Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7118: Moju Mountain

Moju Mountain

"The power of that treasure is too terrifying!"

"I thought that Xuanli's more than one hundred fairy treasures were very strong, but I didn't expect Jiang Daoyou's background to be far above him!"

"Terrible, terrible!"

"What is Jiang Tian's background, and why can he have such a background?"

"Such a compound treasure is definitely not something that ordinary aristocratic families and sects can produce!"

The focus of everyone's speculation about Jiang Tian was almost all on the compound heavy treasure.

They don't believe in doing sacrifices on their own!

Because of Xuanli, who has controlled Miluo City for ten thousand years, only two hundred pieces of immortal treasures were sacrificed.

Jiang Tian is young, and his realm is only in the middle stage of the original **** realm. How could it be more than the Xuanli accumulated for thousands of years?

In fact, before Jiang Tian left, they even thought about taking a closer look at the treasure.

But because he was afraid of angering Jiang Tian, ​​he didn't dare to make such a request!

Since then, there has been a legend circulating around Miluo City: A young evildoer from the north, armed with a large compound heavy treasure, killed the Xuanyu Chamber of Commerce that had occupied Miluo City for thousands of years after an earth-shattering battle. The leader, saved the entire city of Miluo!

When this legend was spread, the warriors of Miluo City gave Jiang Tian the reputation of "Jiang City Lord"!

As a result, it became a good story in Miluo City!


In the sky above the forest not far from Moju Mountain, a flying boat with golden patterns flew through the sky.

The owner of the flying boat is Jiang Tian!

At this moment, he is sitting cross-legged in the cabin, silently comprehending the secret technique of the dragon clan - the secret technique of dragon transformation!

Xuanli is not a descendant of the Dragon Clan, so why is there such a partial Dragon Clan secret technique?

You must know that the Dragon Clan has always been extremely strict in controlling the inheritance of secret arts.

If there is any leak, a large-scale pursuit and killing will be launched. If any secret art wandering outside is discovered, they will definitely seize it.

Therefore, it is almost difficult to spread the secrets of the Dragon Clan to the outside world.

But in a place like Central Territory, under the shadow of the huge power of the True Dragon Family, Xuanli can still use this secret technique to refine puppets wantonly.

It is enough to show that he has something to rely on!

If it was a secret technique learned by stealing, I am afraid I would never dare to use it on such a large scale!

Just imagine, there are more than a thousand people in the entire Chamber of Commerce, and they have to contact a large number of warriors and merchants every day.

It's hard to guarantee that there won't be any telltale feet!

But he has been operating in Miluo City for tens of thousands of years like this, and he still stands tall!

If it weren't for Jiang Tian's arrival, he would still continue to operate here and create more top puppets.

Jiang Tian seriously suspected that this matter had something to do with the True Dragon Family or one of its subordinate branches!

But unfortunately he did not find direct evidence!

With just one secret technique, he still couldn't lock the trace of the True Dragon Family.

And in Xuanli's Divine Sea, there is no clear clue pointing to the True Dragon Family.

"Dragon Transformation Myriad Myriad Secrets? Chick!"

After a little deduction, Jiang Tian couldn't help but sneer.

This secret method may be very precious to Xuanli, but to him, it is nothing more than a trivial skill!

Although its name is bluffing, it actually has little to do with the blood of the Dragon Clan!

Because performing this secret method does not require the power of the dragon blood.

It just borrowed some dragon clan's inheritance method, and modified and evolved it so that it can be used by non-dragon warriors.

Of course, the threshold for this kind of secret art is not low, and it cannot be used below half a step of the god-making state!

As for Xuanli, he is just a half-step god-making powerhouse, and it doesn't take much effort to cast it.

The essence of this secret technique is to use super-powerful spiritual power to differentiate the so-called "spiritual clones", inject them into puppets, and manipulate them!

At that time, as long as Xuanxin moves his mind, these puppets will be like his avatars, like arms and fingers!

In a sense, these puppets are even himself!

Driven, there is no spiritual obstacle!

The only requirement is that before driving these puppets, they must wipe out their original sanity and turn them into walking dead.

The cruelty of doing so is obvious, and it is precisely because of this that Xuanli has changed his identity several times within ten thousand years.

And stop the business when going out every year, and cover the entire chamber of commerce with a large array of prohibitions!

Because if he doesn't, his secret will be exposed!

It's a pity that people are not as good as God!

Even though he monopolized Miluo City for thousands of years, he finally broke the golden body because of Jiang Tian's arrival!

"If you do many unrighteous actions, you will kill yourself. This is retribution!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly and stopped thinking about it.

Walk out of the cabin and look at the pristine mountains surrounded by clouds and mist ahead!

Mount Moju!

Here is the Moju Mountain where the branch of the True Dragon Family is suspected to be located!


Hum rumbling!

Jiang Tian opened the "Space Transformation Formation" and fled straight to the depths of Moju Mountain!

If there is a certain branch of the True Dragon Family here, it will definitely not be located on the outskirts of the mountains, but must be deep in the mountains, or even the core area.

He went directly to the deep mountains, looking for traces.

In the mountains!

Jiang Tian's spiritual thoughts spread like a tide, scanning every corner of the mountain forest!

"Phantom Eye, open!"


Layers of purple halos swayed away, the fog in the mountains and forests instantly receded, and the mountain peaks turned into phantoms.

The scene inside the deep mountain was presented in front of him!


Jiang Tian was surprised!

Didn't it mean that Mo Jushan suspected to have a branch of the True Dragon Family?

Why is there no one in this deep mountain?

Not to mention people, I didn't even see a decent building!

Jiang Tian was very disappointed!

It seems that this trip to Mount Moju is destined to be empty-handed!



Jiang Tian put away his magical powers, and the layers of purple halo suddenly faded away.

Mo Jushan returned to normal in his eyes!

Looking at the mountains shrouded in mist, Jiang Tian couldn't help sighing.

The Dao Domain is so large that it far exceeds any world he has entered in the past.

Before entering Dao Domain, he thought it would be easy to find the True Dragon Family.

He thought that a monster like the True Dragon Family stood in a conspicuous place like a huge mountain, waiting for him to explore!

But actually, not so!

He stayed in Daoyu for such a long time, and he didn't even touch the fur of the True Dragon Family!


too exaggerated!

"Forget it, go find a way elsewhere!"

Jiang Tian was about to leave.

Although the trip to Moju Mountain was disappointing, the fact that the True Dragon Family exists in the Dao Domain has not changed.

As long as he spends some time, it shouldn't be too difficult to find the True Dragon Family or its branches!


Hum rumbling!

The purple light suddenly appeared, and Jiang Tian opened the "Space Transformation Formation" and left this deep mountain!

All is quiet!

As if Jiang Tian had never been here, after he left, there was only a faint spatial fluctuation left in the void.

Soon, the surrounding fog surged in, and this fluctuation completely dissipated and ceased to exist!

After half an hour!

Hum, buzz!

The seemingly peaceful void suddenly moved!

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