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The participants in this martial arts fair are all geniuses and demons of the younger generation.

They went through rounds of fighting for a month, and finally divided the level of strength.

The City Lord's Mansion distributed corresponding resources for them, so that they could cultivate hard and advance as soon as possible!

In the following period of time, Chiyue City set off a frenzy of cultivation, and there was a roar of advanced steps from time to time inside and outside the city, and a large number of warriors broke through.

The scene of Scarlet Moon City is completely new!

Seeing that Chiyue City is booming, the elders of the City Lord's Mansion began to discuss another major event!

"Everyone, Jiang Tianzhu's order has been implemented, and it has produced amazing results. We can consider this matter to be done!"

"But what are we going to do next?"

The elders looked at each other in dismay, and they were in trouble for a while!

Compared to distributing resources, this matter is the real difficulty!

If it doesn't work well, it will be a big deal!

"It's a big deal, and there must be no shortfall!"

"Choosing another city lord is easy to say, but if it fails, it will cost you your head!"

"Jiang City Lord Zhuyu is in front, who can take his place?"

"How to choose this successor? Even if we choose, does he have the courage to take it?"

The elders looked at each other, and the atmosphere in the hall was a little depressing!

That's right, Jiang Tian's mind and achievements are on the bright side, and the candidate to succeed the city lord is directly difficult to give birth!

They had privately discussed with various forces and asked each other's attitudes, but everyone was extremely cautious about it, and no one dared to express their opinions arrogantly.

The elders had to hold a temple meeting.

After some careful weighing, they made a particular decision:

There is no new city lord in Chiyue City for the time being, and Jiang Tian is still the city lord!

All affairs of Chiyue City are jointly managed by the elders, until the day Jiang Tian returns, and then report to him!


Above the high clouds, Jiang Tian stepped out with a purple pattern!

Below is a large-scale city, a super city - Tianma City!

This city is also one of the hundred super cities, located in the southern area of ​​these cities.

This place is far, far away from Chiyue City, but what surprised Jiang Tian is that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is also very poor!

It is only one or two percent better than Scarlet Moon City!

It is not difficult to see that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here has also experienced a sharp decline, which is not suitable for him to break through the advanced stage.


The purple light reappeared, Jiang Tian didn't stop, and fled away.

He escaped all the way and walked through dozens of super cities, but the result was the same.

The spirit of heaven and earth is very poor!

Therefore, he decided to continue to move south, out of the territory of the hundred super cities, to find a suitable advanced place.


Half a month later, a purple light suddenly appeared over a super city!

Jiang Tian stepped out on the huge purple pattern and looked down attentively!

This is a brand new super city, bigger than anything he has ever seen!

You can sense the tyrannical auras in the city without the need to deliberately sense it!

That is the aura that belongs to the peak of the original **** realm and the half-step god-building power!

The former has at least dozens, and the latter has as many as three or five!

This is just the exposed breath, and it cannot be ruled out that there are more powerful and powerful people who deliberately cover up their own breath and cannot be stunned.

"There are so many peak powers in one city, and there is even a half-step god-building realm with exposed breath. The level of martial arts here is really good!"

Jiang Tian looked slightly solemn.

Thinking about Chiyue City, the former city owner Chi Xuntian was only in the late stage of the original **** realm.

And in this super city called Xunguang City, there are dozens of peak powers of the original **** realm!

If such an existence goes to Chiyue City, one person can suppress a super city!

"too strong!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his eyes solemn.

With such a level of martial arts, the area around Chiyue City is simply unable to compete.

It's no wonder that the organizers of the Supernova Conference have to divide the Dao domain into separate areas.

If we don't divide the area, but gather all the supernovas in the super city together, the situation will probably be seriously unbalanced and absolutely crushed!

That kind of situation may seem spectacular, but it is actually detrimental to the entire martial arts environment!

Because that would severely damage the luck of the martial arts in the weaker areas, in front of the super-strength opponents, those warriors in the weaker areas would not feel anything other than despair.

Over time, it will be completely degraded, forming an insurmountable Martial Dao Heavenly Moat!

With such a high level of Xunguang City, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth should be very strong!

But when he let go of his divine sense and sensed it carefully, he was stunned!

"how so?"

Jiang Tian found that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is not much higher than that of Chiyue City!

It's just a little bit higher than the Chiyue City before the aura dropped!

This is clearly not normal!

Because under the same aura conditions, the level of heaven and earth treasures and monsters are roughly the same.

And these things, the level of the warriors born will not be too bad.

From this, it is not difficult to infer that the original aura environment around Xunguang City is much stronger than it is now!

"Is there also a super gamble here?"

Jiang Tian's face was a little ugly!

When the Supernova Conference was going on, he didn't pay attention to the situation outside the God-Creating Void Realm.

But after the conference, especially after the sharp decline in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, he made inquiries and finally got some news.

All kinds of news point to a strange scholar of unknown origin!

It is said that this eccentric scholar made a crazy bet on him, and won a huge bet when all the casinos, businesses and individual gold owners were not optimistic!

"Who is that person, and what is the origin?"

Jiang Tian frowned, puzzled.

He didn't know the man, but the man seemed to know him like the back of his hand!

This made him think deeply!

Just imagine someone you don't even know who has an accurate judgment on all the details of who you are and how you might perform.

How terrible is this?

Although he has never seen the weird scholar, he feels that all the secrets in his body are clearly controlled by the other party!

In front of the strange scholar who has never met, he seems to be a transparent person!

this is too scary!

Jiang Tian felt shivering!

If there is a chance, he must have a good meeting with this strange scholar!

Take a look at who the other party is, what kind of background?

Fortunately, the weird scholar didn't seem to be hostile to him, otherwise he might fall into the opponent's trap without realizing it.

This person has to be guarded!

Jiang Tian suppressed the fear in his heart and looked down at Xunguang City again!

The level of martial arts here is indeed very high, and there are more than ten super spiritual auras in the city!

Ordinarily it is also a cultivation resort, but for him, this is not the case!

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