Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7061: The atmosphere is weird

Chapter 7061 The atmosphere is weird

How to do?

"Master, what's wrong?"

Swallowing Mountain Xuan Turtle noticed the difference and asked quickly.


Jiang Tian thought about it for a while, but decided to leave Zixuan Realm temporarily to see the situation.

Although Fairy Yuehua has been an ally with him for a long time, it is not that kind of master-servant contract after all, and the other party cannot be completely controlled by him.

And the Zixuan Realm is also secretly related to his bloodline, so it is not safe to rashly expose it under such circumstances!


Jiang Tian decided to leave Zixuan Realm first.

But at this moment, the mutation suddenly started!


The five fingers of the left hand released a strange light, and a mysterious aura suddenly enveloped the void!

Fairy Yuehua appeared with five Wanyan Jinggangs!


Jiang Tian's face changed slightly, but then he suppressed the strangeness and regained his composure.

"Give you!"

Fairy Yuehua waved her hand, and the five Wanyan Jinggang instantly surrounded Jiang Tian!

"These things have been completely refined by me, and now I return them to you, and you can control them!"

"Thank you, Senior Yuehua!"

"Huh? Your breath..."

Fairy Yuehua looked at Jiang Tian with a look of surprise in her eyes!

The last time we met, Jiang Tian's cultivation seemed to be only in the realm of stars?

And now, it has actually reached the middle stage of the Yuanshen Realm!

And the strong breath shocked her!

"How long has it been since I fell asleep?" Fairy Yuehua asked.

"in less than a year!"

Jiang Tian thought for a while and replied.

Fairy Yuehua's eyes shrank: "In less than a year, your cultivation has broken through the realm one after another. You are indeed a rare enchanting genius in the martial arts world!"

"Senior has won the prize. Thank you for refining these five Myriad Flame Essences for me. If there is nothing else, I would like to invite senior..."

Jiang Tian said that he was about to seal the five Wanyan Jinggang into the tip of his left finger again.

At the same time, it is also implying that Fairy Yuehua will return together.

However, Fairy Yuehua is not stupid!

"You seem particularly anxious?"

Yuehua looked at Jiang Tian leisurely, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth!

"where is this place?"

Fairy Yuehua glanced at the void, first saw the mountain swallowing black turtle, and then saw this vast and boundless space.

Immediately afterwards, I felt the breath of the half-step divine meridian below!

"Giggle! I accidentally saw your secret, Daoyou Jiang won't attack me, right?"

Fairy Yuehua teased Jiang Tian with a narrow face.

"What is the senior saying?"

Jiang Tian had a depressed look on his face, and was a little discouraged in his heart.

He originally wanted to leave Zixuan Realm quickly to prevent the secret being spied on by the other party, but he didn't expect the other party to wake up instantly, interrupting his plan.

The result is now, the Zixuan Realm is directly exposed in front of Fairy Yuehua!

"Junior is not someone who doesn't know what to do, so how could he work with the senior who works closely together?"

"Hehe, you are smart, tell me, what is this place?"

Fairy Yuehua looked at Jiang Tian leisurely with strange eyes.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, weighing it silently.

The secret has been exposed, and it is obviously impossible to hide it from the other party.

Moreover, Fairy Yuehua is not an entity, even if she wants to use some means in Soul Search to erase the opponent's memory, it is impossible.

More importantly, he may not be able to beat the opponent!

"Purple Profound Realm!"

Jiang Tian thought about it and answered directly.

"Purple Profound Realm?" Fairy Yuehua was a little puzzled.

It seems like a small world.

But she had never heard of the name!

But judging from all the signs, there seems to be some secrets hidden here!

About Jiang Tian's Secret!

"It seems that you still have a lot of things to hide from me?"

Fairy Yuehua has a weird smile!

Jiang Tian said coldly, "Who doesn't have any secrets among warriors?"

"That's right. It seems that your background is deeper than I imagined. Let's talk, what is going on in the Zixuan Realm?"

"What's the matter?" Jiang Tian asked back.

"Hey! Still trying to hide from me?"

Fairy Yuehua's eyes are sharp and imposing!

"Wrong! The junior never thought to hide anything, just keep it a normal secret!"

"It's the senior. After the failure with your master, there is not even a normal place to shelter. If the junior met you unexpectedly and became allies, the senior still doesn't know where to wander. Am I right?"

I thought that these words would anger the other party, but what was surprising was that Fairy Yuehua laughed instead of being angry!


"Giggle, I'm just teasing you, don't be so nervous!"

Martial Artists naturally have some ultimate secrets, and they will never confess to the outside world. This is the same for the Lingchen Fairy she used to follow!

Therefore, Jiang Tian hides some secrets, which is extremely normal and not worth making a fuss about.

"As long as it's not a secret that is harmful to me, I naturally won't interfere too much."

"Thank you for your understanding, senior!"

Jiang Tian also smiled.

As if the tension just now had never existed!

"But to be honest, I've taken a fancy to this place. Don't put me on your fingertips in the future, just let me stay here!"

Fairy Yuehua is very satisfied with this small world.

The space is huge, and she can swim freely without restraint.

Staying in Jiang Tian's fingertips, although the space is not too small, it always gives her a cramped and narrow feeling.

"This point, forgive me!"


Facing Jiang Tian's rejection, Fairy Yuehua sank her face!

"I've done so much for you, is it difficult to stay in this small world?"

"Senior Yuehua is a sensible person. We wise people don't speak secretly. There are indeed many secrets here, and it is inconvenient to reveal them to others!"

Jiang Tian said coldly.

"Inconvenient to show people?"

Fairy Yuehua looked at Jiang Tian with doubts in her eyes.

This small world is already quite a secret, what else could be more inconvenient to show?

At this moment, her face suddenly became weird!

"What if I refuse to leave?"

she asked coldly.

"If the senior insists on doing this, I have to 'please' the senior to leave!"

Yuehua's face sank: "You dare?"

"Why don't you dare?"

Jiang Tian sneered!

Although he and Yuehua had already become allies, or partners, the other party was still attached to the former master, and he was just an artifact spirit.

Even if the means are stronger, it is impossible to make him succumb!

What's more, this is on his territory, how can an outside artifact be turned against the guest?

The two faced each other, and the atmosphere was a bit weird!

After a while, Fairy Yuehua suddenly laughed!

"Giggle, I'm just teasing you, do you really think I'm interested in your shabby place?"

"Hehe, I know that senior is not serious, so I just made a joke with senior!"

Jiang Tian waved his hands and laughed.

"But what if I really want to stay here?" Yuehua asked with a smile after changing the conversation.

"Senior, if you really want to stay, it's not impossible. As long as you want to aggrieve the senior and sign a contract of recognizing the master with me, then I can confidently and boldly hand over this small world to you!"

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