Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7029: scary mountain seal

Chapter 7029 Terrifying Wanshan Seal

As soon as the hammer was swung out, he forcibly retreated from the giant peak, and withstood the mad attack of the half-step god-building power black cloud pavilion!

"Huh! Hahahaha, your strength is stronger than the old man imagined, but do you think the old man's 'Wanshan Seal' will be defeated by a mere immortal magic weapon? Dreaming!"

Pavilion Master Heiyun gave a cold drink, and slapped his big hand in the air!


A black giant palm suddenly appeared above the giant mountain, and it slammed on the top of the mountain!

Crack... rumble rumble!

The giant peak of ten thousand feet was hit hard by this, and it suddenly accelerated and crashed down!

Snap... babble... rumbling rumbling!

The void collapsed layer by layer, and the space storm surged wildly, but before it could spread, it was forcibly squeezed by the giant peaks and superimposed together!



"What method is this?"

Everyone was shocked!

The great powers of all parties consider themselves to be super strong, but in the face of Wan Shanyin's blow, they didn't see the bottom line for a while!

It turns out that Wanshanyin is not only a powerful bombardment magic weapon, but also a special power to squeeze the space storm?

Boom boom boom... boom boom!

Layers of space storms were pressed into extremely thin space layers, which were superimposed on the bottom of Wanshan Seal, causing its aura to rise sharply, reaching some kind of terrifying level!

The goal is directly at Jiang Tian!

"It's over!"

"Pavilion Master Heiyun is too strong, Fang Yi shot, the overall situation is set!"

"It's over, there is no suspense in this battle at all!"

"The receiving symbol is his after all!"

All parties have an ugly face!

They haven't even found a chance to shoot, this battle is almost over!

With his super strength, Pavilion Master Heiyun only used Wan Shanyin to launch two attacks, and he would completely crush and kill Jiang Tian!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

Wan Shanyin crushed the void all the way, superimposing layers of space storms, as if covered with a thick space shield, crushing down towards Jiang Tian!

The warriors of Scarlet Moon City are desperate!

This is a power they can't even dream of!

Half-step to create a **** realm, so terrifying!

And this Wanshan Seal may not have surpassed the level of the fairy magic weapon.

But among the magical treasures of the Immortal Rank, it is definitely the top existence!

"Good come!"


Jiang Tian still didn't dodge, but stood up suddenly, and swung his hands upward suddenly!

In the right hand, it is still the Dongtian Hammer!

And in his empty left hand, with the rapid swing, another giant hammer with a domineering shape flashed along with it!

Heavenly Hammer!

Cave Hammer!

The two immortal-level giant hammers were injected with bloodline spiritual power by him, and they were swept out crazily!

Bang, bang!

Crack... boom boom!

The terrifying loud noise shook the void, and a terrifying aura like the destruction of the sky and the earth broke out!

The tens of thousands of meters of void trembled violently, and the two hammer shadows set off an incredible spiritual frenzy, annihilating each other with the superimposed space storm layers!


"too strong!"

"This guy is amazingly brave!"

All parties are amazed!

At this time, they have realized that Jiang Tian is absolutely not something they can deal with!

I am afraid that only a half-step god-building powerhouse may have a slight advantage, and among these two thousand people, there are probably less than a hundred people who can fight Jiang Tian head-on.

Among them are the peak powers of the original gods at the level of Yaotian and Zishan!

Thinking that only a few of the more than 2,000 people can fight against Jiang Tian, ​​everyone's heart is like being thrown a basin of cold water, extremely uncomfortable!

"Hahaha, it's useless, give me the town!"

Heiyun Pavilion Master was not surprised but delighted, and in the mad laughter, his right palm rotated and pressed in front of him!

Rumble rumble... clack clack!

The black giant palm covering the top of the Wanshan Seal rotates rapidly, just like the huge spiritual power vortex gathered when the warriors advance, injecting a terrifying giant force into the Wanshan Seal!

Buzz buzz... rumbling!

In an instant, giant shadows of the mountain peaks appeared!

They appeared at the bottom of Wanshanyin, in the turbulent waves generated by the explosion of layers of space storms blasted by two hammer shadows!


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, and his heart was dark!

Wan Shanyin's might surprise him!

He has already realized that this seemingly cumbersome fairy treasure is not the kind of giant that he imagined to be crushed and bombarded by opponents only by its size and strength.

It contains all kinds of changes, and each of them is somewhat beyond imagination!

"Good come!"

Jiang Tian himself is also a master of refining in a standard supermarket. He once participated in the refining of the large magic weapon, Xuan Lei Yin, and played a crucial role in turning the tide in the refining process.

A refining disaster was directly avoided!

Although the Xuanlei Seal at that time was not comparable to the Wanshan Seal in front of him.

But for him, it has great reference value.

Thinking of the various scenes when refining the Profound Thunder Seal, Jiang Tian's eyes suddenly glowed with unprecedented brilliance!

Obviously, Wan Shanyin's first attack was indeed just a heavy attack from a thick magic weapon forged and reckless!

It only relies on terrifying giant power, and there is no subtlety at all!

Such an attack was smashed by him with a hammer!

And now, realizing that he is not so easy to deal with, Pavilion Master Heiyun has just used the real power of Wanshanyin!

Buzz... clack... rumble!

I saw the phantoms of mountains and peaks appearing one after another, each of which contained an astonishing coercion, as if all the mountains were slammed down towards him.

"Void Domination Territory!"

rumbling rumbling!

Jiang Tian sacrificed the tyrants of the sky, but he did not expect that this hegemony could really stop the madness of Wanshanyin.

Because it's not realistic at all!

What he wants to do is something else!


At the same time that the Qianzhang Void Dominant Territory rose up, Jiang Tian decisively detonated it!

Crack... rumble rumble!

The terrifying roar resounded, and the power of the Void Dominant Territory was extremely violent. At this moment, it suddenly burst, turning the void upside down!

One after another terrifying space storms rose up, madly impacting the phantom of the mountain peak!

Under their tearing and impact, the phantoms of the peaks transformed by Wanshanyin collapsed and shattered one by one, and the original powerful offensive was quickly disintegrated!

"Space hegemony?"

The corner of Heiyun Pavilion's eyes narrowed, and his heart was secretly shocked!

He thought that Jiang Tianquan was forced to explode the two immortal treasures, or one of them.

But I didn't expect that the other party would use only one space **** to defuse Wan Shanyin's mad attack!

"No, this is not an ordinary space hegemony. The power it erupts is far beyond ordinary space storms!"

The power of the void!

"This son has actually mastered the power of the void, and his perception is quite profound!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Black Cloud Pavilion!

The hegemony domain condensed by the power of the void is no longer a space dominance domain.

It's Void Domination Domain!

"Void Domination Territory, no wonder it can withstand the mad attack of Wanshanyin!"

There was a ferocious look in the eyes of Heiyun Pavilion Master, and he pressed his hands together!

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