Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7087: Immortal Scythe

Chapter 7087

They are well aware of the situation of the treasure hall, have extremely rich experience and superb refining level.

Although refining this heavy treasure is extremely difficult, he still has absolute confidence!

"Borrow everyone's good words!"

The old man in yellow robe was full of joy, as if he had seen the moving scene made by the "Shenzhen Bell".

at this time!




"what's the situation?"

Everyone's faces changed!

It was discovered that the power of the spirit veins was fluctuating!

"how is this possible?"

"The power of the spirit veins actually fluctuates!"

"This situation is quite rare. What's going on?"

Everyone looked at each other, somewhat uneasy.

"I know, this is a situation that only occurs when the three treasure halls are opened to the limit at the same time!"

"Drive to the limit at the same time?"

Everyone instantly understood!

The three treasure halls share a half-step divine vein, and most of the time there will be no problems.

But there will be some special cases!

For example, the three treasure halls are all refining large-scale magic weapons at the same time, and they are all continuously consuming their spiritual veins to the limit!

In this way, there will inevitably be some ups and downs and turmoil in the power of the spiritual vein.

"So that's the case, will it affect it?"

The old man in yellow robe was a little uneasy, and quickly asked everyone.

"Friend Daoist Yuan, don't worry, the ups and downs of spiritual power are a normal reaction of the spiritual veins, there will be no problem!"

"It's rare for the three treasure halls to use up the limit consumption at the same time, fellow daoists don't need to panic!"

"According to Wanguang Trading Company's statistics, this situation lasts for a few days at most, and then at least one of the three treasure halls will reduce consumption."

According to past experience, it is extremely rare for the three treasure halls to refine large-scale magic weapons at the same time and consume them for a long time at the same time.

So there are occasional ups and downs, and there is no need to worry.

at the same time!

In the No. 1 treasure hall!

Dozens of refining masters are assisting a middle-aged man in a golden robe to forge a huge black sickle!

This sickle straddles the large formation of refining equipment, and its body is as huge as a thousand feet!

What's even more astonishing is that it is not a single magic weapon, but a compound magic weapon.

Around the thousand-foot-large main body, there are more than two hundred identical black sickles floating!

These sickles are also hundreds of feet in size, and all of them have amazing breaths!

And that Qianzhang body has an even more terrifying aura!

at this time!

The middle-aged man in the golden robe stood in the center of the formation, staring with his hands behind his back.

Beside him, there is also a white-haired old man, who is a senior craftsman!

He is the chief guest elder of Wanguang Trading Company!

The same refining assistant was invited in.

But unlike the dozens of other refining masters, he came here just to suppress the formation and prevent various accidents during the refining process.

Those who really need to be busy are those dozens of refining masters.

"The Immortal Severing Scythe has just taken shape, and its aura is already so huge. After it is finally refined, Fellow Golden Daoist may be invincible in the half-step God-Creating Realm!"

The white-haired old man said solemnly.

"Thanks to Master Bai's careful guidance, otherwise this treasure would never be so easy to refine!"

"Hehe, it's mainly because Fellow Daoist Jin was lucky enough to find this ancient treasure, the Demon Devouring Scythe, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do anything no matter how skilled I am!"

Master Bai stared at the thousand-foot black scythe, a hint of awe flashed in his eyes.

"It's a pity!" The middle-aged man in the golden robe shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity that the Demon Devouring Scythe was partially destroyed in ancient times, and now it's just an ancient remnant treasure, otherwise its power could be improved by several levels!"

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Gold should be satisfied. If it's a complete Demon Devouring Scythe, Fellow Daoist may not have a chance to get it!"

Master Bai said pointedly.

"Master Bai is right!"

The middle-aged man in the golden robe nodded and smiled. What the other party said was true and irrefutable.

If it was a complete Devil-devouring sickle, it would probably disturb some dormant terrifying powers, and it would definitely not fall into his hands.

"Master Bai, the consumption of spiritual power seems to be increasing. Is 40% of the spiritual power really enough?"

The middle-aged man in the golden robe was a little worried.

Although this No. 1 treasure hall occupies 40% of the half-step divine veins, the consumption continues to increase as the sacrificial refining process progresses.

Now that it is approaching the limit, when it comes to a critical moment, will there be a situation where the spiritual power will not be connected?

"Fellow Daoist Jin just need to rest assured, even if the spiritual power is really not enough, this old man has a solution!"

Master Bai smiled mysteriously, which stunned the other party!

"What does the master mean?"

"Jie Jie! The three treasure halls seem to have limited spiritual power, but they are not static. Bai knows some secret methods, which can change the distribution of spiritual power, and draw the power of the other two treasure halls when needed. I use it!"

"So that's the case, then there is Master Lao Bai!"

The middle-aged man in the golden robe was overjoyed, and the worries in his heart quickly disappeared!

"Hehe, don't worry, there is no need to use that kind of method now. After all, our sacrificial training time is relatively long. Maybe before that time, the No. 2 and No. 3 treasure halls have already ended in advance?"


The middle-aged man in the golden robe was completely relieved.

Once the refining of the second and third treasure halls is over, he can enjoy the essence nourishment of the entire spiritual vein exclusively, and the chance of successful refining will be even greater!

at this time!

In the No. 3 treasure hall!

As soon as the kneading ceremony started, 30% of the spiritual power was super full!

Jiang Tian is also a little worried at the moment!

After all, this is a scale of more than four hundred magic weapons. Is 30% of the spiritual power really enough?

Although the shopkeeper of the commercial firm said he was very satisfied, he actually had great doubts!

"What's the situation with No. 1 and No. 2?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Tian resolutely turned on the magical power of phantom eyes to investigate!

The three treasure halls present a triangular orientation!

There are thick palace walls and multiple prohibition circles between them!

Among them, there is a prohibition against snooping!

But to Jiang Tian, ​​these restrictions were almost useless!


Layers of purple halos rippling, Jiang Tian's sight pierced through the palace walls and heavy restrictions, and saw the situation of No. 1 and No. 2 halls!

"It turned out to be a large compound magic weapon!"

Jiang Tian thought that his refining method was already extremely rare, but he didn't expect that such a scene was not unusual in Wanguang Firm!

The scale of the magic weapon refined in the No. 2 hall is relatively small, but at a glance, it can be seen that it is a heavy treasure of confinement and suppression.

His gaze quickly turned to Hall No. 1!

What he saw surprised him!

I saw a huge black scythe with a size of one thousand feet floating above the huge refining circle!

And around it, there are more than 200 pieces of exactly the same Baizhang black sickle, surrounded like stars holding the moon!

What surprised him even more was that the size of the refining array in No. 1 treasure hall was more than double that of No. 3 and No. 2!

"They are both top-level halls, but the size and settings of the three halls are so different?"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, a little depressed.

You know, the cost of these three treasure halls is the same.

But the size of the refining array in No. 1 treasure hall is more than double that of No. 2 and No. 3!

And enjoy 10% more spirit vein essence!

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