Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7047: Advice from the Taoist Palace

Chapter 7047 A warning from the Taoist palace

"This seems to have nothing to do with your Excellency, please clarify your intentions immediately!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were indifferent, and the evidence was cold.

This old man is obviously just a projection from the air, but the opponent, as a Taoist powerhouse, will inevitably have some powerful means, so he did not take it lightly.

He wants to know the other party's true intentions!

The power of the Dao Palace is extremely huge, it can be said that it covers the entire Dao domain, and almost no one dares to provoke it.

It is in charge of all aspects of the Dao domain, especially those large-scale competitions and some major affairs at the level of the entire Martial Dao world, and almost all authority is in the hands of the Dao Palace.

But to be honest, since the time of the "critical Dao domain", he has not had a good impression of the power of the Dao Palace.

Especially when he got the shadow of the Taoist palace behind Si Tianjian, his impression of the Taoist palace was even lower!

However, it seems that this old man does not seem to be malicious!

Then why did he come?

More importantly, there are many restrictions in the forbidden area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion.

This old man came out of nowhere without warning, which means that his methods are quite terrifying!

"Jiang Daoyou calm down, this old man is here for nothing else, just to inform Daoist friend of a trivial matter!"

"Small thing?" Jiang Tian was very puzzled.

"Yes, this old man will only inform Daoist friends here, and the fight around Chiyue City can come to an end!"

"I see!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help sneering!

This old man actually came for the fight in the past few days.

Jiang Tian thought about it carefully, and roughly guessed the other party's intention.

Obviously, in the past few days, he has killed a large number of peak powerhouses in dozens or even hundreds of super cities around him, and the strange change in the ranking of the bounty list has made the Taoist palace feel jealous of him!

So, I came to know him!

And the name "notice" is actually likely to be a warning, or even a warning!

"Your Excellency, on behalf of the Taoist Palace, came to warn me?"

"If Daoyou Jiang insists on understanding this, the old man doesn't need to explain too much, but the old man must make it clear what he should say!"

"Speak!" Jiang Tian waved his hand.

The star-robed old man said solemnly, "You know, Daoyou Jiang, what kind of impact has your dance stage in the past few days had on the hundreds of surrounding super cities?"

"The provocation was initiated by them first, and I just sat on the defensive and counterattacked. As for the impact, that was the price they should have paid. What does it have to do with me?"

"What's the matter with you!" The star-robed old man's face was cold and his eyes were sharp!

"Although Daoist's words are domineering, you must be clear that you have killed a large number of peak powerhouses in the past few days, which has had a serious impact on the level of martial arts around these cities!"

"Oh, I would like to know, what will be the impact of killing these people?" Jiang Tian couldn't help sneering.

When he was besieged by the great powers of all parties, the Taoist Palace did not come forward. Now that the great powers of all parties suffered heavy casualties, the Taoist palace suddenly came out of the void to warn him.

What's the point of this?

"To put it simply, the Daoist's action has caused a major blow to the martial arts level of many surrounding super cities. In other words, the crazy killing of the Daoist friends has obviously lowered the martial arts level of the surrounding super cities. So, Daoist friend do you understand?"

The star-robed old man said in a deep voice!

"My shot lowered the martial arts level of the surrounding super cities?" Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered: "Your Excellency is exaggerating, isn't it?"

"Exaggerated? No, not exaggerated at all!"

The star-robed old man shook his head and sighed: "Fellow Daoist Jiang may not know the seriousness of the matter, but you will understand after a little analysis of the old man and you!"


"Jiang Daoyou's shot seems to be just a defensive counterattack, but in fact you are killing the top powers of the super cities from all sides. These people are originally strong supports distributed in the light and in the dark, just like a There are invisible and distant pillars, but in just a few days, these pillars supporting the surrounding martial arts world have been pulled up by you one after another, what do you think this will cause?"

"I don't like guessing riddles, so make it clear to you!" Jiang Tian did not accept the other party's introductory description, and asked bluntly.

The star-robed old man frowned, as if he didn't expect Jiang Tian to be so "uncooperative".

Shaking his head and sighing, he said: "Fellow Daoist is a smart person, you should understand that the martial arts environment in the Dao domain is roughly on the same level, but with the collapse of the pillars of these super cities, the top powerhouses in other areas will inevitably lose their deterrence and checks and balances, and then Start putting tentacles into this area, do you still use the old man to say more about the next thing?"

"Oh! Does it have anything to do with me, it's all their fault!"

Jiang Tian retorted coldly!

"The feelings of fellow Daoists are understandable. It's not easy to criticize this old man, but since you can think of the warrior people in Chiyue City and protect them, you should enlarge your mind and pattern to help the people of these super cities around you. For the sake of the warriors and the common people, do you really want to see warriors from other regions come here to wreak havoc, and want the scene that happened in Chiyue City to appear in more places tenfold and a hundredfold?"

Facing the questioning of the star-robed old man, Jiang Tian fell into deep thought!


These things have no necessary connection with him, and he is not even the initiator, strictly speaking, even the victim!

But it is undeniable that he has been involved in the whole thing, and it is impossible to get rid of it.

"I understand your idea!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, but his eyes remained indifferent.

"But I have to tell you that if you want to stop me in the name of 'taking care of the overall situation' in a few words, that's impossible!"

"I also want to tell you that if they dare to provoke, I will kill them with a stronger attitude!"

"This is my attitude!"

Jiang Tian looked at each other coldly, not showing weakness!

Facing Jiang Tian's attitude, the star-robed old man fell silent!

After a while, he shook his head and sighed.

"I have to say that what Daoyou Jiang said does have your point, but this concern, I think Daoyou can dispel it!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian was a little surprised.

But there was a faint smile on the face of the star-robed old man.

"To tell the truth, before coming to the Daoist friends, the Dao Palace has secretly issued a secret order to the surrounding cities, saying that the top powers of all parties must not harass Chiyue City again, and violators will be severely punished!"

"Really?" Jiang Tian was suspicious.

Dao Palace didn't show up when the battle was in full swing before, but now, seeing that he had the upper hand, Dao Palace issued such an order, which was disgusting.

"It's absolutely true!" The star-robed old man nodded heavily: "So in the past couple of days, have fellow Daoists ever seen someone attack?"

Jiang Tian fell silent!

Since the fourth day of the pendulum, no one else has come to harass.

But a large part of the reason for this is that his strong performance shocked all parties, otherwise it would not be so calm.

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