Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7127: Refining Dragon Blood

Refining Dragon Blood

After all, the Dragon Thorn Formation is dead, but the opponents in the Qianlong Wuhui are alive. From this point alone, there is no comparison between the two!

This large formation is more like a means of training, used to assist in enhancing his actual combat power.

"Although the resources are good, but the time may be too late, Jiang Xiaoyou please make a choice!"

Long Yuan signaled Jiang Tian to make a choice between refining the dragon spirit gallbladder, dragon tendon and blood vine, and entering the dragon spine formation.

Because there are only six days left, which in his opinion is not enough!

"Then go to refine them in the big formation!"


Long Yuan's face changed drastically when he heard this!

Jiang Tian's posture is a little too arrogant!

"Jiang Xiaoyou wait a minute!"

"Don't you think that if you **** up Qianlongchi, you will be invincible when you enter the late stage of the original **** realm?"


"To tell you the truth, even if you have enough time to refine them, and then enter the Dragon Thorn Formation, you would not dare to retreat completely. Refining them in the formation is really an extremely risky move!"

Long Yuan shook his head again and again, trying his best to dissuade him.

"Time is running out, unless you can delay the time of Qianlong Wuhui, otherwise stop talking nonsense!"

With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the prohibition token was directly activated!

"This..." Long Yuan's face was stiff, but it was too late to stop him.


Molong made the light shine, and it directly turned into a dark green strange light, which carried Jiang Tian to a certain huge valley in the Moju Mountains!

Long Yuan didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly followed.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, this valley is where the Dragon Thorn Formation is located. This formation is made up of hundreds of dragon treasures, and its power is extraordinary. If you are not careful, you may be severely injured by it. Even if you hold the Black Dragon Token, You may not dare to say that you will retreat completely, so don't be reckless!"

"Understood, please pay attention to the time, the Great Elder, and don't miss the time to participate in the Qianlong Wuhui!"

With a long roar, Jiang Tian swept into the valley!

Buzz buzz!

The whole mountain swayed violently, hundreds of majestic auras rose up, intertwined and criss-crossed in mid-air, turning into a dazzling web of spiritual power!

"Dragon Clan Treasure!"

Jiang Tian stared at the big net, which released an amazing power of restraint.

The entire valley has been covered, forming a relatively independent space!

This kind of scene reminded him of the "Xianyun" that he had just successfully refined.

Speaking of which, the two are somewhat similar in some respects!

"Dragon's blood, come!"

With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, a cyan jade bottle emerged!

"what is that?"

Long Yuan stood outside the formation, his face full of surprise!

This is obviously not something given by the Moju Mountain lineage. What is Jiang Tian's intention when he takes it out at this time?

Jiang Tian inside the formation ignored Long Yuan outside the formation.

In the cyan jade bottle, there are three drops of the blood of the demon dragon!

Exudes a violent breath!

This was one of the three treasures given to him by the city lord Bailixin after defeating Song Yuan in Bailian City.

It was originally used to participate in the Supernova Conference.

The effect of this blood is intended to stimulate the potential of the warrior's bloodline, so that it can burst into astonishing combat power in a short period of time, but there will be a strong backlash afterwards.

It's just that Jiang Tian didn't use this thing at all, and he successfully won the first prize of the Supernova Conference!

After the Supernova Conference, Jiang Tian's cultivation continued to skyrocket.

The blood of the magic dragon seems to be completely reduced to tasteless!

But now, Jiang Tian doesn't plan to keep it anymore!

Because compared to his current cultivation base, the value of the blood of the dragon is getting lower and lower!

If you don't refine it at this time, I'm afraid it will be useless in the future!

"Come on, let me taste your taste!"

Jiang Tian raised his neck and drank it all in one gulp!

Boom... Roar Roar!

The devil's blood entered the body, and a violent breath rose up with it!

Waves of blood-red aura erupted from Jiang Tian's body, and at the same time, waves of black energy rose up with it!

"Hiss! What happened?"

Long Yuan's face changed drastically!

Could it be that Jiang Tian chose to use some kind of treasure with overdraft potential in order to cope with the pressure of the Dragon Thorn formation?

"Confused, confused!"

Yongyeon is in a hurry!

If this kind of situation happened at the Qianlong Wuhui, he would only applaud it!

This means that Jiang Tian has no reservations and goes all out to fight.

But now Qianlong Wuhui has not started yet, it is really stupid to resort to this method just to deal with the Dragon Thorn formation!

"My lord, the situation is not good, come quickly to the front of the Dragon Thorn formation!"


The summons was sent out, and the pulse master Long Cuiluan rushed over!

"Elder, what happened?"

"Master Maid Master, let's see for yourself!"


Long Cuilan looked at the formation, and his expression changed immediately!

I saw that Jiang Tian's whole aura changed drastically, as if he had turned into a bloodthirsty dragon!

"Hiss! What's going on?" Long Cuilan asked sharply.

"I don't know either. I only know that he swallowed the contents of a jade bottle. I suspect that he swallowed some kind of overdrawn potential treasure in order to deal with the pressure of the Dragon Thorn Formation!"

"Confused! Absurd!"

Long Cuiluan was furious!

If this is the case, Jiang Tian is too ignorant!

How can such a person be entrusted with such a heavy responsibility?

"With all due respect! Lord Maid needs to reconsider the candidates for Qianlongwuhui!"

Long Yuan cupped his hands and said, his face was extremely ugly.


Long Cuilan's complexion was uglier than his!

There are still six days to go before the Qianlong Martial Arts Competition is full. Where can I find a suitable candidate?

"Have you given him everything?" Long Cuilan asked.

"Give it all!"

"Whether it's life or death, you have to bet on it!"

Long Cuiluan waved his hand, not thinking about it.

The most precious resources of the Moju Mountain lineage have been bet on, and there is no way out at all.

Even if Jiang Tian is blindly impulsive, they can only admit it!

After all, Long Cuilan was still worried, she did not leave, but stayed outside the formation together with the Great Elder.

at this time!

Jiang Tian's aura in the formation soared, as if he had been backlashed by the power of the dragon's blood!


There were roars in his mouth, and black blood-colored dragon tendons appeared on his body.

The body exudes blood, like a demon god!

His aura has also reached a terrifying level!

at this time!

Feeling the aura of this outsider, the Dragon Thorn Array began to attack him as if it had been greatly provoked!

Whoosh, click... boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the dragon claws of yellow, white, gold, blue, and blue suddenly appeared, and grabbed Jiang Tian frantically!

But Jiang Tian just waved his hand casually, and the billowing blood energy swept past like a dragon, and the five dragon claws collapsed one after another!

"So strong!"

The corners of Long Cuiluan's eyes shrunk, he was so surprised!

She is fully aware of the power of the Dragon Thorn Formation. Jiang Tian can annihilate five dragon claws with a wave of his hand, and his combat power can be described as quite powerful!

Ho **** ho!

The power of the dragon spine array reappeared, and the five-color dragon emerged!

This is evolved from the power of hundreds of dragon treasures, and its power is comparable to some compound fairy treasures, or even worse!

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