Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7025: Fox clan treasure

7025 FOX Clan Treasure

The Void Arena is still under him, indicating that he has not been moved to another space.

Fox Eye Magic Treasure!

This is the power of the Fox Eye Magic Treasure at work!

"Phantom eyes, open!"


Jiang Tian immediately opened his illusion, and layers of purple halos swayed in front of his eyes.

But these purple halos are incompatible with the illusion in front of them, and they can't be cracked for a while!

"A bit of a doorway!"

Jiang Tian was not surprised but delighted!

The power of this fox-eye magic treasure can actually resist his "illusory eye" supernatural power.

I have to say, this is kind of interesting!

"Is the immortal-level magic treasure of the fox clan actually so amazing?"

Jiang Tian's hand squeezed the fox-eye magic treasure, and continued to perfuse the blood and spiritual power, wanting to feel its strongest power.


The illusion continued to spread, and the shrouded area had reached nearly 100,000 feet of void!

The large-scale illusion spreads rapidly, and it is not far from Chiyue City in the north!

"So much range!"

Jiang Tian's spiritual sense was swept out, and within the scope of the Fox Eye Magic Treasure, his spiritual sense was greatly disturbed.

The feedback from the feedback is as real as it is illusory!

This feeling is extremely unreal, making him feel a strange feeling like falling into a dream!

No matter how he stimulated the illusion, he couldn't decipher the illusion created by the fox pupil fairy treasure.

He decisively gave up trying, frowning in thought.

After a short silence, he suddenly opened his eyes and used the special magical power of "Purple Light Profound Eye"!

"Purple Light Mysterious Eyes, open!"


Ziguang's profound eyes opened, and many illusions spread out in front of his eyes!

This is the powerful talent of Ziguang Xuanmu, which can create a powerful illusion, making it impossible for people to distinguish between true and false!

It also has another function, which is to create illusions with illusions and break illusions with illusions!

Can restrain and crack many illusions and magic treasures!



Wherever the illusion created by Ziguang Xuanmu went, the strange scene created by the Fox Eye Magic Treasure slightly faded away.


Jiang Tian was surprised again!

The illusion created by the Fox Eye Magic Treasure has not been completely broken, and even the suppressed area has not been completely defeated!

It still looks like a mess, with constant disturbances!

"Sure enough!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but admire it.

At the same time, he also has a new view on this fox clan magic treasure.

Obviously, this treasure is not as simple as he imagined. It can be said that the psychedelic talent of the fox tribe has been brought into play to an amazing level.

What kind of value does such a phantom treasure have to him?


Jiang Tian withdrew his bloodline and spiritual power, and the fox-eye illusion that enveloped the 100,000-zhang void rolled back like a tide and quickly dissipated!

"Try it!"

Such a treasure is dispensable to him.

But if you can refine it and integrate its essence into your "illusioned eyes", you will definitely strengthen the magical powers of the illusionary eyes!

"bring it on!"


Jiang Tian sent blood spirit power again, but did not stimulate it.

Instead, wrap it with bloodline spiritual power and try to refine it!


Hutong Huanbao felt a huge threat, struggled violently, and resisted frantically!


With a sneer on his face, Jiang Tian opened his blood will to suppress it.

As a result, only a little bit of blood was released, and the fox pupil phantom shivered, and the breath was sluggish!

"This is the end?"

Jiang Tian sneered and shook his head, disdainfully.

I thought how it would resist, but I didn't expect that as soon as the blood dragon's breath unfolded, it gave up its resistance before it had time to fully release it.

"Practice for me!"

Jiang Tian stimulated the blood and spiritual power to start refining the Fox Eye Magic Treasure!

But then he discovered an amazing situation!

After the bloodline spiritual power he sent out entered the Fox Eye Magic Treasure, there was a strange feeling of being lost!

"how is this possible?"

Jiang Tian was shocked!

Bloodline spiritual power will also lose its direction?

It seems that this fox pupil magic treasure does have some peculiarities.

The next moment, he decisively sacrificed the real fire of the incinerator!

"The burner is really hot, refine it for me!"

sizzle... rumble rumble!

A low roar rang out from the Fox Eye Magic Treasure, and at the moment when the real fire of the burner was injected, the inside of the Fox Eye Magic Treasure seemed to be ignited!

Jiang Tian carefully sensed the changes in the Fox Eye Magic Treasure, and found that while the real fire of the burner was ignited, there was also a strange force trying to offset and resolve the flame!

"Give me up!"

Jiang Tian was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

After all, the blood and spiritual power were almost lost in it, and it was normal for the real fire of the incinerator to experience this kind of depression.

He immediately activated the real fire of the incinerator to speed up the refining!


A dull roar came from the fox eyes, and at the same time, there was a strange roar of the fox demon!

"Hooho... Jijiji... Who is it, who dares to destroy the will of this old man?"

This voice ignored the block and blasted directly into Jiang Tian's Divine Sea!


For a moment, Jiang Tian's whole person seemed to be sluggish, and Shen Hai seemed to be confused.

But soon, as a huge black shadow filled the air, Jiang Tian instantly returned to normal!

Nie Lei!

It was the power of Nie Lei that devoured the chaotic and turbulent power and protected his Divine Sea!

"The mighty will of the fox clan!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and his face suddenly sank!

In this fox-eye magic treasure, there is still a trace of the will of the fox clan's almighty hidden!

It's just that the other party didn't reveal his true identity, maybe it was just a ray of divine sense power that was incorporated into it out of some need when sacrificing and refining this treasure, or a divine sense imprint branded on it.

"No matter who you are or what your background is, you can't stop me from refining it!"

"Hoho...you dare?"

"Why don't you dare?"


Jiang Tian made a strong urging, and the fire of the incinerator skyrocketed again!

"Gee... ho... no!"

From the Fox Eye Magic Treasure, there was a furious roar that only Jiang Tian could hear, followed by a furious roar.

In the end, under the terrifying flame power of the real fire, this will disappeared!

At this time, the aura of Fox Eye Magic Treasure began to fall back, no longer resisting Jiang Tian's refining.

sizzle... rumble!

Under the guidance of the real fire of the burner, the mad currents of spiritual power began to circle and turned into a huge vortex.


Jiang Tian took back the real fire of the burner, and the vortex poured out of the fox pupil and poured into his palm.


Jiang Tian turned on the blood phagocytosis talent and quickly devoured it.

sizzle... rumble!

The essence of the fox pupil's illusion was poured into his blood, but it was quickly suppressed by the blood of the blood dragon!


Jiang Tian was a little surprised!

This is already the essence refined by the real fire of the incinerator, but it will still attract blood pressure?

It seems that the bloodline will of the barbarian dragon is somewhat repelling the bloodline essence of the fox clan!

"A mere fox clan fairy treasure, and it is still the essence of the power that has been refined by the real fire of the burning tool, it can still trigger such a strong reaction, it seems that the fox clan almighty who refines this fox eye is not easy. what!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, but he could not guess the identity of the mysterious powerhouse.

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