7148 - Rolling

There are a total of five people on the opposite side, standing in the air, blocking the way in front of them!

"It's a person who shakes the sky!"

"Everyone be careful!"

"The Zhentian lineage, ranked among the top two hundred, all of them are powerful and difficult to deal with!"

"It's a good thing we have a lot of people, otherwise we'll be in big trouble this time!"

The forty evildoers were startled, but then let out a sullen breath.

Although Zhentian's lineage is powerful, there are only five of them after all.

And they have forty people, if they really want to fight recklessly, the outcome is still unknown!

"Clanmates of Zhentian lineage, do you want to fight us hard?"

"Hehe, you may not be able to beat you one-on-one, but we have eight times the number of you. I advise you to be smart and don't ask for trouble!"

Forty evildoers issued a warning and sneered from the air.

Although the evildoers of the Zhentian lineage are very confident, they still have some headaches when facing forty opponents.

"These forty fat sheep are indeed not so easy to swallow!"

"Once we fight against it, we will fall into the periphery of the division, and the chances of winning are not great!"

"This wave of fat sheep is really smart, it seems that we can only give up temporarily!"

"Hey, there is a single person here!"


The five people from Zhentian's lineage immediately fixed their eyes on Jiang Tian!

A lineup of more than forty people is difficult to deal with, and the fat sheep who are alone are not to be missed!

"It's the returning bloodline of Moju Mountain, Jiang Tian!"

"Hahaha, well done, we won't fail now!"

"Hey, those forty people obviously had a chance to intercept Jiang Tian, ​​why didn't they do it?" Someone asked a question.

"You don't need to ask, they deliberately kept Jiang Tian, ​​just to attract firepower for them!"

"Hehe, these people are really smart, they can think of this!"

The five evildoers from Zhentian's lineage sneered again and again, feeling deep contempt.

But they didn't intend to let Jiang Tian go!

Because once you enter the Julong Mountain Range, you will live and die at your own risk!

Every single dragon bloodline is a rare opportunity for them!

"Let's do it!"


Two of the five immediately rushed towards Jiang Tian, ​​double-teaming him left and right!

And the remaining three people are guarding against the forty people on the opposite side to prevent them from launching a surprise attack!

"Look, I said keeping him is more useful than killing him!"

"That's right, this person attracted the firepower of the shocking lineage and saved us from a lot of trouble!"

Although there are forty of them, if they fight against five people from Zhentian's lineage, the casualties may reach about ten!

Great price!

But now, in order to besiege Jiang Tian and guard against their sneak attack, Zhentian's lineage is completely restrained.

There is no threat to them anymore!

"Let's go, we have nothing to do here!"

"No! It would be a big loss to leave now!"

"Why, you still want to wait for them to lose out and take advantage of it?" Someone's eyes lit up!

"Let's not talk about whether to pick up the cheap ones or not. After Jiang Tian's fall, we still need to find new cannon fodder. The Zhentian lineage is strong, and it is the ideal goal!"

"That's right!"

Everyone suddenly became excited!

Leave now, and miss a few cannon fodder for nothing.

Jiang Tian fought desperately, and the two evildoers of Zhentian's lineage might also pay a little price.

At that time, the fighting strength of Zhen Tian's lineage will decline, and the threat to them will also be reduced.

In this way, they will follow behind Zhentian's lineage, filling each other with new cannon fodder!

"Let the top 200 Zhentian sect's five evildoers be filled with cannon fodder, isn't it much better than Jiang Tian, ​​who ranks more than 300 in the Moju Mountain sect?"

"Hahahaha, wonderful!"

The forty evildoers were extremely excited!

The amount of firepower that Jiang Tian can attract by himself is extremely limited, but the five people in the Zhentian lineage can attract more firepower.

This way, they are even safer!

"Fortunately, I didn't leave, otherwise I would have missed this excellent cannon fodder!"

"Hahahaha, friends from the Zhentian lineage, don't worry, we will never make things difficult for you!"

"You can besiege him boldly!"

Crack... Rumble!



Before the laughter fell, there was a roar thousands of feet away!

Two **** of purple light flashed suddenly, and two figures screamed and flew upside down, vomiting blood all the way!

They are really two evildoers of the same lineage as the sky-shattering!


"how is this possible?"

The monster who shook the sky was instantly stunned!

Two-on-one, you should be able to hold it in your hands, so why let the other party hit hard with one move?

"Quickly heal!"

"Let's go!"

Boom boom boom!

The three of them rushed towards Jiang Tian while drinking violently, and at the same time reminded their injured companions to take medicine to heal their injuries!

But they didn't realize that the two of them had been severely injured, and their aura dropped sharply!

at the same time!

The forty evildoers also saw this scene, with greed in their eyes!

"What a **** day!"

"I didn't expect him to be so powerful!"

"This time we really missed it!"

"Don't just stand still, take down these two Zhentianmai evildoers!"

"Hahaha, these two trophies are ours!"

The four evildoers from Jianlong Mountain lineage rushed out, ready to take down the two seriously injured evildoers from the Zhentian lineage first!

They took down two Zhentianmai evildoers without any effort, and they made a lot of money!

And at the same time!

Three Zhentianmai evildoers are frantically besieging and killing Jiang Tian!

"Jiang Tian, ​​die for me!"


Bang, click... Boom!

The Zhentian lineage ranks among the top 200 and has a powerful Zhentian bloodline!

The characteristic of this bloodline is that the gestures are violent and powerful!

The three evildoers threw their fists and palms together, and huge waves shook the void, and the overwhelming coercion crushed Jiang Tian!

"Small tricks, but mediocre!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth!

He has already noticed the situation on the other side, four evildoers with sword dragon veins are robbing the spoils that should belong to him!

But he didn't pay attention to it, and instead confronted the three Zhentianmai evildoers head-on!

Shaking his right fists together, he used only his physical strength to forcibly defeat the attacks of the three of them!

"court death!"


"Extremely stupid!"

The three Zhentianmai evildoers were surprised by his reaction!

In the face of the violent attack of Zhentian's blood, he dared to use his body to head-on, isn't this courting death?

The three of them laughed grimly, but the next moment, their smiles froze on their faces!


Jiang Tian punched out, directly piercing through their offensive!

One step at a time, appearing in front of them!

"Be careful!"


The three evildoers in Zhentianmai are not parallel imports.

This vein ranks in the top 200 out of hundreds of veins, which is at the middle and upper reaches!

Seeing that Jiang Tian smashed their mad attack with one punch, his expression changed instantly!

Shocked, they reminded each other to avoid it!

But in front of Jiang Tian, ​​their speed was still too slow!

Jiang Tian's right fist trembled like a phantom!

Three terrifying physical strengths hit their chests!

Bang, click... Boom!

"Do not…"



The chests of the three Zhentianmai evildoers collapsed, and they were all seriously injured!

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