Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7016: Fox clan treasure

Chapter 7016 Fox Clan Treasure

At this moment, the powers of all parties seem to have disappeared!

Old Monster Qingqiu himself seems to have disappeared!

All that is left are the phantoms like a blue dragon, and a piece of psychedelic sight.

There is also a terrifying and terrifying blue coercion!

"This is Qingqiu's ancestral meaning?"

"Phantom eyes, open!"


Jiang Tian decisively activated the magical power of "Illusionary Eyes".

Layers of purple halos swayed in front of his eyes, and everything around him quickly became clear.


Jiang Tian looked at it intently and immediately understood.

Those nine huge phantoms are indeed not dragons, but huge tails!

The tail of the giant fox!

And this giant fox is obviously not an ordinary monster!

Qingqiu ancestry!

That was the will of the ancestors of the Qingqiu lineage descending from the sky!

Its power is quite terrifying, and its will far exceeds that of the old monster Qingqiu himself, who is at the peak of the original gods, and may have reached the level of creating gods.

But after all, this is just a will, not the ancestor of Qingqiu.

Therefore, the impact on Jiang Tian is relatively limited!

But I have to say that Jiang Tian felt extremely depressed when this will far surpassed the peak of the original **** realm!

"With the will of the fox clan, you dare to delusionally suppress my dragon clan bloodline?"

Jiang Tian gave a cold drink, and purple golden light burst out from all over his body!


The powerful bloodline will rise up, and instantly skyrocket the Qingqiu Ancestral Will, which descended from the sky.


Old Monster Qingqiu's expression suddenly changed!

The powerful Qingqiu Ancestral Intent can crush almost all opponents of the original **** level, and even if he encounters a half-step god-building level, he is confident to scare the opponent away.

But it didn't work for Jiang Tian in the early stage of Yuanshen Realm?

"No reason! Who are you and what kind of bloodline are you?"

Jiang Tian is of the blood of the Dragon Clan, he is clear about this.

But what kind of it is, he doesn't know the details!

The power of Qingqiu's ancestral intention is definitely not something that ordinary dragon blood can resist.

Therefore, Jiang Tian's bloodline must not be an ordinary dragon bloodline, but one of the most noble and rare dragon bloodlines with enormous potential.

And such bloodlines are all close to the bloodlines of the Dragon Clan's close relatives, and they are even the direct inheritance of the Dragon Clan's close relatives!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sticking out his scarlet tongue and licking his blue lips greedily!

Both men and women of the fox clan have some kind of innate supernatural power, that is to absorb the blood and essence of other warriors and even mortals!

If Jiang Tian's blood can be drained, the benefits to him may be unimaginable!

Thinking of this, the Qingqiu old monster's spirit is greatly lifted, and the cold light in his eyes skyrockets!

"Qingqiu Zuyi, suppress him for me!"

Although Qingqiu's ancestral will was blocked for a while, Jiang Tian obviously couldn't completely dispel this will.

Therefore, in his opinion, Qingqiu Ancestral Intention is still extremely powerful and maintains a huge advantage.

As long as he motivates this will to suppress Jiang Tian with all his strength and imprison him to death, then he will have the opportunity to completely suppress the opponent and take the opportunity to seize his blood essence!

"Give me town!"

The old monster Qingqiu waved his hand violently, urging Qingqiu's ancestors to speed up the suppression.

Jijiji... rumbling... roar roar!

The strange screams resounded through the void, and the great powers of all parties who were far away were shocked and covered their ears tightly.

But it didn't work!

The power of Qingqiu Ancestral Intention does not need to be transmitted through sound. In fact, these sounds are only incidental effects. The real will can directly affect their minds and blood and spiritual power.



"Let it go away!"

Everyone was forced to retreat farther and farther, but they were still disturbed by the aftermath of Qingqiu's ancestors, and they were miserable!

In addition to the influence of their minds, they also presented scenes of confused illusions in front of them, making them difficult to distinguish between true and false, and suffering unbearably.

Jiang Tian, ​​who is under the suppression of Qingqiu's ancestors, can feel the power of this will even more!

But with the support of the bloodline of the blood dragon, he is far more calm than everyone else!

"The blood and will of the fox clan dare to make trouble in front of me, you are really overconfident!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth.

Qingqiu Ancestral Intention should be one of the most powerful means of the Qingqiu old monster.

Such means did not pose a substantial threat to him.

Neither will repression nor phantom bewilderment were of any use to him.

"Void Domination Domain, go!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand across the air, urging the Void Domination Domain to suppress the opponent.

"Huh? Damn it!"

Old Ancestor Qingqiu's face sank, and he was about to break free.

But he immediately discovered that this kind of confinement is far stronger than he imagined!

"Hey! No wonder it can withstand my several bangs!"

He sucked in a breath of cold air and shuddered!

At this time, we will know the true power of the Void Domination Domain!

But he wasn't panicking!

As soon as he pointed at the eyebrows, waves of strange illusions rippled out, and the entire Void Dominant Territory was stirred up like a lake with layers of ripples!

"The mere illusion also wants to compete with the void dominance, you are afraid... eh?"

Jiang Tian looked disdainful, but immediately noticed something was wrong!

It's not just an illusion!

Void Domination Territory is indeed in violent turmoil!

"how is this possible?"

This time, it was Jiang Tian's turn to be surprised!

He didn't expect that the old monster Qingqiu could shake the Void Dominion Territory!

The means used by the other party did not seem to be very tyrannical, but it seemed to have the effect of four or two thousand pounds.

Why is this?

Jiang Tian was puzzled for a while, but realized that this was some kind of special talent contained in the bloodline of the other fox clan.

He didn't have time to think about it, he waved his hand and forcibly urged the Void Dominion Territory to suppress his opponent!



The Void Domination Territory shrank sharply, but even during the shrinking process, it was still rippling.

The bloodline strength of the Qingqiu monster is fighting against the suppression of the hegemony domain, which makes the contraction speed of the void tyrants domain significantly slow down.

But this process was not interrupted after all.

After a while, the Void Dominion Territory shrunk to several dozen feet in size!

Within this range, even if there is a confrontation with the opponent's bloodline will, the Void Dominion still shows its power!

Rumble... rumbling!

The ripples caused by the old monster Qingqiu began to slow down sharply, and it almost came to a standstill!

"Impossible, it's impossible!"

Old Monster Qingqiu exclaimed in shock, his face changed greatly!

This is already one of his strongest cards, but it's still useless?

Seeing that the situation was not good, he didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and when his mind moved, several treasures appeared in front of him at the same time!

But before he could get excited, he was enveloped by a sudden purple pattern!

"Huh?" At the same time that Old Monster Qingqiu's face changed suddenly!

These treasures disappeared in an instant, and the next moment, they all appeared in front of Jiang Tian, ​​but they were still imprisoned by the purple pattern.

"Fox clan treasure?"

Jiang Tian frowned, his face full of contempt.

These treasures contain a strong fox clan aura, and most of them need fox clan blood to activate them.

The cultivation paths of Qingqiu's lineage really have many unique features, and they are obviously guarding against outsiders from the very beginning.

Such a method is a wonderful prohibition for the fox warriors, but it is a huge obstacle to outsiders.

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