Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6883: martial arts beginner

The original intention of martial arts

It can be said that these three things are carefully prepared for the follow-up competition, and each of them is invaluable!

These things, originally prepared for Song Yuan, are now replaced by Jiang Tian.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Tian accepted it decisively and did not refuse.

"Little friends, remember, don't use the blood of the dragon if it is not necessary, after all, its backlash is still very big!" Bailixin urged.

"thanks for reminding!"

Jiang Tian nodded lightly.

The blood of the dragon can only be used in some extreme cases, and in general the harm outweighs the benefit.

However, he was also a little curious, how much combat power could a drop of the dragon's blood increase?

The thought passed by in a flash, Jiang Tian knew that this question would not be easily answered.

Because he needs to try it himself, but in his situation, it may not necessarily be necessary to use such a thing.

But since Baili Xin gave it, there is no reason not to.

Maybe one day, it will be available!

"There is one more thing that this old man must make clear. It is unavoidable to end the selection early, but Bailiancheng has absolutely no intention to drive away the little friend. In fact, if the little friend is willing to stay for a few days, this old man will provide the best cultivation resources in the city. And conditions, for the little friends to retreat and practice, and help you in the follow-up competition!"

"No need!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand to refuse.

On the one hand, it is because he has no such plan, and he is not short of cultivation resources for the time being.

Secondly, Bai Lixin seems to be sincere, but in fact he is not sincere.

If Bai Liancheng really had this intention, it would not end the selection early, and would not be in a hurry to send him these things!

The dignified master of a city came forward to deliver these in person, and the implication was that he was seeing off guests.

Jiang Tian didn't intend to stay here, so it would save trouble.

If he really nodded and stayed, Bai Lixin's face would definitely be embarrassed!

"That's really a pity!" Bai Lixin shook his head and sighed with a look of regret.

"Baili City Lord, everyone, farewell!"

"Brother Song, farewell!"

Jiang Tian said goodbye to everyone and left Bailian City with the Easy Escape Technique.

There was a brief silence on Xing Lei.

Bai Lixin looked at Song Yuan, and a complex color flashed in his eyes.

"Nephew Song, the old man said the same thing. If you are willing to stay, the City Lord's Mansion will provide you with the best resources and conditions around for your cultivation!"

"Thank you for your kindness, Lord City Lord, but I have made up my mind and can only refuse this opportunity!"

Song Yuan cupped his hands and laughed.

"That's such a pity!"

Bai Lixin shook his head and sighed.

Whether it is Jiang Tian or Song Yuan, they are both extraordinary geniuses.

It is a great pity that they cannot be left behind.

But it also seems to be doomed!

Because the stronger the genius, the loftier the goal, and their martial arts path is destined to go very far.

Elder Bailikong frowned and said, "Nephew Song, what you did just now was really irrational. Why did you offend the Yinlong Organization for Jiang Tian? Don't you know how powerful they are?"

Song Yuan shook his head and said, "Dare to ask Elder Baili, what is it that I wait for the martial artist to practice hard?"

"Why?" Bailikong was lost in thought.

He remembered his past.

When I was young, of course, I had an incomparably lofty dream, longing to one day stand on the top of the avenue, overlook the starry sky and the universe, and become the master of all living beings!

But as his strength continued to improve, he found that he was getting farther and farther from his original dream.

Because after the strength was improved, he discovered that there are people outside people, there are days outside the sky, and a mountain is higher than a mountain.

He lived for most of his life, and only reached the middle stage of the original **** realm in his twilight years, and it was difficult for him to enter the later stage.

In this lifetime, I am afraid that I will also break the limit of the original **** realm.

At this point, it would be a bit ridiculous to talk about the great road!

Facing Song Yuan's rhetorical question, he suddenly discovered that after thousands of years of cultivation, he seemed to have lost his original intention!

Sad, deplorable!

Bailikong let out a sullen breath, as if he had suddenly aged several hundred years.

"Nephew Song, this question really caught me off guard!"

Of course he knew the answer to the question, but it was difficult for him to face it, let alone answer it.

Song Yuan smiled indifferently: "I am waiting for the warriors to practice hard, of course, in order to continuously become stronger, challenge the limit, and reach the peak of the avenue. I dare to ask the seniors, is the Hidden Dragon Organization considered the peak of the martial arts?"

"Hidden Dragon... Of course not!"

Bailikong was a little embarrassed, his brows furrowed.

"Since it doesn't count, why should I be afraid?" Song Yuan smiled, with a very calm smile!

"This... It's not a question of whether you are afraid or not." Bailikong sighed, his face extremely complicated.

Song Yuan shook his head: "I grew up in the Dao Region, and I am a few years younger than Brother Jiang. He is a force that even a mid-level warrior is not afraid of, why should I be afraid? If I am frightened by a hidden dragon now, There will be a second and third Hidden Dragon in the future, how can I continue my martial arts path?"

"well said!"

Bai Lixin nodded heavily, his eyes shining brightly.

Compared with his elder Bailikong, as the city lord, he naturally has a higher pattern and realm.

"Young people should challenge their limits and have the courage to forge ahead. Only in this way can they win infinite possibilities. If this old man returns to your age, he will definitely give it his all, just like you. It's just that time can't come back!"

"Been taught a lesson!"

Bailikong looked ashamed.

"There has been a lot of harassment for several months. Song Yuan is here to thank the two seniors and leave!"

Song Yuan solemnly saluted the two of them, and then stepped into the air and disappeared into the clouds.

After saying goodbye to the two young geniuses, Bai Lixin and the others immediately returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

In less than half an hour, the Tiandao Monument a few streets away changed again!


The body of the Baizhang stele trembled slightly, casting a thousand zhang stele shadow in the void!

A large number of warriors have gathered, and many of them have been here for a long time, in order to observe the ranking changes of the Taoist Palace Bounty List!

"Refreshed, refreshed!"

"How much will Jiang Tian's ranking rise this time?"

"It was 8,999 before. After defeating Song Yuan, it will increase a lot. It is estimated that the killing of those hidden dragon killers will increase. I estimate that the change may be around 100!"

"Hundreds? I don't think so. Defeating Song Yuan is just a competition, but killing the Hidden Dragon Killer is a life-and-death killing, and in the contest with Song Yuan, he has learned something, and his strength has been improved. The ranking should be higher. , I think it should be around two hundred!"

"The higher the bounty list, the more difficult it is to improve. It is extremely exaggerated to jump up to about 200 in this rank!"

"Maybe not so many, only a few dozen?"

"Let's wait and see!"


Thousands of feet of monumental shadows floated slowly in the void, and one by one prominent names appeared.

From the top of the list, the names in front of them have long been familiar to everyone, and there is no change at this moment, and everyone turns a blind eye.

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