Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7164: Break into the top 100!

Chapter 7164 Break into the top 100!


"not good!"

"This person is invincible!"


The four of them were terrified as soon as they rushed forward!

The strength of the golden-robed youth was comparable to theirs, and they were all crushed and killed by the opponent in one fell swoop.

The few of them are naturally not opponents.

Don't escape at this time, stay and wait to die?



The four of them tried their best to escape with all their strength.

"No need to go!"

Jiang Tian had been prepared for a long time, and with a light step on his right foot, the void hegemony suddenly unfolded!

Hum rumble!

The three thousand zhang void was instantly imprisoned!

The bodies of the four dragon monsters froze and couldn't move!


Jiang Tian crushed the void with his right foot, and the three-thousand-foot void was instantly dislocated!


"Do not…"

Bang bang bang bang!

The bodies of the four exploded in an instant, blood gushing out.

"Dragon Transformation Art, swallow!"


The giant purple dragon roared out, quickly drained the blood of the four people, and circled in the air before being swept back.


Jiang Tian's breath slowly increased.

After reaching the half-step god-making state, although there is no earth-shaking change in cultivation base, it becomes easier to deal with these dragon monsters.

It is also more casual to use methods such as void hegemony!


Jiang Tian grabbed five storage rings, threw them into Zixuan Realm, and immediately swept them away.

In the few days when he disappeared, the monsters of the Dragon Race in the Julong Mountains once set off a frenzy of searching for him.

But they searched for a few days, but they couldn't find Jiang Tian. They suspected that Jiang Tian might be beheaded by one of the top-ranked branches.

Many people also deeply regret this!

But unexpectedly, a few days later, Jiang Tian appeared again today!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you are not dead!"

"Hey, half a step into the god-making realm, you have advanced!"

"It seems that you have gained a lot from devouring my dragon bloodline a few days ago!"

"Now, it's time to spit out all the blood of those of the same race, together with your own background!"


Boom... Boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and Jiang Tian was surrounded by more than a dozen dragon monsters, and they joined forces to attack violently.

These people are from the Canglong lineage!

Ranked among the top 100 out of hundreds of veins!

This time, fifteen people were sent here, and they have been advancing and retreating together, acting in groups.

Nearly a hundred dragon monsters died in their hands!

All come from branches within the top 200!

This has benefited them greatly, and everyone's combat power has increased by about 30%!

The ranking of the Canglong branch was originally around ninety-five.

And now, their goal is to enter the top 80!

As long as there are no major accidents, it is not difficult to achieve this goal!

Because the branches ranked seventy or eighty, the number of people can't compare with them.

And branches with a large number of people are mostly ranked low.

In the 70th to 100th rank, the Canglong lineage can be regarded as a small alternative!

"This son has recently beheaded many of my fellow clansmen and devoured a lot of blood essence. Killing him, we may have unexpected benefits!"

"A bloodline with a foreign surname can have such a record, there are obviously some secrets hidden in him!"

"This time, let's find out!"

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The violent roar resounded endlessly, and the fifteen evildoers cooperated properly, and the offensive was like a wave!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian sneered and shot!


Instant killing technique!

Buzz buzz!

In an instant, dozens of Jiang Tian suddenly appeared!

Surround them in turn!



"how is this possible?"

"It's not a clone, and it's not an illusion!"

"Everyone be careful!"

The evildoers of the Canglong lineage have a lot of actual combat experience, and their reactions are extremely fast.

Instantly saw that something was wrong, and reminded each other, the offensive became more and more violent!

But in the face of Xingyun's instant killing skill, it is futile after all!


Chi Chi Chi!

Dozens of Jiang Tian suddenly shot!

The purple sword intent shot out in an instant, and the fifteen evildoers from the Canglong line all fell to their deaths!

"Dragon Transformation Art, swallow!"


The purple dragon roared out, and its huge dragon claws grabbed fifteen corpses and squeezed them frantically.

Kachacha... Boom!

Essence and blood gushed out and was swallowed by it.

The purple dragon's aura surged, and after circling in the air, it came back with a huge amount of blood essence.



Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and the breath of blood became stronger.

"Half-step god-making realm has been achieved, it seems that we need to find an opportunity to refine that talisman!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, full of expectation.

There is a god-making artistic conception sealed in the talisman, which is a must for half-step god-making realm warriors to advance to the god-making realm.

With this attracting talisman, he doesn't need to rely on the real attracting realm power to help him break through.

After all, it is not a simple matter to ask a powerful person of that level to make a move.

No one would help an irrelevant person advance to the god-making state for no reason.

Jiang Tian, ​​who was holding the attractor in his hand, was naturally not worried about this matter.

at this time!

Outside the Julong Mountains, the huge list is updated in real time!


Rolling golden light, the ranking of a certain branch appeared on the ninety-fifth place!


"Someone broke into the top 100!"

"Which branch will it be?"

All eyes were on the ninety-five!

The next moment, it fell into silence!

"How... is it?"

"Moju Mountain, Moju Mountain again!"

"Why is the record of this branch so exaggerated?"

Some people gritted their teeth and were very dissatisfied.

Long Cuilan took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling!

"Two priests, two elders, take a look, is this true?"

Long Cuiluan was extremely excited.

She never dreamed of such a situation!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian did it!

"Moju Mountain lineage, ninety-five!"

"My lord, yes, you read that right!"

"I'm from Moju Mountain, and I broke into the top 100!"

The two priests were extremely moved, while the two elders were excited and their eyes were red.

"Great, Jiang Tian is too strong!"

Long Cuiluan was so excited that his lips began to tremble.

Breaking into the top 100 is definitely the highest record in the history of Moju Mountain!

Jiang Tian created a dazzling miracle. The decline of Moju Mountain is finally about to be reversed!

"Damn it!"

"It makes no sense!"

"That person with a foreign surname broke into the top 100!"

"Ninety plus were originally from the Canglong lineage, and Jiang Tian stepped on them!"

"The Canglong lineage, are your people still alive?"


Lines of sight looked towards the void not far away.

There is a huge black dragon floating there!

And on top of this dragon head, stands the master of the Canglong lineage, Cangqiuzi!

There are several other elders!

Cang Qiuzi's face was extremely ugly!

Others may think that the Canglong lineage just suffered an embarrassing defeat.

But he knew that the fifteen monsters who shouldered heavy responsibilities might have all perished!

Because the strategy formulated by the Canglong lineage is to advance together and retreat together, to live together and die together.

That's why they have the confidence to raise the ranking to less than 80!

But now, before the goal was achieved, it was destroyed by Jiang Tian's hands!

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