Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6897: The power of the void!

After concentrating on the inside again, I can no longer see any traces of the Three Thousand Worlds.


After they released their remaining power, they completely disappeared!

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, somewhat regretful.

The power of the three thousand worlds should not stop there.

But because he swallowed it relatively late, the power loss of the Three Thousand Worlds was very serious.

With the current effect, it is not bad!

More importantly, he deeply realized that there may not be a real three thousand worlds in the Xumi Jiezhu.

These three thousand worlds are both true and false, both false and real, and in essence they tend to be the virtual scene of the evolution of the will of the three thousand Buddha statues.

Otherwise, it is impossible for these powers to disappear so quickly, and not even a single residue is left!

After thinking about it, it seems that it can only be explained in this way!


Jiang Tian let out a sullen breath and slowly calmed his mind.

In any case, he has completed a breakthrough after all!

This trip to Sakyamuni City is a huge harvest!

At this moment, he began to feel the various powers after the advanced step!

After the advancement is completed, the bloodline spiritual power should have been consumed enormously.

But now, it has directly reached 90% of the total!

"so much!"

Jiang Tian was shocked.

And the next moment, he was shocked again!

Without deliberately urging, the bloodline spiritual power surges wildly in the meridians, as violent and majestic as a volcanic eruption!

In the past, this situation would only occur when he actually fought or deliberately urged, but now even if he does not deliberately motivate, the bloodline spiritual power seems to be maintained in a state of rapid operation.

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his eyes brightened!

This means that the bloodline spiritual power is always on standby, and a powerful offensive can be directly erupted without any brewing and activation when shooting!

"Try it!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian couldn't hold back, raised his hand and slapped forward.

Crack, boom... boom!

The violent roar resounded through the sky above the great formation, and a seemingly light palm slammed the void directly.

One after another space cracks appeared ferociously, and the violent space turbulent devoured each other, raging endlessly!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian was greatly surprised!

This shot is far from using all his strength, and in terms of strength, it is only equivalent to an ordinary shot before the advanced stage.

But it was such an ordinary shot, but it erupted into a peak power that far surpassed that before the advance!

That is to say, after this advancement, his power has completely surpassed and crushed the past!


too strong!

Considering that this was within the Buddhist formation, Jiang Tian did not continue to try.

In case it can't be controlled, the movement is too big or the aftermath is too powerful, and the formation is destroyed, it is not easy to explain to the city lord of Shakyamuni.

"Real dragon tyrant body!"

Jiang Tian stretched his arms and silently felt the power of the flesh!

It has also become stronger, and it is quite obvious!

You must know that after his physical body reaches the real dragon tyrant body, it is not easy to improve, and it can even be said to be quite difficult.

Before coming to Sakyamuni City, although the physical body had improved a little, the magnitude was relatively limited.

But this time, after refining the remaining phantoms of the three thousand worlds, the physical strength has increased significantly!

I have to say, it was a pleasant surprise!


Jiang Tian clenched his fists lightly, and there was a dull roar like a mountain shaking from his body, as if he had stung an ancient dragon, ready to roar at any time!

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian was overjoyed!

Compared with the change of bloodline and spiritual power and the growth of realm, he pays more attention to the improvement of the physical body.

Because the cultivation realm can be accumulated by resources, but the advanced difficulty of the physical body is far greater than the former!

The current physical strength can be said to have basically kept up with the improvement of the realm, and it has also exceeded the original limit!

"Sword Intent!"


Jiang Tian swiped his right hand with his fingers.


The void in front of him was directly opened by him, as if a curtain of void was opened!

"The power of the void!"

He silently sensed the mysterious aura emanating from the void. It was a power that was very similar to the spiritual power of space, but it was different.

After a little induction, I found that this power has some kind of intimate induction with his Void Overlord!


Jiang Tian was greatly surprised!

Although he has been practicing space secret techniques for a long time, he has a deep understanding of this kind of power, but such a strange feeling like now has almost never appeared!

"what's going on?"

Jiang Tian urged the Void Overlord to try to touch and sense the power of the Void.

The next moment, that power instantly melted into his body!

No need to push, enter the body on your own!

Jiang Tian was taken aback and quickly sensed the situation in his body.

After the power of the Void entered the body, the breath of the Void Overlord body fluctuated slightly, and then it returned to calm!

"It seems... nothing has changed?"

Jiang Tian sensed for a moment and frowned slightly.

Since the power of the void has entered the body, it should not change at all.

Next, he screened out the distracting thoughts and carefully sensed it again.

It was soon discovered that the strength of the Void Overlord had improved, but the change was extremely slight, and the change had to be fully sensed!

"I see!"

Jiang Tian silently recorded this feeling.

Compared with the normal space spiritual power, this "Void Power" is more mysterious and mysterious.

After awakening the Void Overlord, his own space spiritual power has also undergone major changes, transforming in a more pure and powerful direction.

After practicing the instant killing technique, this change is even more accelerated!

But space spiritual power always has its limits.

He has a feeling that even if the realm continues to break through, the improvement of instant killing skills will become more and more difficult, approaching the limit.

But after feeling the "power of the void", the situation may change!

"Void power" and space spiritual power are essentially the same, but they are very different.

If you fully refine and control this power, and deeply integrate it with yourself, the Void Overlord will naturally continue to grow stronger.

Instant killing skills will continue to improve!


Jiang Tian suppressed the thoughts in his heart and pointed to swiftly slashing the void.

Chi chi chi... 呲 la la!

Crack clap... rumble rumble!

The violent roar resounded through the sky above the great formation, and a large number of purple sword intents continued to slash, and the power of the void rippled.

Jiang Tian's figure flashed and swept directly to the void crack opened by the sword intent, allowing the void hegemony to absorb the power of the void on its own.


After the power of the void enters the body, the power of the Void Overlord is also steadily increasing.

Although the amplitude is still small, it can be clearly felt!

But obviously, this will be a relatively long process, and it is impossible to reach Consummation in a short period of time.

After a while, Jiang Tian stopped shooting.

The door has already appeared, and the method is in our own hands. What we need in the future is continuous effort and time.

Physical body, bloodline spiritual power and sword intent have all been tried.

Jiang Tian turned to feel the changes in Lei Li!

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