Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7114: physical strength

Physical strength

The seemingly powerful Prisoner Skynet vibrated violently under the spatial layered attack of the Void Dominion.

The black space fluctuations it released were instantly torn apart into cracks.

Immediately afterwards, the body of Prison Skynet was also violently impacted, and it couldn't stop shaking violently!

"Damn it!"

"Give me a raise!"

For Prison Skynet, Xuanli has high hopes.

As a confinement magic weapon with spatial spiritual power, Prison Skynet has helped him kill one after another powerful enemy, and it is one of the most satisfying treasures among the many fairy treasures in his body.

I thought it would not be a problem to crush the opponent, but I didn't expect to fall into a passive position in an instant.

He even began to worry, if this continues, will Prison Skynet be able to withstand the violent attack of the Void Hegemony?

"Crush it!"

Jiang Tian yelled sharply, and the momentum of spinning his hands suddenly accelerated!

Kaka... Kachacha!

Terrible roars resounded through the void, and dozens of layers of space were crazily crushed, cutting the void abruptly.

After all, Prison Skynet failed to withstand the power of space layering, and was torn apart in a burst of terrifying noises!

Crack... bang bang bang!


"Damn it!"

The proud Prison Skynet not only failed to suppress the opponent, but was quickly destroyed.

Make Xuanli furious!

"Die, die for me!"

Xuanli put both hands on the field, sacrificed dozens of fairy treasures in an instant!


The aura of these fairy treasures soared, their power was released, and they released a terrifying aura to their heart's content!

It seems that the sky is all over the ground, like a raging cloud covering the sun!



"not good!"

"It's over!"

"Jiang Daoyou retreat quickly!"

Yi Jinchuan and the others managed to get some respite.

Turning around to look at this moment, I was terrified!

One or two fairy treasures may not be difficult for Jiang Tian, ​​but if dozens of them come out together like this, even if Jiang Tian has three heads and six arms, he may not be able to resist it!

If you don't retreat at this time, when will you wait?

"Jiang Daoyou retreat quickly!"

Yi Jinchuan roared sharply, his eyes turned red.

Rather than saying that they were worried about Jiang Tian's safety, they were actually more worried about their own situation!

Once Jiang Tian was seriously injured or even fell into the hands of Xuanli, Xuanli would definitely liquidate them.

Next, their situation will be extremely difficult.

The families and forces behind them will also face catastrophe!

But now, this situation seems inevitable!

Because, the scene that frightened them has appeared!

Facing the suppression of dozens of fairy treasures, instead of hiding, Jiang Tian took a step forward and greeted him head-on!

"There are dozens of fairy treasures in the area, what are you afraid of?"

Jiang Tian's fists trembled wildly, and the shadows of purple gold fists burst like shooting stars!

Bang bang bang bang... click!

Terrifying roars resounded through the void, and with the explosion of Zijin fist shadows, the dozen or so immortal treasures rushing to the front burst into pieces.

It exploded into more than a dozen clumps of spiritual power, and spread wildly in all directions!

"how is this possible?"

Xuanli's face changed suddenly, and he was horrified!

Jiang Tian's destruction of Prison Skynet with Void Dominance was shocking but not entirely surprising.

After all, on the basis of the void hegemony, the method of spatial layering is indeed not something that ordinary treasures can resist.

Although Prison Skynet is mainly used for confinement and suppression, it is not the kind of deep and heavy defensive treasure after all.

It is normal to be unable to resist the power of spatial stratification!

But the current scene made him deeply shocked!

With only a pair of fists, Jiang Tian destroyed more than a dozen fairy treasures in the air!

Physical strength!

"Why is the power of the flesh so tyrannical?"

Xuanli gritted his teeth, his eyes were extremely ferocious!

After seeing the power of Jiang Tian's physical body, he became more and more eager for this physical body!

If he can refine it, he will gain a puppet king whose combat power is not inferior to his own.

When encountering a strong enemy in the future, just send this puppet to kill the opponent by surprise.

What kind of scene will that be?


The turmoil caused by the explosion of more than a dozen immortal treasures directly destroyed the void.

The terrifying spiritual power also swept in the dozen or so fairy treasures behind, instantly destroying them into pieces!



"Oh my God!"

"Is this... is this true?"

"I am not wrong, right!"

Yi Jinchuan and the others were already in despair, but at this moment they were in shock!

Everyone's eyes widened, their faces were full of bizarre expressions, as if they had seen a ghost!

Can Jiang Tian's physical strength destroy every fairy treasure?


too exaggerated!


"The physical body is so strong that even if it faces the siege of a large number of puppets, I'm afraid it will not fall behind!"

As a half-step god-making powerhouse, everyone's martial arts knowledge and experience are naturally extraordinary.

Seeing that Jiang Tian's physical body is so tyrannical, he suddenly feels that these lifeless puppets are not so scary anymore!

"Get out!"

"Kill them all!"


Boom, boom, boom!

Under the leadership of Yi Jinchuan, dozens of half-step god-making powers began to counterattack like a rainbow!

At the same time, nearly half of the dozens of flame spirit puppets were also lost in the battle.

This scene made them extremely worried!

But the next moment, a terrifying scene appeared!

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another, the flames of the flame spirit flew out and got into the puppet controlled by Xuanli!

The bodies of these puppets shook violently, as if they were in chaos!

In a blink of an eye, they turned around and started attacking their companions!



"what's going on?"

"Those strange fires, those are the strange fires used by fellow Daoist Jiang to control the puppets!"

"My God! These strange fires can still capture puppets and assimilate them instantly?"

"My God, this method is too strong!"

"Stay away from them, don't interfere with their shots!"

Yi Jinchuan reminded loudly.

In fact, everyone was full of jealousy towards these flame spirit puppets, and they were vigilant from the beginning.

Because of these puppets, with the strength of the peak of the original **** realm, they can step up and kill half-step god-making puppets.

The strength is shocking!

But now, after seeing them easily assimilate other puppets, the fear in everyone's hearts is even heavier!

Obviously, their power mainly comes from those strange fires!

The power of this strange fire is extremely strange!

Even these puppets can't resist, if they are contaminated, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous!

Whoosh whoosh!

Everyone immediately avoided those flame puppets and continued to attack other puppets.

Bang bang bang... Boom!

Suddenly, the last few flame spirit puppets all exploded themselves!

The blasted strange fire frantically moved like a ghost, and instantly submerged into puppets in the half-step god-making realm.

Their bodies shook violently, and they were subdued in the blink of an eye, becoming flame puppets!

The scene turned around in an instant!

In the beginning, there were only a dozen of flame spirit puppets, and at least there were only a few left.

But now, with the continuous expansion and assimilation of flame spirit clones, there are hundreds of them!


"Everyone hide!"

"Stand back!"

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