Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7007: It's all mine!

Chapter 7007 It's all mine!

The eyes of everyone looking at the girl became complicated and full of fear!

This girl seems to be just a little baby, but she has a shocking power between shots!

"Is this the daughter of Dao Lian?"

"Maybe...she is the incarnation of Dao Lian?"

"I don't know, I don't know!"

Everyone guessed, but no one was able to determine her identity.

The face of the woman in the blue shirt became extremely ugly!

The spirit-devouring beast she finally got, was taken away by the young children in the lotus at this moment, and her mood can be imagined.

At this moment, she only hoped that the girl would not torture and kill the spirit-devouring beast!

After all, judging from the scene in front of me, the spirit-devouring beast is not a girl's opponent at all, and can't resist the opponent's control!


After the young child captured the spirit-devouring beast, he did not abuse it.

Instead, it is constantly scratching at its smooth and shiny silver hair!

"Squeak... cluck... haha... oh... hoo hoo hoo hoo!"

Under the scratching of the girl, the spirit-devouring beast laughed uncontrollably.

The laughter was pleasant at first, but it turned into a terrifying roar!

The girl looks small, but she is not small at all!

Hold the roaring spirit-devouring beast and play with it as a pet!

"Hooho...hahaha...stop, stop, I can't take it anymore!"

The spirit-devouring beast spit out human words, begging the child for mercy!

In addition to Dao Lian, the woman in the green shirt looked strange!

The spirit-devouring beast is her spiritual pet. She has reached a contract to recognize the master, but now she is begging the young child for mercy.

It can be seen that it knows that it is not a girl's opponent, and directly gave up the idea of ​​confrontation.

Of course, the girl did not show any malice to it, which is the main reason why it did not resist strongly!

"Hehehe, hehe!"

"Fun, so much fun!"

The girl hugged the spirit-devouring beast and couldn't put it down.

It even kept sniffing and sniffing on it!

"Well, it smells so good, it smells so spicy!"

The girl licked the spirit-devouring beast with a milky voice, she couldn't put it down!

After a while, she raised her head and glanced around Dao Lian.

Curiously looking at each of the terrifying powers!

These people seem to have been waiting outside for a long time!

Some seem to be normal people, but many have all kinds of weird specialities, such as monsters, trees, and stones.

More pleasing to the eye, only the woman in the blue shirt!

"Squeak... Squeak, let me go, I want to go back!"

The spirit-devouring beast tried to break free, but did not dare to force it, for fear of angering the girl and causing a thunderous punishment.

"Little darling, don't you know me?"

"Don't you have any impression at all?"

The girl asked in a milky voice while stroking the spirit-devouring beast.

"Squeak! Squeak?"

Know you?

who knows you!

What impression?

No impression at all!

The spirit-devouring beast was puzzled, but did not dare to refute it directly.

It's just a little strange, why did the other party say that?

"Huh?" The woman in the green shirt also saw that something was wrong.

No wonder this girl wants to capture the spirit-devouring beast. It seems that it has some origins with it!

Thinking of the origin of the spirit-devouring beast, she couldn't help being a little curious!

"Spirit-devouring beast, I guess your former master might have something to do with her?"

The blue-shirted woman muttered to herself, wanting to transmit spiritual power.

The results surprised her!

This sound transmission could not penetrate the time barrier and could not reach the ears of the spirit-devouring beast!

"No wonder!"

The blue-shirted woman's face turned black!

No wonder the spirit-devouring beast didn't respond to her summons and orders. It turned out to be blocked by the time barrier!

If it's another barrier, maybe it's better to say something, she may have a way to deal with it.

But since it is a time barrier, there is no good way!

Now, she can only wait!

But there are many people who have lost their temper!

"It makes no sense, so many of us just watch her lick the mouse there?"

"Of course not!"

"But what can you do?"

Everyone looked at each other, already very annoyed.

After a blink of an eye, someone was going to try to break the barrier forcibly!

"Since the spirit-devouring beast has entered, it means that the barrier is not impeccable!"

"That's right, before the spirit-devouring beast entered, that barrier was about to be broken!"

"The power of the barrier should have been loosened, let's give it a try!"

"Go ahead, old man can't wait!"


With a violent roar, a red palm print suddenly slammed into the barrier!

In the violent roar, the palm print stirred up a terrifying scarlet wave, and the void collapsed layer by layer, but only outside the barrier!

The barrier is still unbreakable, and the girls and spirit-devouring beasts inside are not affected in the slightest!


"The power of Dao Lian is really strong!"

"I'll try!"

After a blink of an eye, someone else started to shoot!

This man held a black strange blade in his hand and slashed forward!

呲 lah... bang kacha!

Time seemed to be split by him, a terrifying space crack spread rapidly, and strange time ripples emanated from the edge, as if to destroy everything in front of him!

But after reaching the time barrier, it stopped instantly, the seemingly terrifying force could no longer extend forward, and it stopped so silently!



"What a terrifying power!"

Of course, what everyone is amazed by is not the power of the black blade, but the power of the time barrier!

With the terrifying power of the black monster blade, it was still unable to break through the barrier of Dao Lian!

"Daolian is too powerful!"

"Don't waste your energy!"

"It's useless to do that!"

Everyone shook their heads and sighed, no longer struggling.

It seemed that he could only wait for Dao Lian's barrier to disperse on his own, or wait for the girl at the center of Dao Lian to come out on his own.

"Don't think too easily, this girl grabbed the spirit-devouring beast with a wave of her hand, and her strength may not be weaker than ours!"

"Yes, even stronger than us, at least she is not afraid of the power of time!"

"This is too much trouble!"

Everyone frowned.

Whatever Dao Lian offered, whether it was a treasure or something, they all had to fight for it with all their might.

But now he is actually a young child, and his strength is still very strong, there are undoubtedly too many variables in the competition!

But this still won't affect their will!

Fighting is a must, and there is absolutely no possibility of retreating!

The blue-shirted woman is also ready!

"The spirit-devouring beast is mine, and the girl is also mine. Whoever dares to rob me, the Silver False God Tree is his end!"

The woman in the blue shirt made a domineering declaration, warning the audience!

Everyone looked at her with a trace of fear in their eyes.

But such a declaration cannot scare off all opponents!

There are still many terrifying powers who are not afraid, and will fight to the end!

"What are you arguing about?"

The girl suddenly spoke, and her voice came out from the lotus.

In fact, her voice has never been affected by the time barrier.

This barrier seems to be a one-way barrier, which only isolates the sound and power from the periphery, and has no effect on the girl.

At this moment, the girl glanced at the audience, looking at those terrifying powers with disgusting eyes.

When he looked at the woman in the blue shirt alone, he was slightly calm.

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