Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6886: You can throw in the towel!

Chapter 6886 You can admit defeat!

"Are you here to fight or preach?" Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered.

"The donor's words are wrong. The Tao is everywhere, and the same is true of Buddhism. Fighting and proclaiming Buddha are not in conflict!"

"Since you see it so openly, why are you participating in the Xing Lei challenge? Isn't this an obsession?" Jiang Tian asked with a sneer.

The young man in Buddha clothes had cold eyes and said solemnly, "How can the hearts of mortals understand the meaning of gods and Buddhas? I want to use the channel of Xing Lei to promote the Dharma on a higher stage, so that more people can feel the subtlety of the Dharma. With Hongda, it doesn't make sense for me to win or lose!"

"Since the outcome is meaningless, you might as well admit defeat!"

Jiang Tian said coldly.

The youth in Buddha clothes sank and said coldly: "One yard is one yard, he can't beat me at all, why should I admit defeat?"

"Hey! He also said that others are obsessed with ignorance, and you yourself have committed the two precepts of anger and delusion, and you can't get rid of these common thoughts by practicing Buddhism?"

"Also, Buddhists should call themselves 'primitive monks' or 'little monks'. You are 'under' one by one, does that mean you are not a pure Buddhist disciple?"

The face of the youth in Buddha clothes completely sank, and he no longer concealed his anger.

He found that he couldn't confuse this stubborn person with his rhetoric.

"Yes, I did not enter the room to practice, but cut my hair on my own, but this does not affect my preaching of the Buddhadharma, nor does it affect me doing anything that a martial artist should do!"

"So, are you a fake monk?"

Jiang Tian asked with a sneer.

"If you have a Buddha in your heart, you are a true Buddha!"

The youth in Buddha clothes was furious, and the Buddha's light in the sky was ups and downs.

The warriors in the square woke up!

"What, is he a fake monk?"

"There's no reason, a fake monk, why is he wanton bewitching here?"

"Sin? I have a fart sin!"

"Isn't it normal for warriors to fight and kill? Without these warriors, it's still a fart!"

"This kid, what kind of **** is it!"


There was a commotion in the square, and the people who were kneeling before stood up one after another, feeling extremely annoyed.

Just now, they were shrouded in "Buddha's Light", and their minds were bewitched by the name of the Buddha-clothed youth, so they all knelt down and prayed.

But now, they woke up one after another, and found that the reaction just now was not their original intention at all, and they were suddenly a little annoyed.

"Boy, do you dare to come on stage for a fight?"

"Go on stage?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly.

He really didn't think about going to the stage, because he already got the place in Hundred Refinements City, so he didn't need to do anything more.

But since the other party called Zhan, he naturally wouldn't be afraid.

"You beat your own opponent first!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand and said.

"I think you are afraid, but it is useless to be afraid, just wait for me!"

The young man in Buddha clothes folded his palms together, and the golden light all over the sky madly rolled back.

The whole square is back to normal, but most people look at him differently!

Before Jiang Tian arrived, everyone admired and revered him, but now most of them are a little angry.

The youth in Buddha clothes looked at his opponent in the arena and said solemnly, "You, admit defeat!"

"Admit defeat?"

A young evildoer in a green robe on the opposite side was stunned when he heard the words, as if a little unbelievable.

The warriors in the square looked different.

"Will he admit defeat?"

"His momentum was extremely violent at the beginning!"

"Yes, he may not be willing to admit defeat if he is determined to win!"

"Froxiu gave the opponent a chance to breathe. This is really not wise. In exchange, I will definitely smash the opponent out of the ring and ensure victory!"

"Yeah, this little hesitation gives the opponent the opportunity to fight back with all their strength!"

"Look, this contest is not so easy to end, the opponent will never admit defeat easily!"

"Shame, this is a blatant humiliation, if it were me, I would definitely fight him!"

Ka Ka Ka!

A middle-aged warrior clenched his fists, his eyes were burning, and he could not wait to rush to the ring to fight Furuichi.

However, the ensuing scene on Xing Lei greatly disappointed everyone!

"I... can I really admit defeat?" The Qingpao genius looked at Foluo Xiu, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Yes, but you only have this chance." Frost's face was cold.

"Okay! I admit defeat, I admit defeat!"

The young man on the opposite kneeled down and conceded defeat, not only without the slightest hesitation, but even seemed extremely excited.

Looks like an amnesty!


"This... this is not right!"

"Obviously there is an opportunity, why not fight back with all your strength?"

"Isn't it a pity to just admit defeat?"

All the warriors sighed for it, and at the same time some couldn't understand why this person had to admit defeat.

In the face of the opportunity to regain it, continue to follow him!

Don't you feel humiliated to admit defeat?

"Huh, it's over, it's over at last!"

The genius in Qingpao let out a sullen breath, with a look of fear on his face.

"Thank you Brother Buddha for raising your hand, you are not as good as others, and you are convinced by the defeat, so I say goodbye!"

After the Qingpao genius conceded defeat, he resolutely swept out of the ring and didn't want to stay for a moment.


Countless warriors witnessed this scene, not to mention annoyed in their hearts.


"I shouted loudly at first, but I didn't expect to be a coward!"

"I still have high hopes, but it seems to be in vain now!"

A large number of warriors scolded the genius of Qingpao, venting their depression.

They want to see a violent collision of real knives and real guns, not such a mystical farce.

Unfortunately, they are destined to be disappointed!

"Actually, I can't blame him for being timid!" An old man in the crowd shook his head and sighed, "You have also seen what happened just now. Furuo Xiu's 'Buddha's Light' is so powerful that so many people in the square were overwhelmed and unable to lift it. In the beginning, the pressure of the Qingpao genius facing him directly in the arena is naturally even more unimaginable, for you, if you have the opportunity to admit defeat in this situation, will you really refuse?"


"That's right!"

Everyone calmed down and nodded.

Yes, the opportunity given by Frosius is indeed very rare.

Under such circumstances, it would be unwise to bite the bullet!

The Qingpao genius is obviously not the opponent of Foluo Xiu, although it is a bit humiliating to admit defeat, it is reasonable.

"Now, it's your turn!"

Flossu directly shouted at Jiang Tian on the edge of the square!

Brush brush!

Countless lines of sight immediately looked at Jiang Tian and carefully looked at Jiang Tian.

Froxiu, actually really called war on this person!

"Who is this man?"

"Why can Frosius insist on calling for war?"

"I understand, the reason why Frosius let the man just now admit defeat is to fight against this man!"

"If there is no such person, Froxiu may not easily let the opponent just admit defeat!"

"I have to say that the appearance of this person saved the Qingpao genius from a tragic defeat!"

"Maybe it's just luck!"

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