Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6956: The first unit!

Chapter 6956 Unit 1!

"Song Yuan, if you have the ability to fight meleely with you, you won't be able to win by force!"

"Melee combat? Hehe, you can't even get close to me. What kind of hero are you trying to fight? If it were a melee combat, you would only lose even worse!"

"Then you try?" the blue-robed evildoer shouted sharply.

"As long as you're not afraid of serious injury, I can continue to make shots!" Song Yuan said with a sneer.



A strange blue pattern appeared on the face of the blue-robed evildoer from the west, and his breath was soaring, ready to take another shot.

But he was immediately suppressed by the war supervisor!


The huge coercion shrouded down, directly dousing his breath!

"The competition is over, you are out, go back to me and be honest!"

"..." The corners of the blue-robed demon's mouth twitched, but he didn't dare to refute, he could only grit his teeth and admit defeat and return to the ranks of the losers.

Several other hard battles have also been divided into winners and losers!

Including Jiang Tian and Song Yuan, only seven of the evildoers from the north finally passed the level!

And among these people, except Jiang Tian and Song Yuan, others are injured, and winning is quite difficult!

"Seven, we only have seven left in the north!"

"Fiasco, this is a total fiasco!"

Although a few injured people passed the test, their faces were extremely solemn.

The first round has been so difficult to play, and the next round is bound to be even more difficult.

They have no confidence in their hearts and are ready to lose!

"Jiang Tian, ​​Song Yuan, it's up to you!"

"If the same rules are used in the next round, we will almost certainly lose!"

"Come on, you two, win glory for our northern evildoers!"

The five companions cheered them on and had high hopes.

"The same rules? I'm afraid it's difficult!"

Song Yuan slowly shook his head, his expression solemn.

Although the rules were changed, it was divided into two rounds.

But this does not mean that the second round will follow the rules of the first round!

If the whole supernova conference is likened to a feast, the first round is obviously just an appetizer!

The rules of the second round are unlikely to be so simple!

"That's right, the rules of the second round really can't be that simple!"

"What will the rules be?"

They are all people who have come from the super city. They have experienced various rules and tests of the super city, and they have some preparations in their hearts.

No matter how the rules change, the back and forth are just those tricks, and there won't be much new ideas.

The real difficulty always stems from the strength of both sides, there is no doubt about this!

The supervising elders gathered together and glanced at the warriors who were divided into two groups.

Thirty losers have already stood in the adjacent area.

The remaining seventy people were divided into two groups.

One of them was forty monsters who did not fight, and they came from three directions: east, south, and west.

One is full of arrogance and confidence!

The other thirty people were the warriors who won the battle just now.

Most of them are actually not happy either.

Because the first round cost them a lot, it is difficult for them to win the second round!

"Congratulations to the first round of passers, now give you a quarter of an hour to rest, you can take medicine pills and recover from injuries!"

"After a quarter of an hour, the second round will start immediately!"

The war supervisor elder spoke in a deep voice, with a majestic expression on his face.

"Elder, what are the rules for the second round?"

Beside Song Yuan, a demon from the north asked.

The battle supervisor's face sank!

"You'll know in a quarter of an hour, no need to ask now!"

"All right!"

Hit a nail, which made this enchanting very depressed, but that was the elder of the war, and he did not dare to offend.

Can only wait!

"Don't waste time, quickly recover from the injury, get ready!"

The injured people swallowed pills one after another to restore their spiritual power and heal their injuries.

It has to be said that these monstrous monsters from the super city are fully prepared.

All kinds of secret medicine pills, rare spiritual fruits, and exotic herbs were stuffed into his mouth, and he was recovering with all his strength.

There are some things that Jiang Tian has never seen or even recognizes!

This gave him a new understanding of the cultivation conditions of dozens of super cities in the north!

Obviously, although the northern city is weaker, it is not useless!

It's just that compared to the powerful East, South, and West, it is still a step behind. This is a fact that must be faced!

"Five minutes is up, prepare for the second round of competition!"

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and the elders of the battle immediately called everyone to prepare for the start of the game!

Everyone looked at the elders of the war, and listened to the instructions!

"The old man will talk about the rules of the competition first. The second round is different from the first round and will be divided into several units!"

"Several units!"

"What's the name?"

Everyone was at a loss. At this time, even the evildoers from the east, south, and west had some surprises.

Obviously, they didn't know much about the specific details of the second round of the competition!

"Because of the number of people, ten people need to be eliminated in the first unit, and sixty people will be left for the follow-up unit competition!"

Superintendent said.

everyone is surprised 1

"How to eliminate ten people out of seventy people?"

"Want to draw lots?"

How to beat ten people out of seventy people?

It seems that it is unfair no matter how you play, so you can only draw lots!

Only then can we reduce complaints and eliminate injustice to the greatest extent possible!

"Drawing lots? Hehe, in a sense, this is indeed a kind of lottery!"

The war supervisor nodded slowly, but his smile was somewhat meaningful!

Everyone realized that something was wrong, and they frowned!

At this moment, several elders of the war supervision suddenly spread into the void and began to unleash their mighty coercion!

Boom... boom boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and a mighty coercion shrouded down, directly suppressing more than 70 people!



"Is this the so-called lottery?"

"What a terrible coercion, I can't hold it anymore!"

More than seventy people exclaimed loudly, and some people's expressions have changed greatly!

Some people even trembled violently, and their legs began to soften!

"It turned out to be 'drawing lots' in this way!"

"I have to say, this is the fairest way!"

"Yes, this can intuitively reflect the strength of each person, and those who are eliminated will not have much complaints."

The thirty losers on the opposite side watched this scene calmly, with different expressions.

At this moment, their mood is complicated!

Although they don't need to face such pressure, as the knockout in the first round, they are not happy at all.

They'd rather such pressure befall them than be a stress-free bystander like they are now.

"Ah...I can't take it anymore!"


A fat monster was the first to lie on the ground!

He is a demon from the south. He was full of confidence in himself, but he became the first out of the seventy people!

"It's him!"

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