Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7071: amazing change

Amazing changes

at this time!

There were constant exclamations in the square, and a large number of warriors were applauding the ancestors of Xuankong, especially those of the younger generation, who were extremely worshipped.

"When will I be able to have a cultivation like Senior Xuankong?" A young evildoer in the middle stage of the Primordial Divine Realm revealed his inner emotion.

"You? Haha, I'm afraid it's still a long way off. You are only in the middle stage of the original **** realm, and they are half-step god-building masters!"

"Senior Xuankong is not an ordinary half-step god-building realm, but a top powerhouse in the half-step god-building realm, and his level of strength is by no means ordinary!"

"I am waiting for the middle and late stage warriors of the original gods, if I want to reach his level, I am afraid that there are dozens or hundreds of years that can't be achieved!"

"Dozens or hundreds of years? Hey, stop dreaming!" A silver-robed middle-aged man in the crowd shook his head and sneered, his face full of mockery.

"Why, it's nothing for you to look down on us, do you dare to look down on Senior Xuankong?" Someone angrily retorted!

"No!" The middle-aged Yinpao laughed: "I have full respect for Senior Xuankong, you must not misinterpret my meaning!"

"Then what do you mean?"

"I mean, you are cultivating, and senior Xuankong is also cultivating. After dozens or hundreds of years, senior Xuankong may have entered the realm of creating gods, and how many of you can reach his current level. Woolen cloth?"




Everyone looked at each other, unable to answer this question for a while!


They are getting stronger, and Xuan Kong will not be idle.

There is a huge gap in the strength of the two sides, and it may not shrink over time, and may even increase!

That being said, their thoughts are really wishful thinking!

"We were sloppy!"

"Senior Xuankong's strength is indeed beyond my reach!"

"No way, we can only chase him desperately!"

"After all, an elder like him who has lived for thousands of years, his cultivation is unfathomable!"

"Senior Xuankong understates that once he makes a move, he will let me wait in the dust!"

"Stop talking nonsense, and feel the breath of Senior Xuankong!"


Everyone stopped talking, closed their eyes slightly, released their spiritual thoughts, mobilized their blood and spiritual power, and felt the enormous pressure of Xuankong Palm with all their hearts.


"too strong!"

"Senior Xuankong's strength is truly unfathomable and admirable!"

While feeling the power of Xuan Kong, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

"Do you think this is over?"

Ancestor Xuankong smiled proudly, attracting the attention of the audience!


"Is there any change?"

"The power of this palm is already terrifying, can it be stronger?"

Everyone was amazed and surprised at the same time!

Listening to this, Xuan Kongzhang seems to have another way?

And several VIPs who knew Xuankong, nodded with a smile at this moment.

"Of course Xuankong Palm is not that simple!"

"There will be many changes in the future, but the power will be at least twice as strong as it is now!"

"I once had a discussion with fellow Daoist Xuankong. Although Xuankong Palm is only his regular method, it is indeed incomparably subtle!"

"This palm may not be anything to us, but it is enough to make these juniors useful!"

Everyone smiled and gave a high evaluation.

But between the words, there is no meaning to elevate yourself!

After all, for them, a means like Xuankong Palm is nothing to be afraid of!

But with Xuankong ancestor's shot again, their faces began to change!


Xuankong Old Ancestor's evaluation of the audience, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

The five fingers trembled slightly to the sky!

Crack... rumble rumble!

The giant palm of the gray cloud, which seemed to be about to decline in power, suddenly erupted with unprecedented arrogance!

The void that had collapsed was once again forcibly collapsed by him!

And this time, the void collapsed more and more completely!

One after another space cracks grew out of it, but they couldn't escape the crushing of the gray clouds at all.

It was just born, but it was wiped out by the power of Xuankong Palm in an instant!

The sight is terrifying!



"how so?"

"Is this still the Xuankong Palm?"

The expressions of the powerful people in the VIP seats changed slightly, and they were shocked!

This is very different from the Xuankong Palm they imagined, and there are more changes that they could not expect!

"The means of Xuankong Laodao are so strong?"

"A mere Xuankong palm, he realized such a change?"

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!"

The nine VIPs looked at the ancestor Xuankong, but their eyes began to change!

There is a faint trace of fear!

It is said that for existences of this level like Xuankong and them, the various means have almost been finalized, and it is impossible to change much before breaking through the big barrier.

And the means he suddenly showed seemed to be preaching to the crowd, but it seemed to be a demonstration to them!

"I didn't expect him to realize this kind of change from the mediocre palm technique!"

"Looks like he's got some kind of chance recently!"

"It's very possible!"

Everyone nodded, confirming this judgment.

The cultivation base has reached their realm, and all means have been finalized, and there will not be much changes easily.

In the absence of external stimuli, it is impossible for the ancient ancestor of Xuankong, whose cultivation base has already taken shape, to suddenly have such a bright understanding!

This only shows that he has encountered an opportunity!

That's right!

Ancestor Xuankong has indeed encountered a little chance recently, but it is not a chance in the usual sense.

But some kind of awkward "opportunity"!

Xuan Kongzhang didn't have such changes originally, but after he encountered a strong enemy, after a lot of setbacks and suppression, he finally realized what he is now!

It was none other than Jiang Tian who brought him the chance to be a warlock!

"Boy, although I don't know who you are, I really want to thank you!"

The young figure reappeared in Xuankong's mind.

It was in the last fight that he was suppressed by Jiang Tian and witnessed Jiang Tian's various methods, which led to a special understanding after the event.

Benefiting from this comprehension, this change has occurred in his Xuankong Palm!

And when this small change was brought to the Djinn Dharma Conference, it not only shocked many warriors, but also made his peers faintly fear it!

"not bad, very good!"

Ancestor Xuankong was secretly excited!

Of course, outsiders don't know how he got this hand, but their scruples about him have really deepened!

This is exactly the effect he wants!

He was the last to come and the first to preach.

Under normal circumstances, it is everyone's default strength is not the strongest!

But with these changes in Xuankong Palm, no one dared to despise him anymore, and his evaluation has also changed significantly!

"Strong, too strong!"

"Senior Xuankong is amazing!"

"This palm not only collapsed the void, but also obliterated the cracks in the space. The power is extremely terrifying!"

"Space power! This palm has been able to crush space power, it's amazing!"

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