Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7003: The lotus platform comes out, and the holy bell reappears!

Chapter 7003 The lotus platform comes out, and the holy bell reappears!

Fortunately, this cyan glow is not hostile, and it slowly circulates around his body, giving him some kind of special feeling!

"Hey, this feeling..."

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, feeling very strange.

At this moment, he suddenly had a feeling that was both familiar and unfamiliar, as if he had seen this kind of breath and contacted this kind of power somewhere.

But for a while, I can't remember how!

What exactly is it?

Jiang Tian was puzzled and couldn't figure out why this happened?

Where does this azure light come from, and where is its owner sacred?

Why can it be far away from the void and directly projected on him?

How did the other party find him?

Everything is unknown!

But the more true knowledge, the more mysterious and terrifying!

Jiang Tian didn't have time to think about it, his eyes were slightly closed, and he silently felt this divine light!

After a short while, his face suddenly changed greatly!

"how is this possible?"

He looked at the bottle of Yantian Dao slurry that he had opened, and the corners of his eyes twitched violently!

The aura of the pulp that should have been slowly drifting out, after encountering the cyan glow, actually retracted into the bottle!

"Why is that?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, shocked!

Yantian Dao Pulp, this is a treasure that contains a hint of Dao artistic conception!

Its value needless to say, otherwise it would not be considered the first prize of the supernova conference.

But in front of this azure light, its breath could not be released!

Did it retreat on its own initiative, or did the power of the azure light suppress it?

Jiang Tian had a hard time judging this question!

Because he only touched the breath of the pulp a little, and did not start refining it.

But it is clear that the power of this Heaven-Yanning Dao slurry should not be stronger than the cyan glow, otherwise the one who retreats may be the cyan glow!

Although he couldn't figure out the reason, Jiang Tian cautiously closed the lid and put away the Yantian Dao Pulp.

He closed his eyes slightly, and silently felt the breath of the azure light!

This breath is soft and warm, with some kind of will, lingering around him, giving him a very strange feeling.

The next moment, an even more bizarre scene appeared!


Jiang Tian's body suddenly trembled, and a purple-gold light appeared in the sea of ​​​​qi!


Jiang Tian was shocked, and suddenly opened his eyes!

Purple Lotus Terrace!

The change that appeared in the sea of ​​​​qi was the Purple Golden Lotus Terrace!


The next moment, a huge purple-gold lotus phantom appeared in the void, wrapping him involuntarily!


The onlookers were instantly shocked, and they were all stunned by the scene in front of them!

"Then... what is that?"

"Lotus Terrace, Purple Gold Lotus Terrace!"

"What kind of treasure is it, and what does it mean?"

"I don't know, maybe it's some kind of secret treasure carried by the Lord of the City?"

"I guess the Lord of the City wants to refine some special treasure, or cultivate some special method, so it is covered up so that we can't see it!"

The crowd kept guessing at the huge purple-gold lotus platform, and there was an uproar in the field.

At this time, on the Purple Gold Lotus Terrace, pieces of lotus petals wrapped Jiang Tian, ​​blocking the sight of the outside world.

More and more warriors rushed from Chiyue City, but they couldn't see the situation inside the lotus platform at all.

At this time, Jiang Tian was also shocked!

Purple Lotus Terrace!

This is the remaining power of the lotus core of destiny left in his body, but it has not completely disappeared for a while.

Moreover, when he encountered major crises several times, he had appeared, and subsequently stimulated the remaining power of the original heavenly bell!

But never before has it been so grand!

"Purple Gold Lotus Terrace!"

Jiang Tian murmured to himself, looking at the lotus petals wrapping him, his heart surged.

Why did the Purple Golden Lotus Terrace appear at this time?

Cyan god!

Obviously, the manifestation of the purple gold lotus platform is closely related to the blue god!

But what is the origin of the two?

The azure light, why can it wake up the Purple Lotus Terrace?

Jiang Tian was at a loss and couldn't understand the specific situation at all.

But he seemed to understand the reason why the cyan glow gave him a warm feeling.

Obviously it is related to the Purple Golden Lotus Terrace!

Otherwise, it wouldn't have caused such a big reaction from Zijin Liantai!



All of a sudden, the mutation is back!

A gigantic shadow of a black and white two-colored bell appeared!

"Original Heavenly Sacred Bell?"


Jiang Tianru was struck by lightning and was shocked!

The original heavenly bell also appeared!

This was not entirely unexpected to him!

Because every time the Purple Gold Lotus Platform appeared, the remaining power of the original Heavenly Sacred Bell seemed to appear along with it.

But this time, the shape of the holy bell is also very exaggerated!

It has manifested into a giant bell, suspended in the center of the huge purple-gold lotus platform surrounding him!

It looks like the stamens of the purple-gold giant lotus!

However, its black and white colors seem to be a little out of harmony.

"Purple Gold Lotus Terrace, Yuantian Sacred Bell, and the azure glow, what's going on?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, his thoughts flooded.

How are these three related?

He had no way of guessing this question.

But in the next moment, he felt some kind of distant and unfamiliar power, but it made him extremely crazy!

"Time Spiritual Power?"

The long-lost time spirit power has appeared!


Jiang Tian's body trembled violently, staring at the phantom of the huge Yuantian Sacred Bell!

I saw black and white runes slowly emerging on its surface, and a stream of time spiritual power fell along with it.

He suppressed the shock in his heart and embraced these forces with all his strength.

But he soon discovered that he could only reach less than one-tenth!

The rest of the power passed by and fell into the purple golden lotus platform!


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, not knowing why.

It seems that the spiritual power at this time does not seem to be specially prepared for him?

Although he cannot change this situation, he certainly will not miss this precious opportunity.


Jiang Tian wanted to use the Swallowing Art to devour the time spiritual power of the Yuantian Sacred Bell.

Immediately in shock!

The Void Swallowing Art can't swallow this kind of power!

"Time Spiritual Power!"

Jiang Tian's thoughts surged, shocking inexplicably.

Although the Swallowing Art is known to devour all things, the spiritual power of time is an extremely special power.

It is completely different from the five elements of spiritual power, and it is also different from the power derived from the five elements such as wind, thunder, and electricity.

Even more specific than space spiritual power, elusive and unreasonable!

Since you can't swallow it, you can only feel it silently.

How much you can absorb depends on your luck!

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian stopped doing unnecessary actions.

Although 90% of these powers have fallen into the Purple Gold Lotus Terrace, they have not lost their way to others.

For him, it is not a loss!


The phantom of the original Heavenly Sacred Bell kept turning, and a stream of time spiritual power fell down like a different flow of time and space.

After a small part was absorbed by him, most of them fell into the Purple Gold Lotus Platform.


The purple gold lotus platform slowly turned, and the huge lotus petals slowly opened and closed, but they always blocked the sight of outsiders.

Together with the entire original Heavenly Sacred Bell, it is invisible to outsiders!

Some people even wanted to rush to the top of the Purple Golden Lotus Platform to see what happened!

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