Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6998: Destroy the strong enemy!

Chapter 6998 Destroy the strong enemy!

"In the late stage of the Yuanshen Realm, plus the immortal-level treasures, it is still too powerful!"

Jiang Tian's eyes are solemn!

He found that this golden giant hammer was quite special, very different from the common magic weapons of the same kind.

The general hammer magic weapon is relatively bulky, although the power is strong, it often takes a little time to shoot, and the attack speed is not too fast.

But this golden hammer is different. It is not only powerful but also extremely fast, and contains strong spatial attributes!

The value of this kind of giant hammer is definitely above the red giant spear just now!

No wonder the opponent would explode the red giant spear without hesitation, but put the golden hammer behind it.

Crack clap clap... bang, bang bang bang!

The giant hammer phantom slammed down, carrying the violent space force bombardment above the thousands of feet of space dominance!

The huge hammer shadow will be three thousand feet long, and the space dominance will only be one thousand feet, it looks like a big mountain is covering the top!

But what is shocking is that the power of Qianzhang Bayu is not at all cowardly, and under the control of Jiang Tian, ​​the power of the giant hammer is rapidly eroded!

The dazzling golden hammer shadow was consumed by the laminar flow of space, and a huge pit was directly cut out in the middle!

The hammer shadow was not affected as a whole, and the entire hammer body was still falling sharply.

In an instant, the Qianzhang Void Dominant Territory was deeply immersed in the phantom of the giant hammer, as if it had become a huge golden hammer-shaped amber!

"Huh, Brother Chu, it has to be you!"

Opposite the void, the owner of the silver knife looked at the scene in front of him and admired it sincerely.

His silver sword was not yet accomplished, and the opponent not only exploded a giant spear, but now took out the giant hammer and immortal treasure to attack violently, and the price paid was much more than him.

After winning Jiang Tian, ​​you must let the other party pick some benefits first, in order to make up for the other party's efforts.

"It doesn't matter, this son's methods are too evil, fortunately I am well prepared, otherwise... eh? How is it possible!"

Before he finished speaking, the blue-robed warrior with a giant hammer suddenly changed his face!

I saw the golden hammer shadow as a whole swipe down from the Qianzhang Void Dominant Territory, and smashed into the forbidden barrier below!

"not good!"


The faces of the two original **** realm powerhouses changed suddenly, and they exclaimed in unison!

It seems that the Qianzhang space dominance has also suffered a huge loss, but Jiang Tian in the center has not been affected.

But this is not the key. The key is that the phantom of the giant hammer still retains the violent power. If this hammer blows, the forbidden barriers will definitely not be able to keep it!

Crack...bang bang bang... rumbling!

as predicted!

Although the golden giant hammer has been hollowed out by the Void Dominant Domain, its huge immortal treasure still smashed through several forbidden barriers below with one hammer!

bab la la... clack... bang rumbling!

In the violent loud noise, several barriers were pierced at the same time, and the force of prohibition was instantly out of control, and they even slammed into each other frantically.


"Kill him!"

Once the barrier is broken, Jiang Tian can escape at any time.

The two did not dare to hesitate any longer, and launched a final mad attack with a knife and a hammer!

But what shocked them was that Jiang Tian did not take the opportunity to escape, but disappeared in a teleportation!


"Be careful…"

呲la...crack clap!

The faces of the two changed suddenly, reminding each other.

Before they finished speaking, two Jiang Tian appeared in front of them at the same time!

Two black lightning bolts shot out at the same time, slamming into their Divine Sea!

In the late stage of the Yuanshen Realm, the great powers were powerful after all, and when the black lightning struck, they knew that they could not avoid it, so they shot with all their strength!

Snap... Snap!


The silver knife slashed out wildly, tearing the void with one knife!

The golden hammer swung wildly, instantly smashing the void!

But none of the two's attacks hit Jiang Tian!

Because not far behind them, two other Jiang Tian appeared at the same time!

At the moment when they shot, the two Jiang Tian in front of them both disappeared.

At the same time, the two Jiang Tian who appeared behind them each pointed to the front!

scoff, scoff!

The purple light flashed, and the two heads flew up instantly!

The two corpses fell from the sky.


Jiang Tian raised his palms together, covering the tops of the two heads, searching for their souls before their vitality disappeared, wanting to know their origins.


The result was a big disappointment for him!

These people turned out to be just a group of powerful loose cultivators, with no special background.

The reason why he came here to make trouble is to plot the rewards he got at the Supernova Conference, and the second is to rob him of all kinds of opportunities.

"Is it that simple?"

Jiang Tian frowned, and soon found a clue from the two people's complicated memories!

There are more than this wave of people who destroy Chiyue City!

Thinking about it, most of the Scarlet Moon City was almost in ruins, and it was unlikely that only these few scattered cultivators were making trouble.

But the identities of those people, these two scattered do not know!

Clearly, there are more people involved!

Bang, bang!

Jiang Tian's palm loosened, and two heads were thrown away.

With a roll in the right hand, several storage rings flew back, which was the net worth left by these five people.

Divine Sense swept lightly, and there was no special treasure.

With a flip of the palm, the two immortal treasures, the Dongtian Hammer and the Silver Sabre, were thrown into the Purple Profound Realm.

Scarlet Moon City has been ravaged, the chaos is set for the first time, and it needs to be rectified urgently!

Jiang Tian originally didn't want to be in charge of these things, but it was all up to him, and he didn't want to be in charge anymore.

He closed his eyes slightly, and his spiritual sense spread around like a tide, quickly covering the huge city!

The most severely damaged area of ​​Chiyue City is the core area centered on the city lord's mansion, and the outer area has not been significantly damaged.

"The local warriors, families, sects, businesses, inns, and square cities in Chiyue City are all listening. I am the city lord Jiang Tian, ​​and everyone will immediately come to the ruins of the city lord's mansion to discuss important matters!"


Jiang Tian's voice spread with strong coercion, causing a sensation in the whole city!

"It's Jiang Tian, ​​City Lord Jiang!"

"He is back!"

"Our City Lord Jiang, he's back!"

Rumble boom!

In an instant, countless figures swept out from all over the city and came to the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion.

"City Lord Jiang, it's him!"

"Meet City Lord Jiang!"

"City Lord, you are finally back. After the Supernova Conference, our Chiyue City has undergone tremendous changes, and the warriors and civilians have suffered countless casualties!"

"More than a group of strong men came to wreak havoc, and most of them claimed to be here for you!"

"Does the Lord of the City know their origins?"

The level of martial arts in Chiyue City is not low, and many of the warriors present are in the original **** realm.

But in the late stage of Yuanshen Realm, there were almost none!

A powerhouse of that level either fell in the previous great change, or left Scarlet Moon City when he noticed something was wrong.

Of the remaining warriors, the strongest are basically the middle stage of the original gods.

They didn't dare to complain about Jiang Tian directly, they could only pour out their doubts in this euphemistic way.

"They did come for me, but I didn't take the initiative to provoke them!"

Jiang Tian said in a deep voice, frowning.

He can only do some analysis and speculation about the intentions of these people.

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