Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7192: Jiang Tian appeared

Jiang Tian Appears

"I said it was me, do you believe me?" Bai Hunhun said with a sneer.


"I'm afraid you still can't beat the evildoers of the true pupil lineage!"

Everyone suddenly calmed down!

Thinking about it carefully, it is almost impossible for Bai Hunhun to defeat the evildoer of Zhentong's lineage, and it is even less likely to kill him.

"The lineage of the hidden dragon must be from the lineage of the hidden dragon!"

"But the lineage of Yinlong is also dead!"

"Is this hard to understand? The two of them must have died together!"

"No! If they all died together, why did the ranking of the Yinlong lineage come out first, while the ranking of the Zhentong lineage was delayed for a while?" Some people questioned.

Everyone can only make some guesses about this question. As for the real situation, it needs to be answered by an authoritative person.

Everyone looked at Long You!

I want to get an answer from the presiding elder of the Martial Arts Association!

"It's actually very simple. Although the list is a real-time list, it is not refreshed instantly, and the order is naturally not completely fixed."

Long You gave an explanation.

"I see!"

"In this case, the possibility of them dying together cannot be ruled out!"

"So there is a high probability that the True Eye lineage will die at the hands of the Yinlong lineage?"

Everyone looked at Bai Hunhun.

At this moment, Long You is also extremely curious!

Long Qian was also puzzled by the fall of the dragon dish, and looked at Bai Hunhun, wanting to get an answer.

"Niece Bai, are they guessing right?" Long You asked.

Bai Hunhun looked at Long You, and after a short silence, nodded slowly.

For the elder who presides over the martial arts meeting, she still has to give face.

But then he shook his head slightly!

"They guessed half right, the lineage of Zhentong was indeed cut off by the lineage of Yinlong, but they didn't die together!"

"Oh?" Long You raised his eyelids, greatly surprised.

"So, Long Die died at the hands of others, who it is, tell this old man!"

Long Qian asked sharply!

Bai Hunhun smiled coldly: "Don't ask me, you will see it soon!"

"Huh?" Long Qian frowned and stopped asking.

"According to what she means, there will be new changes in the list?"

"She really knows a lot, but she just doesn't say anything!"


Everyone guessed.

Just then, the list was refreshed again!

A new name appeared at the top of the list!

After the light was condensed, the noise in the audience suddenly disappeared, and it became a complete silence!

The name that appeared at the top of the list was of the Moju Mountain lineage!


The audience was eerily quiet!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, shocked and astonished, extremely puzzled!

All the vein masters who had ridiculed Long Cuilan just now turned pale, as if they had eaten a fly!

"Moju Mountain?"

Long Qian's face darkened, and he looked towards Long Cuiluan, a cold light appeared between his brows!

With the refreshing of the list, the doubts in his heart have been answered!

There is no doubt that the person who killed Longdie must be the evildoer of Moju Mountain!

"Moju Mountain?"

"Master Longqian, the person who killed Longdie was Jiang Tian!"

Long Xuan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly called out sharply.

"What a Moju Mountain lineage, what a Jiang Tian!"

Long Qian had a murderous look on his face, extremely furious!


He stared at Long Cuilan, wishing he could kill him immediately!

"Elder Long Qian, the martial arts competition is coming to an end, please witness the final ranking with me!"

Long You spoke in a deep voice, gently reminding the other party not to be impulsive.


Long Qian forcefully suppressed the killing intent in his heart.

Killing Long Cuilan could at most vent the anger in his heart.

The real target is actually Jiang Tian!

This person ruined his good deed!

Only by beheading him can the hatred in my heart be eliminated!


At this moment, a cyan-colored aura suddenly lit up!

This is the escape talisman of the Moju Mountain lineage!

"It's Jiang Tian!"

"He is back!"

The elders and priests of the Moju Mountain lineage twitched their eyes and exclaimed!

Long Cuiluan's expression changed, and he quickly sent a sound transmission to remind him!

"Jiang Tian, ​​be careful, Long Qian, the elder from the True Dragon Family, has already set his sights on you!"

"True Dragon Family, Long Qian?"

Jiang Tian was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why!

Why did the elders of the True Dragon Family follow him, and what was their purpose?

"The Longxuan you're looking for is that person?"

Long Cuiluan raised his hand and pointed.

Jiang Tian turned his head to look, his pupils suddenly shrank!

"Long Xuan, I finally found you!"


Before the words fell, Jiang Tian disappeared in the same place!

The next moment, he suddenly appeared in front of Longxuan!


The dragon spins violently!

In the past, he could severely injure Jiang Tian with a single palm.

Now he also has absolute confidence!

But the next moment, his face changed!

"Half-step God Constructing Realm... not good!"



Jiang Tian blasted out with one punch, sending Longxuan flying thousands of feet into the air, vomiting blood all the way, screaming again and again!

Long Xuan looked at Jiang Tian in horror!

The junior who was suppressed by him has actually reached the half-step god-making state!

The combat power is still so terrifying!

The punch just now clearly only used the strength of the body, without the slightest blood and spiritual power!

If he was blessed with bloodline spiritual power, would he have exploded and died?

Intense fear filled his heart, Long Xuan couldn't hold his breath anymore, and immediately asked Long Qian for help!

"My lord, save me, kill him quickly, he is the murderer who killed the dragon disc!"

To his despair, Long Qian was indifferent!

It's just that the eyes are getting colder and colder!

Long Qian looked at the opposite scene coldly, his eyes were ferocious, and his face was gloomy!

Once Long Die died, Long Xuan would be useless to him.

His goal is Jiang Tian, ​​and he doesn't care whether Long Xuan lives or dies!

"My lord? My lord!"

Long Xuan let out a desperate cry, and suddenly understood his situation.

At this moment, no one cares about his life or death.

Long Qian didn't care, and neither did Long You.

As for the masters and elders of the other hundreds of branches, I am afraid that he can be beheaded!

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"It's a big deal, let's die together!"

Long Xuan swallowed a handful of pills, and the breath in his body boiled instantly!


Jiang Tian didn't talk nonsense, and a teleportation appeared in front of Long Xuan.

Click, boom!

"Puff... Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Long Xuan's chest collapsed, blood spurted wildly, and he was blasted thousands of feet away again!


Jiang Tian teleported up and shot again.


"Pfft... Whoa whoa!"

Long Xuan screamed again and again, his body was already twisted and deformed.

In the face of Jiang Tian's offensive, he has no power to fight back!

This scene shocked the pulse masters and elders present!

"This Jiang Tian is so powerful!"

"Terrible, terrible!"

"Half-step god-making powerhouses are not his all-in-one enemy!"

"It can be seen that he actually has the ability to kill his opponent with one blow, but obviously the hatred between the two is not simple!"

"Dragon Xuan is doomed!"

Everyone has already made a judgment.

Long Xuan is doomed, but Jiang Tian's strength is shocking!

"Sword Field, cut it for me!"


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, "Star Sword Field" crushed down like a bloodthirsty giant mill.

Crush Longxuan's body inch by inch without leaving any residue!

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