Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7018: The peak of Yuanshen Realm join forces to besiege!

Chapter 7018 The peak of the original God realm join forces to besiege!

Jiang Tian has expanded the Void Dominion Territory to more than 4,000 feet, and the power has been diluted a lot.

This point, naturally, could not escape Qingqiu's induction.

He urged the green fox giant claws to forcibly break the ban, and even found a huge crack at the top of the Void Dominant Territory!


The incomplete green fox giant claw sticks out the ferocious claw body, ready to forcibly escape.

"Xingchen Jianyu, strangle it for me!"

Rumble boom!

Jiang Tian decisively sacrificed the Star Sword Region!

The sword domain formed by countless purple stars appeared above the Void Dominant Domain, circling and rolling down quickly.

"Do not!"

The old monster Qingqiu let out a shrill scream, and before he had time to escape, he was covered by the Xingchen Sword Domain.

Bang Bang Bang Bang... Chi Chi... Crack Crack!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the giant green fox claws that had just stuck out their head were strangled by the terrifying star sword intent, turning into pieces of cyan broken light scattered into the void!

"Do not…"

Qingqiu left a scream of despair and died completely!


The great powers of all parties watching around were completely stunned and exclaimed!

"Qingqiu is dead!"

"He couldn't get out of the trap even if he burned his blood, and he couldn't escape even when he was forced out of the green fox spirit body. It's terrible!"

"It's hard to imagine that he is a peak powerhouse of the original God realm, but Jiang Tian is only a junior in the early stage of the original God realm!"

"This only shows that all of us have greatly underestimated Jiang Tian's combat power!"

"How to do?"

Everyone looked at each other, the atmosphere was extremely depressing!

How to do?

What else can I do?

Of course, everyone is here to grab the treasure, and they must take down Jiang Tian!

But now, at the late stage of Yuanshen Realm, who has the courage to fight Jiang Tian?

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another, they looked at the few peaks of the original **** realm in the field.

Their strength is not weaker than Qingqiu, and they chose to wait and see before, mainly because they were afraid of attracting Qingqiu's anger and entanglement.

But now, their faces have become extremely ugly!

"Qingqiu... actually died!"

"He can't beat Jiang Tian?"

"I was counter-killed after playing cards. In the end, I didn't even have a chance to escape. Is this Jiang Tian really so powerful?"

These peaks of the original gods looked at each other, and their hearts were shocked!

Although the situation in front of them is very shocking, they may not be able to take Qingqiu one-on-one.

The same is true!

If they face Jiang Tian, ​​it is likely to end like this, not necessarily better than Qingqiu!

"Everyone, what should I do?"

"Are we going to leave now?"

"Retreat? Don't you want to receive the talisman!"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, resisting the temptation of Fuzi Jie Fu at all.

"Think about it calmly, Jiang Tian, ​​who owns a talisman, is actually the most realistic opponent we can target!"

"That's right, anyone who has a receiving talisman is no worse than him!"

"Either that kind of person has a strong background, and we have no absolute certainty about which one we will meet!"

"So relatively speaking, Jiang Tian is still the most realistic and ideal goal!"

"If we give up today and meet another talisman holder another day, will we still have the courage?"


"We must fight!"


Everyone's breath is rising, and they choose to continue to shoot!

Reception is the most important purpose of their visit.

In any case, don't miss it!

But one-on-one is obviously an extremely stupid strategy!

Therefore, everyone decided to join forces!

"The daoists at the peak of the original **** realm present, how about we strike together?"

"How to divide up the quotation marks?"

"It can't be divided, but we can work together to refine it after we get it!"

"As for who can finally complete this reception, it depends on the personal good fortune!"

"This is also a way, it is a hundred times better than not being able to receive a talisman!"

Boom boom boom... boom boom!

Everyone nodded, dispelling their biggest concerns.

There is only one receiving talisman, but they want to join forces to win the treasure, obviously no one can enjoy it alone.

In this case, there is only sharing!

Although the effect will drop sharply, it is better than nothing!

Whether you can be accepted or not depends on your luck, and in the end, no one is to blame.

Either way, this is an ideal solution!



Rumble boom!

In an instant, seven or eight Yuanshen Realm peaks rushed towards Jiang Tian.

These people's breaths soared, releasing a terrifying coercion.


"The peak of the original gods has actually joined forces!"

"Do we still have a chance?"

"You can go up if you want to die!"

"I... I'm not tired of living yet!"

The powers watching the battle knew that they had no chance, so they retreated to avoid it.

The power of the combined power of the peak power of the Yuanshen Realm is definitely not something they can resist.

This time, Jiang Tian may be doomed!

And all the treasures, of course, have to fall into the hands of these original gods, and they are completely missed.

Once ambitious, they eventually became a group of spectators!

"Jiang Tian, ​​die!"

"You don't need to hand in the receiving talisman, we'll get it ourselves!"

"And all the treasures and opportunities on your body, I believe that apart from the receiving talisman, those things should be enough for us to divide up!"

The eight peak powers of the original **** realm shot together and launched a mad attack around Jiang Tian!

"Void Domination Territory!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand, and then sacrificed to the Void Domination Domain!

In the process of fighting against Qingqiu, he found that this method was very useful.

Especially in the case of one-on-one, the suppression effect is quite strong.


"Do you really think that a space **** can be invincible?"

"Break it for me!"

If one-on-one, these people are of course difficult to compete with.

But eight to one, they have nothing to fear!

Bang rumbling... clack, clack!

The eight peaks of the original God realm shot together, and the Void Dominion Territory was torn apart instantly!

Jiang Tian was not surprised by this!

Although his combat power is strong, it has not reached the level of instantly crushing such an opponent.

But it is actually not difficult to kill an existence of this level!


Jiang Tian waved his hand and directly detonated the Void Domination Domain!


"Do not…"

"Run away!"


The screams resounded through the void, and before the eight peaks of the original **** realm had time to break free, they were all hit hard by the bursting void domain!

Three of them were directly destroyed and turned into flying ashes!

Although the other five people sacrificed heavy treasures, three of them were seriously injured and survived!

Only the last two people sacrificed several heavy treasures at the same time, barely blocking the strangulation of the Void Dominant Territory.

But also hurt!


The great powers of all parties were completely stunned, and the void resounded with an uproar!

"How... how is it possible?"

"That's the pinnacle of the eight original gods, all of a sudden... gone?"

"With such terrifying combat power, who can suppress Jiang Tian?"

Everyone knew at this time that targeting Jiang Tian was an extremely wrong decision.

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