Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6965: What a Begina!

Chapter 6965 What a Begina!


The snow-robed woman hurriedly urged, and a large number of snow-colored streams swirled around her body, repeatedly cutting the madness of the void wherever she went, making Song Yuan's mad attack always difficult to get close to!

Rumble rumble... roar!

With a roar like a dragon's roar, the long snow-colored dragon that had been "broken" appeared again!

At this time, it has forcibly crossed the void and came to the opposite side of Song Yuan!



"Oh my God!"

There was a frenzy in the field, and the inside and outside of the gods were shocked!

"Isn't it... has collapsed, why is it coming out now?"

"It seems that it didn't collapse just now, maybe it's just our illusion!"

"Or, it was some kind of trick deliberately used by the woman in the snow robe to confuse Song Yuan!"

"Strong, too strong!"

"Come on! The final peak moment is coming soon!"

Everyone held their breaths, waiting for the moment when the earth would collapse that day!

"how is this possible?"

Song Yuan exclaimed in shock, his eyes full of shock!

The means of reversing the void is his biggest trump card. In his opinion, even if he can't win in one fell swoop, at least he can make the opponent pay a huge price, and even have to retreat temporarily.

Next, he can take advantage of the opportunity of burning bloodline potential to approach step by step and forcibly defeat his opponent!

But now he realizes that his idea is too naive!

The power of the snow-robed woman is beyond his imagination!

Even if he burns the potential of his bloodline and uses the strongest trump card of "Reversing the Void", he still can't stop the mad attack!

"bring it on!"

Song Yuan roared up to the sky and did not choose to retreat!

Because dodging was meaningless, even if he tried his best to dodge, it would not be possible to reverse the situation.

At this moment, only the most extreme power can be poured into the line that decides the outcome!


rumbling rumbling!

Song Yuan swung his arms violently, and the repeatedly subverted ten thousand zhang void began to fall at a terrifying speed, and it shrank rapidly in the process of falling, like a giant mountain slamming into a long snow-colored dragon!

"sucker Punch!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the snow-robed woman, and her speed skyrocketed under the shroud of the snow-colored light, and she fit her body and slammed into Song Yuan!


Pfft... wow!

Screams resounded through the void!

Song Yuan's whole person seemed to explode, and a large space of giant waves spread rapidly with him as the center, and he himself was knocked back by the snow-colored long dragon volley to the distance!

The sight is terrifying!


"Get out of the way!"

"No reason!"

"This shot... is too heavy!"

The evildoers who stopped and watched all avoided Song Yuan, who had collided.

Song Yuan itself is not a threat, because he has been seriously injured by the snow-robed woman, and may even be about to fall!

The real threat comes from the madly escaping space power in his body!

This power is already out of control, and its power is no worse than the "reversal of the void" just now, and it is even more irregular and more troublesome!

Even those evildoers from the super cities in the east and south are frowning at this moment!

The snow-robed woman's shot is too heavy!

This is completely to kill the opponent!

But they are powerless to refute, and no one to blame!

Because this is the risk involved in the final showdown of the Supernova Conference!

As long as the strength is strong enough, in any shot, it is possible to kill the opponent!

Even if Song Yuan really fell on the spot, the Supernova Congress would never hold the snow-robed woman accountable, or even scold her!

The strength is not good, there is no way!

In the world of the strong, the weak are ants and fish, and they are slaughtered and crushed by others!

The snow-robed woman did not continue to shoot.

She has won!

At this moment, with her arms around her, she stood in the air and looked coldly at Song Yuan who came out of the collision!

Song Yuan has already collided thousands of feet, and he still hasn't stopped!

And wherever he passed, the void was repeatedly subverted, and the space power in his body was completely out of control!

"No, he's in a coma!"

Jiang Tian's face changed, and he noticed something was wrong!

He, who had fought fiercely with Song Yuan, had already seen the problem!

If Song Yuan still had a trace of sanity, he would naturally react to protect himself at this moment!

But he collided like a meteor, and there was no sign of stagnation at all!



Jiang Tian flickered, teleported to Song Yuan's side, and caught him.

It stands to reason that outsiders cannot intervene during the fight.

But now the situation is special!

Jiang Tiangen didn't have time to wait for the elder to announce the result, and he has already made a decisive move!



"He...isn't he afraid of reversing the power of the void?"

"Have you forgotten that he is a space and flesh double hegemony?"

"This Jiang Tian is really strong!"

Witnessing Jiang Tian's actions, all the evildoers have a dignified expression on their faces!

The snow-robed woman frowned slightly, watching Jiang Tian's shot, but there was no other reaction.

She did not continue to shoot, because Song Yuan was completely defeated!

Even if Jiang Tian woke him up, he would not have the strength to fight again.

"Rocky City, Begina, win!"

The War Superintendent waved his hand and announced the result!


Begina thanked the elder in a blunt tone, and bowed slightly with her right hand on her left chest.

This scene attracted everyone's attention!

This obviously belongs to some kind of exotic etiquette, not the clasped fist that is common in the martial arts world!

"Western Rocky City, what kind of city is it?"

"Obviously, the customs and martial arts habits there are very different from ours!"

"But I have to say, this Begina is really tough!"

"If I fight against her, I will never be sure!"

After a long recollection, everyone still did not intend to continue fighting.

The war supervisor elder couldn't hold his breath!

"If you don't make a move, you will all be eliminated!"


The faces of the evildoers who were immersed in emotion changed, and the battle was resumed immediately!


The violent roar resounded through the void again, and all kinds of spiritual energy surged wildly. No one paid any attention to Begina who had won the battle, let alone Song Yuan who was seriously injured.

"It hurts so badly!"

Jiang Tian looked angry and his eyes were cold.

Although injuries at the supernova convention are inevitable, it may even fall unexpectedly.

But Begina's shot was too heavy!

The opponent was obviously here to kill Song Yuan, but Song Yuan had good luck. The powerful space force offset part of the opponent's offensive, allowing him to save his life.

But his fleshly body already had hundreds of cracks!

It's a real crack, not just a wound on the body surface!

Jiang Tian couldn't help turning his head to look at Begina.

At this time, Begina happened to be looking at him!

The line of sight is opposite, and violent sparks are wiped out of the void tens of thousands of meters away!

Fighting intent!

That is a strong fighting spirit, and even a cold chill!

"Good Begina, I'll fight you in the next round!"

Jiang Tian shouted sharply!

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