Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7068: Djinn Puja

7068 Djinn Dharma Conference

"So strong?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were horrified!

Surprised by this huge inertia!


You know, Yiqiao Mountain was thrown out by himself.

He knew exactly how much force he had used!

Although the strength is indeed not small, but no matter how it is said, it also exploded the Hanging Flying Hall, after a huge consumption.

I thought it would stop where it was, or even bounce back.

But I didn't expect it to crash into the flying hall like a ruin, and then speed up the sky and swept away like a meteor!

"so close!"

Jiang Tian let out a sullen breath.

Yiqiao Mountain's current level of sacrifice and refinement can only be easily controlled within one hundred thousand zhang.

And this kind of control is also limited, it is not like a normal magic weapon at all!

And once you leave within 100,000 zhang, it is possible to get out of its control!

This treasure can't stand any mishaps!

Care must be taken!


After this lesson, Jiang Tian became more vigilant in his heart.

It is not advisable to forcibly notify Yiqiao Mountain unless it is necessary!

Otherwise, you are likely to face unexpected troubles!

But the power of this shot made him very satisfied, even a little beyond his imagination!

"not bad, very good!"

One blow explodes the Hanging Flying Hall and destroys the housekeeping magic weapon of Xuankong's ancestors. For him, there is no obvious consumption of spiritual power.

The power of this treasure is too strong!

"Now, it's your turn!"


Jiang Tian opened the formation of the sky, and instantly fled back to the sky above the Aurora Valley.



When he returned to the sky above the Aurora Valley, he found that the Xuankong ancestor had disappeared!


Jiang Tian glanced at the void with a depressed look on his face.

Obviously, Xuankong Patriarch escaped!

And the remaining thousand or so warriors of the original **** realm also fled in all directions after a moment of panic.

Jiang Tian did not pursue these people!

First, they were just onlookers and did not take action. Second, the resources of these people had little effect on him, and it was not worth his time to waste.



With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, nearly a hundred storage rings swept back and were thrown into the Zixuan Realm by him.

The net worth of a half-step god-building powerhouse is still available to him for the time being.

Although there is a certain decline in efficacy, it is better than nothing.

He didn't know the details of Xuankong's ancestors.

But looking back on this battle, the Hanging Flying Palace really left a deep impression on him!

Reminds him of the original Immortal Jue!

Today, he has accumulated a large number of fairy magic weapons in his hands.

It is completely possible to refine one or even several composite large-scale heavy treasures!

But not now, and not here!


Aurora Valley has no value to stay, Jiang Tian started the "Empty Transformation" and continued to flee south.

Next, he went to a super city to inquire about the ancestors of Xuankong.

As a result, this super city called Jinwu City is not where Xuankong ancestor's cave dwelling!

According to the other party's statement, Xuankong Ancestor is driving a flying hall in the sky, traveling among several surrounding super cities, and there is no very fixed cave.

"It seems that it is not easy to find him!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were light.

He didn't have to find Old Ancestor Xuankong. After all, he only fought against each other for one or two rounds.

Not only did he not suffer, but he also exploded the opponent's proud treasure, causing the opponent to flee in fear of the battle.

As long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to find them, he doesn't bother to spend too much time searching for them.

But things are so coincidental!

The situation where the enemy's road is narrow is often unavoidable!

Three days later!

The super city in the middle of Daoyu - Djinn City!

at this time!

The largest square in the center of the giant city, the giant square!

Powerhouses from all sides are having a special party!

This gathering is called the Djinn Dharma!

It is a routine martial arts exchange once every five years, but it is not hosted by the Taoist palace level, but a routine understanding spontaneously organized by Djinn City and several surrounding super cities.


At this time, one after another, powerful and powerful people came to the scene.

Almost all of these people are half-step god-building powers, and there are also some original god-level peaks, but all of them have a strong breath, and their cultivation base is obviously stronger than that of the same level of warriors!

With the arrival of these people, the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic!

And as the organizer of this Djinn Dharma meeting, the elders of Djinn City's City Lord's Mansion are also gathering here, just waiting for the Lord of the City to appear!

Roar... rumble!

Suddenly, a majestic and domineering roar came from the city lord's mansion in the north of the square!

When everyone heard the news, they were moved by it!

"Listen, this is the movement from the forbidden area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion!"

"It seems that the Lord of the City will be leaving soon!"

"Lord City Lord retreated before the dharma meeting, it seems that he is prepared!"

"Maybe this time, they can surprise us!"

The elders and clan masters of all parties were discussing and looking forward to it.

The Djinn Dharma is held every five years, and almost every session will have some finale scenes.

Some are some kind of exotic treasures, some are extremely rare heaven and earth treasures, some are some kind of special medicine pills, and there are also some unusual ancient treasures and so on.

And this time, the Lord of the City hurried to retreat before the dharma meeting, and the situation was obviously not so simple!

At the northern end of the Giant Spirit Square, a huge high platform was erected.

There are two rows of seats made of top-grade spirit crystals on the left and right, and these seats are inlaid with pieces of imperial crystal!

Emperor Crystal!

It is a more advanced spar than the top-quality spirit crystal!

This kind of thing is extremely rare even in the Dao Domain!

One imperial crystal can be exchanged for one hundred top-quality spirit crystals!

This kind of thing can only be produced in the very few half-step **** veins and the equally rare emperor crystal veins!

And its rarity determines its value and status, and is also used as a status symbol!

at this time!

On the high platform of the Giant Spirit Square, there are ten seats on the left and right sides of the City Lord's throne!

On the left is the seat of the ten elders of the City Lord's Mansion!

On the right, there are seats for ten foreign VIPs!

At this time, the ten elders of the City Lord's Mansion were all present.

But there are already nine people in the VIP seats, and there is still one missing at this moment!

"Who is the tenth VIP, and why hasn't he come yet?"

Looking at the empty seats, everyone was puzzled.

Suddenly, the whistling in the depths of the City Lord's Mansion stopped!

Immediately afterwards, a majestic and terrifying aura surged from north to south!

Before everyone could react, they added one more person to the throne of the city lord!

It is the Lord of the Giant Spirit City - Ju Kun!

"Hehe, I have to wait a long time for everyone... Huh?"

Before Ju Kun finished speaking, his eyes suddenly stopped on the seat at the end on the right.

It's still empty there!

"Elder, which VIP hasn't arrived yet?"

Ju Kun's face was dark and his eyes were slightly cold!

"The city lord, it is the ancestor of Xuankong!"

"It turned out to be Xuan Kong!"

Ju Kun nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

Hearing the name, the other nine people in the VIP seat nodded.

"Master of the Giant City, I have had several relationships with this person Xuankong. Although he is not the strongest among us, his flying palace in the sky makes me jealous!"

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