Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7051: careful balance

Careful weighing

Even as a real dragon, Jiang Tian still feels a lot of pressure!

But this kind of pressure is also a rare opportunity, allowing him to silently perceive the various effects of internal shocks without any interference!

Jiang Tian closed his eyes slightly and realized it carefully.

time flies!

The huge waves in the sea of ​​qi surged into the sky, and the violent bloodline power rushed into the meridians of the whole body, making his bloodline spiritual power run more than ten times faster, and it continued to increase.

In the end, the speed of his bloodline spiritual power was more than a hundred times terrifying!

You must know that such a speed is enough to collapse the meridian pulse, causing the terrifying backlash of the power of blood!

But because this process is gradually deepening, it is not achieved overnight, and the real dragon tyrant has a super self-healing ability.

So Jiang Tian felt the pain and danger did not happen all at once!

But step by step, keep getting stronger!

While this brought him the ever-increasing pressure, it also allowed him to keep adapting, so that he had time to resist and be prepared!

at this time!

The True Dragon Tyrant Body, the Void Tyrant Body and even the Star Sword Body were mobilized by him to resist the impact from within!

At this moment, his thoughts were no longer attached to whether to advance or not.

I have even completely forgotten the idea of ​​​​advancing!

At this moment, he was concentrating on comprehending the violent impact of the bloodline waves on the inside of the flesh.

At the same time, dare to feel the process of bones and meridians becoming stronger and stronger!

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian opened his eyes suddenly, and the light in his eyes shined brightly!

This change was something he hadn't expected.

His physical body is already very strong, so powerful that even the peak of the original **** realm and even the half-step god-building realm are afraid of it!

But inside his body, he is still relatively fragile!

If there is any force that can break through the surface of the body and blast into the body, it will still cause terrifying heavy damage to him.

And now, this situation is changing qualitatively!

Once he has survived the baptism of the bloodline waves, his physical body will be significantly stronger from the inside out!

At that time, even if there is an external force that can break open the surface of the body and blast it into the body, it will not cause too much trauma to him!

"This is an unexpected gain!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but nodded and smiled.

It might not be easy to advance in this retreat, but being able to comprehensively improve the physical strength in this way, and let the bloodline spiritual power continue to strengthen under repeated impact, is also a rare improvement!


Jiang Tian put aside all his concerns, not only no longer beware of huge blood waves, but even actively fueled the fire!


Rumble boom!

The violent roar continued to sound in his body, and the intensity of the bloodline spiritual power wave rose again and again, reaching a certain terrifying level!

The inner shock of the bloodline spiritual power released the huge coercion.

Waves of spiritual force were released outside Jiang Tian, ​​and the space in the forbidden area of ​​the city lord's mansion began to distort and turbulent, showing signs of instability!

"Void Overlord!"

Jiang Tian urged the Void Overlord to suppress this force.

If you ignore it, this force is likely to completely distort this space and collapse this place of seclusion.

Scarlet Moon City is already riddled with holes, and a hundred wastes are waiting to be rebuilt!

He can no longer burden the City Lord's Mansion!

He used the Void Overlord to suppress the coercion released by the bloodline spiritual power, and soon made an unexpected discovery!

"Hey, it's still like this!"

Jiang Tian was surprised!

He found that after the coercion of the bloodline spiritual power was swallowed up by the Void Overlord, it seemed to form a wonderful cycle.

It can actually use the impact of bloodline spiritual power to slowly improve the Void Overlord!

Although this improvement is extremely slow, it is really enhanced!

In this way, the power of the bloodline will not be wasted again!

Equivalent to a practice, with double or even more heavy benefits!


Jiang Tian was greatly surprised!

At this moment, the depression of not being able to advance is completely swept away!

If refining a large amount of resources is a means of improving his strength, then now, with the same batch of resources, he can reap the triple benefits of bloodline spiritual power, physical body and void hegemony!

Three birds with one stone, really happy!

Rumble... rumble!

Jiang Tian continued to fuel the flames, and the blood and spiritual power surged into huge waves, and the repeated superposition continued to strengthen!

This improvement has made his blood pressure rise step by step. Although his realm has not broken through, his combat power has grown tremendously!

His physical body and Void Overlord are also enjoying this huge benefit, steadily improving and catching up with each other!

time flies.

Three days of shade passed by in a flash!

Jiang Tian's blood aura finally calmed down.

At this time, although he still hasn't advanced, his aura has changed significantly!

The most intuitive feeling is that the whole person is more refined and the breath is significantly stronger!

And in the fog of the realm, he has also vaguely glimpsed the shadow of the bottleneck wall!

Although it is still not clear, it seems that it is still far away, but it has been able to get a glimpse of it!

Compared to the previous foggy fog, this is already a huge improvement!

And in his hands, there are many half-step god-building medicinal pills, as well as the Yuanshen Hedao Dan brought by Man Tongtian!

If you refine these resources, it shouldn't be difficult to advance!

But considering the current situation around Chiyue City, he still pressed this idea.

Before the Supernova Conference began, he almost devoured the five super-spiritual veins of Chiyue City, which greatly reduced the heritage of the City Lord Conference.

After the Supernova Conference, because of the chain reaction caused by the mysterious character's super gambling game, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the range of hundreds of super cities plummeted!

All kinds of things are a heavy blow to these warriors on the ground!

Although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is still several times stronger than the "critical Dao domain", it has also dropped several times compared to the peak!

This means that it is even more difficult for the warriors who are in it to advance!

Even if you want to improve your strength, you have to pay more time and a greater price!

He can no longer swallow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the area of ​​Chiyue City!

Otherwise, this area will become the surrounding aura depression, which will be trampled and oppressed by all parties!

Even if he is advanced, he has to leave here and find another advanced place.

This is not only a pity for Chiyue City, but also out of practical considerations!

Because in the advanced process, it is necessary to devour a large amount of heaven and earth aura to fill the body.

With the current situation around Chiyue City, there is simply no ideal aura condition to meet his needs.

In this case, relying on the cultivation resources to forcibly advance, will seriously suppress his combat power, and in the worst case, there may be two or three times the loss!

He can't bear this kind of loss, and he can't bear it!

"It's time to get out!"

Jiang Tian stopped cultivating decisively and walked out of the retreat.

After returning to the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, he was still thinking about one thing before!

Extracted from the three golden vortexes in the Divine Sea of ​​Half-Step Creation of God Realm!

It was a special kind of thunder power, but he still didn't know what the details were.

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