7141 - Departure

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian's spirit was lifted and he was extremely excited!

The bloodline spiritual power has also reached 90%, only one step away from 100%!

"This time it's really rewarding!"

Jiang Tian was extremely excited, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

This time when he came to Moju Mountain, although he failed to find out the news about Longxuan and Longdie, the gains so far have far exceeded his imagination.


The aura of the Dragon Thorn Formation began to recede, and then fell into a long silence!

"Is it over?" Jiang Tian glanced at the formation, his eyes glowing!

"If it doesn't end, what else do you want?" Long Yuan shook his head and sighed, very speechless.

"Jiang Daoyou, it's okay, if you continue to fight, you will abolish the Zhenmai formation of this vein!"

Long Cuiluan shook his head and smiled wryly, completely convinced.

Thinking of how many times he was worried about Jiang Tian before, but now he couldn't help laughing at himself.

Compared with Jiang Tian's amazing performance, her worries are nothing but a joke!

"Jiang Daoyou, it's time to go out, please keep a little background for this vein!"

Long Cuiluan said bitterly.

"Okay, since the pulse master said so, let's stop practicing this time!"

Jiang Tian is not someone who doesn't listen to advice.

Since the other party tried to persuade him with good words, he would not force the Dragon Thorn formation again.

To be honest, he's gotten enough payoffs so far.

If the fight continues, the Dragon Thorn Formation should not be able to change any new tricks.

This practice can end early!


Jiang Tian walked out of the Dragon Thorn formation, and the whole formation did not intend to stop him in the slightest.

It can be seen that the Longthorn formation doesn't want to entangle with Jiang Tian anymore!

"Dragon Vein Master, do you have any other treasures to strengthen the body?"

"there is none left!"

Long Cuilan shook his head resolutely, and couldn't help but smile bitterly!

Even the Dragon Thorn Formation couldn't suppress Jiang Tian, ​​and the Moju Mountain lineage couldn't produce stronger treasures to nourish the body.

"What day is it now?" Jiang Tian asked.

"There are still three days until Qianlong Wuhui, we have enough time to hurry!"

Long Cuiluan said with a smile.

Originally thought that Jiang Tian would retreat here until the last day, but he didn't expect to enter the battle after only three days.

"Thank you Jiang Daoyou for your mercy!"

After Jiang Tian came out, Long Cuilan thanked him.

"The master of the dragon veins is serious. After all, the dragon spine array is also the housekeeping treasure of your Moju mountain lineage. How could I destroy it?"

Jiang Tian waved his hand and smiled.

Even if the other party does not intercede, he will not wantonly destroy this large formation.

He has nothing to do with Moju Mountain. It is a good relationship that the other party provided all kinds of heavy resources for him to cultivate, so he will not mess around.

"When does the dragon vein master plan to leave?" Jiang Tian asked.

"If Fellow Daoist Jiang is okay, we can start our journey today. In this way, we can arrive at the location of Qianlong Wuhui a few days earlier and learn more about the situation of other opponents!"

Long Cuiluan said cautiously.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go as soon as possible!"

Jiang Tian followed the other party back to the hall.

Long Cuiluan made some arrangements for the affairs of the clan, leaving the elder to look after the house, and then accompanied Jiang Tian with two priests and two elders.

To Jiang Tian's surprise, Long Cuilan didn't travel on a flying boat or a flying palace.

It's a dark green dragon!

"Fifteen level monster!"

Jiang Tian looked at the giant dragon curiously.

Monster beasts of this level, especially dragons, should have been able to transform into talents a long time ago.

Why is it used as a car by the Moju Mountain lineage?

"This is the bloodline beast of our Moju Mountain lineage, the Black Scaled Sacred Beast!"

"It has the blood of the close relatives of the Dragon Clan flowing!"

"Dragon Clan Bloodline!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help being a little surprised!

The blood of the close relatives of the dragon clan is second only to the most noble blood of the real dragons!

"With such a black-scaled sacred beast sitting in town, how could the bloodline of the noble line decline step by step?"

Jiang Tian couldn't figure it out.

Long Cuiluan shook his head and smiled wryly: "Jiang Daoyou doesn't know something. Although this ink-scale holy beast is a close relative of the Dragon Clan, it is not a direct close relative, but a descendant of a diluted close relative!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, understanding.

The bloodline of the close relatives of the dragon clan and the descendants of the downlined bloodlines are two different concepts!

The former has a noble status and a purer bloodline!

To put it bluntly, the latter is actually a foreign bloodline!

"The Black Scaled Sacred Beast is actually not originally owned by this vein, but an inheritance spirit beast bestowed by the True Dragon Family, the patriarch of this vein!"

"So that's it! So, every branch of the True Dragon Family has such a bloodline spirit beast?"

"Yes!" Long Cuilan said.

Jiang Tian couldn't help being a little surprised!

There are hundreds of branches of the True Dragon Family that can be put on the table!

Each branch has a similar bloodline beast, which means that there are at least hundreds of bloodline branches!

No wonder the influence of the True Dragon Family in Dao Domain is so great!

"Dragon Vein Master, this time Qianlongwu will be held by all branches in the same arena, or will it be held in different regions?"

Hundreds of branches, which is also quite a large number, will it be divided into several groups or regions like the Supernova Conference?

"There is no partition, all branches will compete in the same field. Although it is a bit cruel, it guarantees the greatest fairness!"

Long Cuiluan shook his head and smiled wryly, his face full of self-deprecation.

Although it is fair to do so, it is an extremely unfavorable situation for those branches in the middle and lower reaches of strength.

Because they are weak in strength, they are at an absolute disadvantage in the competition of hundreds of monsters!

"By the way! Why didn't the Dragon Vein Lord bring the other young monsters in the clan, are you really relieved to let me fight alone?"

Jiang Tian asked with a smile.

"Don't be afraid of fellow Daoist Jiang's jokes. Even if those people of this clan go, it will only increase the casualties, and it will be of no benefit to this vein, so it's worth not to go!"

"Casualties! Does Qianlongwu allow life and death battles?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Yes, Qianlongwuhui is different from the Supernova Convention. Its rules do not limit life and death. A powerful evildoer can kill the opponent!"

"No wonder the pulse master is willing to give me so many heavy resources for me to enjoy!" Jiang Tian sneered.

"I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist Jiang, I didn't explain these details to you before, just because I was afraid that you wouldn't dare to come!"

Long Cuiluan was embarrassed and told the truth.

"No problem!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and didn't care.

Ever since he set foot in martial arts in the lower realm, he has been wandering on the verge of life and death.

Every time he gets insights and breakthroughs at extreme moments, for him, this is a way of cultivation.

In other words, this is His way!

He has come over the dangers of the "Critical Dao Domain".

He also came to the challenge of the Supernova Conference.

The upcoming Qianlong Martial Arts Club is no exception!

"It is estimated that we will reach the Julong Mountains in a day's time!"

"That mountain range is the territory of the True Dragon Family's own clan, and it is a place specially designated by the senior management of the clan to hold the Qianlong Wuhui!"

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