this time, the Xing Lei challenge competition, Jiang Tiansheng!"

"From now on, Jiang Tian will become the new leader of Hundred Refinements City Xing Lei, and within three days, the geniuses of the younger generation can continue to challenge him!"

"Three days later, if no one can win, he will represent our Hundred Refinements City and go to Chiyue City to participate in the next round of selection for the Super City!"

The voice rumbled, resounding throughout the square, and then spread around the square, covering most of the city of Hundred Refinements!

"Brother Jiang, congratulations, I believe you can go further!"

"Brother Song, accept it!"

The two shook hands with each other and smiled at each other.

"Win, Jiang Tian actually won!"

"I didn't expect that he could really win!"

"How could Song Yuan lose? It shouldn't be!"

"He himself conceded defeat, what do you think?"

"This is the selection test of the Supernova Conference. If he can still play, will he give up?"

"Let's face it, although it's hard for me to accept it, the result is like this, Jiang Tian won!"

The warriors in the square talked a lot and were filled with emotion.

"Bring it!"

In a special area of ​​the square, a strange scholar took the betting slip and cashed it out to several casinos and businesses.

Although the other party was very reluctant, in front of countless warrior witnesses and the majesty of the city lord's mansion, he naturally did not dare to renege on his debt.

Only pay as you go!

"Jinlan Firm, bet 100, pay 100, and pay 10,000 Spirit Crystals!"

"Jinyuan Firm, bet 10,000, pay 10,000, and pay 100 million spirit crystals!"


One hundred million spirit crystals!

Seeing that the strange scholar got 100 million spirit crystals, there was an uproar in the field.

A series of envious eyes converged on the strange scholar, no wonder they took their place.

At first, everyone was not optimistic about Jiang Tian.

But he was the only one who thought that Jiang Tian would win and made a bold bet, which became a laughing stock in the eyes of everyone at that time.

Now everyone suddenly realizes that they are the fool.

And this strange scholar who looks dull and sluggish is actually a wise man, as if he has the ability to predict the future!

"Boy, how do you know Jiang Tian will win?"

"You know him?"

"Or do you have any special ability to predict the outcome of the competition?"

The crowd surrounded the strange scholar, wanting to ask what happened.

The strange scholar smiled strangely, changing his dullness and sluggishness.

"Everyone is optimistic about Song Yuan. Of course, I can only make money by betting on Jiangtian."

Everyone is not satisfied with this answer, because saying it means not saying it.

"Besides, a mere 100 million spirit crystals is not too much, everyone take care, I'm saying goodbye!"

The strange scholar took the spirit stone bag, turned around and walked out.

When I came to the edge of the square, I suddenly looked back.

And this time!

Jiang Tian on the ring suddenly felt something, and subconsciously looked at the edge of the square!

Thousands of feet apart, the two eyes converged, Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and his heart was shocked!

"that person……"

He just blinked, and when he opened it again, the shabby scholar had disappeared!

Jiang Tian frowned, feeling that the man was very strange.

But how weird it was, he didn't even have the chance to explore!

He naturally didn't know that the other party easily earned 100 million spirit crystals through this competition.

At this time, Bailikong on Xing Lei looked at the two of them, and he had quite changed.

At first, he wanted to keep Jiang Tian, ​​but the other party refused directly, which made him a little annoyed.

Now, Jiang Tian has won the battle unexpectedly. Unsurprisingly, after three days, he will go to Chiyue City to participate in the next round of selection.

Therefore, it is destined not to stay in Hundred Refinements City.

On the contrary, Song Yuan, who at first thought he couldn't climb high, has become a new recruiting target!

"Nephew Song, this test does not affect your potential. On behalf of the Lord of the City, this old man sincerely invites you to join us in the City Lord's Mansion of Bailian City. We will give you the best resources. Your future is still unlimited!"

Song Yuan shook his head and smiled: "Many thanks to the city lord and the elder Baili for their kindness, but I have no intention of staying here, so I can only say sorry!"

Bailikong frowned, feeling extremely depressed.

Jiang Tian didn't stay, Song Yuan didn't accept the solicitation, and the City Lord's Mansion missed two great geniuses one after another. It's a huge regret!

"Okay, since Nephew Song has a plan, this old man can't force it. I wish Nephew Song a bright future and get on the avenue soon!"

"Thank you senior!"

After Song Yuan thanked him, he turned to Jiang Tian.

"Brother Jiang, I'm leaving Bailian City. I hope one day, we can meet again!"

"Brother Song, take care, goodbye!"


Song Yuan turned around and prepared to leave.

Bailikong looked at Jiang Tian and said, "Nephew Jiang, if there is no accident, you will represent Bailian City in three days. At that time, the Lord of the City will give you a small gift for your follow-up test. Help!"

"Since that's the case, the junior thanks in advance!"

Jiang Tian cupped his hands and smiled.

"You're welcome, just..."

Bailikong said half of his words, suddenly shook his head and sighed, his face became complicated.

"Just what?" Jiang Tian asked.

Baili said solemnly, "Even though Nephew Jiang has won the battle, your troubles have begun!"

After all, he pointed to the direction of the Heavenly Dao Monument and tapped lightly.

"You won Song Yuan. If nothing else happens, your ranking on the Taoist Palace's bounty list will rise again, and the pressure you will face will increase. The pursuit and killing brought by the bounty order is not like a competition. Those people will do everything they can, even now, I am sure that there are many warriors who want to attack you, but they know that they are not opponents, so no one dares to act!"

Bailikong said, his eyes swept to the square below the ring.

As far as the eye can see, some people look embarrassed, some choose to avoid them, some smile wryly and shake their heads, and some look strange.

These people are obviously the kind of people he said, who have some ideas about Jiang Tian!

But after they have witnessed Jiang Tian's strength, they naturally dare not take action, because once they make a move, they will be ruthlessly killed by the other party!

"Thank you senior for reminding me that since I came to Daoyu and I have already entered the reward list, I can't help it."

Jiang Tian smiled lightly.

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