Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7073: No adulterer, no businessman

Chapter 7073 No traitor or businessman

"How is it, fellow Daoists, do you want to come to my flying boat now?"

The square hat man asked with a smile.

Although everyone was unwilling, they had no choice but to get on his flying boat.

"Forget it, the opportunity to preach the sermon is rare, and ten top-grade spirit crystals are also worth it!"

"I come!"

"I'm coming too!"

"And I!"


In an instant, hundreds of warriors flocked to the square hat man's silver flying boat, all vying for a good position on the deck with an excellent line of sight.

But when they came before and after the flying boat, they couldn't fall!


"Forbidden barrier!"

"What do you mean by that, sir?"

People are angry!

Since they say they want to open the door to do business, but block them out, what is the intention?

"Haha!" The square-hatted man smiled strangely: "Everyone, don't be impatient. Ten pieces of top-quality spirit crystals were the price just now. After thinking about it, this price is not reasonable. I decided to change it to one hundred pieces!"


"The price has risen to 100 yuan in an instant, why don't you grab it?"

"No reason!"

"Are you ripping us off?"

The crowd was on fire!

In just a few breaths before and after, it actually went from ten yuan to one hundred yuan!

A full tenfold difference, this square hat man is too dark!

"Hehe, I'm not reluctant to be strong. If you don't want to, then leave, don't affect my business!"


The man in the square hat stepped on it gently, and a powerful force poured out of the barrier, slowly pushing everyone away.



"One hundred is one hundred, I admit it!"

"Give you!"


Someone threw a hundred top-quality spirit crystals directly.

The man in the square hat grabbed it from the air and put the man in.


The red-robed youth swept up on the deck of the flying boat, glared at the man in the square hat, and immediately found the best position to sit down!

Not only can you stand on the flying boat, but there are also several rows of seats with excellent sightlines.

But before he could sit down, he was stopped by the man in the square hat!

"Wait, fellow Daoist! Each seat is 10,000 high-quality spirit crystals. If you want to sit, you must pay for the spirit crystals first!"


The red-robed youth was almost furious!

It was ten yuan at the beginning, and then it rose to one hundred yuan!

Now I want to pick a seat, but it goes up to 10,000 yuan!


It's so exaggerated!

"Haha, fellow Daoist calm down! We are all people in the martial arts. You understand the benefits of sitting, and whether you sit or not is entirely up to fellow Daoists to choose."

The man in the square hat didn't say more, put his hands behind his back, and waited quietly!

"How unreasonable!" The red-robed youth gritted his teeth, so angry that he wanted to curse.

But he knew the stakes!

Standing on the deck of the flying boat, although you can watch Da Neng's sermons, it is not convenient for you to deeply understand!

And if you can sit down in a better seat, it will be much more stable, and it is convenient to capture inspiration and enter a state of perception at any time!

The two seem to have a price difference of a hundred digits, but in fact, the benefits of the latter are far from the former!

10,000 top-quality spirit crystals are really nothing to him in the early days of the star realm.

"Give it!"

The red-robed youth threw out a bag of top-quality spirit crystals, and then swept to the front seat, choosing the best seat to sit on.

Seeing the red-robed youth sit down, the others couldn't hold their breath!

"Grandma, it seems that we can only rent a place to live!"

"There's no way, hurry up, and if you hesitate any longer, the position will be robbed!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Everyone threw a hundred spirit crystals and obtained the qualification to settle down.

After settling down, these people weighed a little, and most of them paid 10,000 spiritual crystals to choose a seat with a better seat.

Soon, hundreds of seats were robbed!

The thousands of warriors who came after that could only stand on the deck and watch the sermons.

"Everyone, 10,000 top-quality spirit crystals, do you feel a loss?"

The man in the square hat came to the front seat and asked with a smile.

The people in the seat wanted to refute, but when they looked at the thousands of warriors behind them, they couldn't help but be grateful for their choice!

"I have to say that the effect of the seat is still a thousand times stronger than that of the seat behind!"

"Although this spirit crystal is a little expensive, it's really worth it!"

"Thanks to us coming fast, otherwise we can only squeeze together with them now!"

In addition to these people, next to this flying boat, there is also a large group of warriors!

They came a little slower, but it was too late to board the flying boat!

Because the front and rear decks of the flying boat are full of people, there is no place at all!

"Don't worry everyone, I still have it here!"

"and also?"

Everyone was stunned!

The middle-aged man with the square hat waved his hand, and three large flying boats were sacrificed by him!

"No reason!"

"This man really knows how to do business!"

"Sure enough, you came prepared!"

"How to do?"

"What else can I do, come on!"


A large number of warriors swarmed up and quickly seized the favorable positions of the three flying boats.

"Hahahaha, wonderful, Fellow Daoist Xuankong really is profound and profound, making the Daoist preaching session of this dharma conference a good start!"

The Great Elder of the City Lord's Mansion couldn't help cheering for him!

To a certain extent, Xuan Kong's performance is equivalent to setting a tone for this powerful preaching.

If Xuankong's performance is too low or too restrained, then the next preacher will not show too many trump cards.

But Xuan Kong raised the tone so high from the beginning, and the next person naturally couldn't pull his hips too much!

Therefore, this powerful sermon is destined to set off an unprecedented climax!

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Xuankong has worked hard, please take a seat and rest, and the next fellow Daoist will continue to preach!"

City Lord Ju Kun nodded and laughed, motioning for Xuan Kong to return to his seat.

"Not urgent!"

Xuan Kong waved his hand and smiled, as if he still had no idea!

"Just now, I suddenly realized something. Since there are so many great powers and Daoist friends today, I won't hide it any more. I simply take this insight out and share it with everyone!"


"Daoist Fellow Xuankong has a broad mind!"

The warriors who watched the sermon all praised it.

However, the VIPs on the high platform seats lowered their faces one by one!

"What, what is he doing?"

"Is he trying to force all our cards out?"

"Excessive, what a **** excess!"

"Xuankong, this old thing, is trying to trick us!"

"Who said it wasn't? But the problem is, even if we know he's in the trap, we can only dig in!"

Everyone looked at each other, their faces a little ugly.

Xuan Kong started so high, if they want to keep their majesty and face, they must be higher!

And at least half of them are not stronger than Xuankong!

In order not to be compared by Xuan Kong, then I can only come up with some skills to press the bottom of the box!

And these skills and trump cards were something they didn't want to expose!

Faced with this situation, it's no wonder that they feel better!

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