Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7095: hostility

Chapter 7095

The Void Dominion shrouded it, forcibly confining the self-destructive power of this treasure within a hundred feet.

Removed its effects!

And after this treasure was strongly suppressed, the other treasures also quickly stopped changing, as if they were afraid!

"Hey! That's all!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, his face full of disdain.

Even these magic weapons have the habit of bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

The law of supremacy of power in the martial arts world is really omnipotent!


Crack, crack... Rumble!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and Jiang Tian once again sacrificed a thousand-foot thunder array, suspended above the large refining array and hundreds of immortal treasures.

The huge Lei Wei unleashed waves of terrifying will, making these fairy treasures vibrate!

After a moment of suppression, hundreds of fairy treasures began to explode with astonishing resistance!

The power of one after another fairy treasure began to rise upwards, gathering into a terrifying force to fight against the thunder array crazily!

"bring it on!"

"Let me see how strong your strength is?"

Jiang Tian was not surprised by this, and was even a little surprised.

Immortal treasures are immortal treasures after all, even after two or three sacrificial refining and kneading, the foundation of the immortal treasure is still very strong.

Before being completely kneaded, they couldn't help but burst out!

And this kind of explosion is completely in line with the dignity and arrogance of a fairy treasure!

If not, it would really disappoint him!

Kachacha... Boom!

Hundreds of fairy treasures showed their power one after another, refusing to give in to each other, and frantically bombarded the thunder formation above!


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, purple gold thunder pillars slammed down, hitting each fairy treasure fiercely.

Among these celestial treasures, there are many thunder-type heavy treasures, and they don't care about thunder attacks.

This kind of treasure can easily resolve Lei Wei, and it is more comfortable to deal with it than other treasures.

There are also some powerful knives, spears, and swords, relying on their powerful power to confront the Zijin Thunder Pillar.

For a while, he didn't lose the wind!

But not all fairy treasures can ignore Lei Li's suppression!

Among the more than 300 fairy treasures, about 100 pieces were crushed by Lei Li and were powerless to resist, so they could only hold on!

"not bad!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, neither sad nor happy.

Judging from the current situation, the performance of these fairy treasures can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

It did not exceed his expectations!

If that's the case, the power of the compound large-scale magic weapon that is finally sacrificed will not exceed his estimate.

To put it bluntly, you can't give him a real surprise!


Thinking of this, Jiang Tian decided to increase the output of thunder power to push out the limit of these treasures!

Because he knows that these fairy treasures still have potential to be tapped!

"Since you want to be agitated, then get completely agitated!"


Crack... bang bang bang!

Thousands of feet of lightning blasted wildly, and one after another purple gold lightning pillars slammed down, forming a dense thunder and lightning frenzy!

Crack, crack... bang... Boom!

More than a dozen fairy treasures couldn't withstand the terrifying Lei Wei, and exploded in an instant!

Regarding these, Jiang Tian didn't even bat an eyelid!

Not even a thunderbolt blasted by a thousand zhang thunder formation can't resist, even if these immortal treasures are barely squeezed in, it will only lower the grade and power of the compound magic weapon.

Not worth mentioning!

The bombardment of the Zijin Thunder Pillar became more and more violent, and the hostility of the immortal treasures was completely aroused!

Boom boom boom!

Crack... bang rumble!

With the violent roar, the first wave was higher than the lower wave, and these immortal treasures began to show their power crazily.

Jiang Tian couldn't help shaking his head and laughing!

Although all these fairy treasures are resisting, they are obviously irregular and difficult to weather!

Because all their anti-engagements are just instinctive reactions, and there is no rhythm of advancing and retreating at the same time.

It is difficult to form a joint force under the waves of thunderstorms of thousands of feet!

If they cannot form a joint force, they are destined to be suppressed by the thunder formation!

Just as he expected!

Although these immortal treasures erupted with violent power one by one, they were finally suppressed by the violent bombardment of thousands of feet of thunder!

Buzz buzz...boom!

Ho **** ho!

The momentum of hundreds of fairy treasures has slumped, and they are no longer as brave as before!

Seeing, their will will quickly fall.

At this moment, Jiang Tian made a move!

"Give me a raise!"

Whoosh, whoosh, boom!

He danced his hands into a phantom, and quickly played out a series of refining formulas!

These spells sank into hundreds of fairy treasures like lightning, causing their aura that was about to fall quickly to stabilize, and began to reverse upwards!

"If you want to fight against the suppression of the Thunder Array, together with one Qi is the only way out!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and forced his will into these fairy treasures!

Buzz buzz... boom boom!

Immortal treasures are all spiritual, and some have even given birth to considerable spiritual wisdom.

After feeling Jiang Tian's will, they seemed to wake up!

All of them trembled, bursting out an unprecedented aura!

Buzz... boom!

Ho Ho... Ow!

The violent roar came and went one after another, and it was frantic at the beginning.

But it quickly became regular!

The rhythms of hundreds of magic weapons are gradually becoming the same, and the breaths almost rise and fall in unison!

Rumble... boom!

A powerful roar suddenly sounded, and hundreds of magic weapons released their will one after another like a terrifying giant beast!

"it's time!"

"Thunder formation, go up!"

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

With a urging of Jiang Tian's left hand, the thousand-foot thunder formation condensed ten hundred-foot-thick purple-gold thunder pillars and blasted down violently!

The aura of these ten hundred feet of lightning pillars is extremely frightening!

If they can't withstand their bombardment, a large number of fairy treasures will explode directly and be blown into powder!

And in order to fight against this terrifying Lei Wei, hundreds of fairy treasures are more and more closely linked together!

The attacking treasure crazily spits out its power, and the defense and confinement magic weapons prop up a series of defensive barriers, ready to resist the remaining power of the thunderstorm!

Kachacha... Boom!

The hundred-foot-high thunder column blasted down violently, and the terrifying Lei Wei collided with the coercive force of hundreds of magic weapons, arousing waves of thunder and spiritual power frenzy!

The void vibrated violently, and the space storm broke out!

In an instant, it reached the surrounding hall barriers!

Buzz buzz!

A series of prohibition patterns suddenly lit up, forcibly defusing the violent impact!

Boom... Boom!

Bang... click, click, click!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian turned his head to look, and couldn't help frowning!

The surge of spiritual power and space storm triggered by this collision almost exceeded the limit of the restraining barrier.

So much so that some of the power penetrated into the wall of the No. 3 treasure hall, causing the whole hall to tremble!

Although this range is not too large, it will inevitably have some impact on Xianglin and No. 1 and No. 2 treasure halls!

at this time!

In the No. 2 treasure hall, the faces of the yellow-robed old man and the craftsmen who were refining the "God-Suppressing Bell" changed slightly!

"A change! It's a change from Hall No. 3!"

"A series of barriers and palace walls are blocking, how can it still come here?"

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