Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8431: Value and potential

Chapter 8431 Value and Potential


Several flying boats immediately turned around and fled far away.

Some other warriors who were watching also couldn't wait to escape.

Such a terrifying murderous **** would make them tremble with fear even if they just looked at it. How could they have the courage to stay here?


Jiang Tian did not let go of the blood nourishment of the three Wanyang Sect elders.

Although the quantity is too small, it is only a drop in the bucket for him, but it does not affect the effect of nourishment he feels.

"It is indeed stronger than the peak of the Eternal Realm in the Five Planets Domain, but the effect is not satisfactory."

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, making a judgment.

Perhaps the more powerful Eternal Realm Peak, the nourishing effect can be better, but there will be no essential difference.

At this point, he no longer has high expectations for the nourishing effect of blood at the peak of the Eternal Realm.

The path to advance to the Immortal Realm is destined not to be easy.

But for him, the most realistic ones are the middle and late stages of the Eternal Realm, but judging from the current situation, the difficulty of breaking through these two realms will not be too small.

He has come all the way from the lower realm, relying on the powerful bloodline of the Barbarian Blood Dragon to devour and nourish himself time and time again, and has a physique and cross-level combat power that far exceeds that of ordinary people, and this powerful combat power has supported him to reach his current height.

But in the next martial arts journey, this advantage may face some fluctuations.

Because in the current eternal plane, except for the powerful powers at the level of immortality, I am afraid there are not many targets for him to devour freely.

And the powerful ones in the Immortal Realm are terrifying existences that he still cannot contend with!

Therefore, he must make more efforts to break through the next two small realms.


Jiang Tian returned to his three companions, looking calm and calm.

Zishuang Qiuxian and Qin Yao were once worried that he would be injured, but now they breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time they were impressed by Empress Fuyao's accurate prediction.

"No one will disturb you for the time being. You can continue practicing."

Jiang Tian spread his palms, and dozens of storage rings fell in front of the three of them.

This is the trophy he just harvested, three elders and dozens of disciples from the Great Mysterious World Wanyang Sect.

Although those people are not a threat to him, it must be admitted that the strength of the other party is not bad.

And this kind of strength is obviously supported by the cultivation conditions of the Great Mysterious World.

So there must be a lot of good things among these dozens of storage rings.

Zishuang Qiuxian and Qin Yao understood that these things were dispensable to Jiang Tian, ​​so they immediately took them without any hesitation.

For them, the better the cultivation resources, the more effective they will be, and the faster they will advance, which can close the cultivation gap between them and Jiang Tian as quickly as possible.

But for Empress Fuyao, the situation is somewhat complicated.

Zishuang Qiuxian and Qin Yao are Jiang Tian's Taoist companions, and it is only natural for them to use cultivation resources.

But she was different. She and Jiang Tian were only friends at most, and it was inevitable to feel a little guilty when accepting gifts from each other.

But she also understood that it would be useless to talk more at this time.

"Jiang Tian, ​​thanks!" She thanked them, opened the storage rings, and selected available resources.

Compared to Zishuang Qiuxian and Qin Yao, these things are more useful to her because she is already in the middle stage of the Eternal Realm, and these are the resources of the late Eternal Realm or even the peak powerhouse, which can give her the much-needed boost.

But if you want to advance to the late stage of the eternal realm, it is not that simple.

Jiang Tian was not idle either.

There are still nearly twenty days until the Ten Thousand Realms Dharma Conference begins.

Of course, such a long time cannot be wasted.

He sat cross-legged on the spot and summoned the Light of Disaster Tail and the Golden Rejuvenation Feet.

These two materials from the great demon have been carefully refined by him and have experienced the baptism of eternal tribulation. They have reached an unprecedented level and are perfectly in line with his current state. It is the time to show off his power.

But to be honest, neither the Golden Restoration Foot nor the Tail of Disaster Light are the most powerful means for him now.

After experiencing repeated battles in the Five Planet Realm, he no longer has the slightest fear of all warriors within the Eternal Realm.

No matter the number is large or small, he can easily counterattack without even using any magic weapons.

Therefore, the golden complex foot that he once imagined would be integrated into the star-killing formation as a killer, and the light of disaster tail that has been strengthened to make it easier to kill instantly. Compared with the current combat power, it seems that there is a little less brilliance and sharpness. .

But these two materials were indeed refined by him after spending a lot of time and effort as well as various rare materials, and he poured a lot of effort into them.

If it were left idle, it would be a waste of resources.

But if it is the main purpose, it is indeed unnecessary.

How to fully exploit their value and allow them to exert their full power in subsequent battles became a question worthy of his serious consideration.

Jiang Tian held the golden complex foot in his left hand, and wrapped his right hand around the tail of disaster. His thoughts were surging, and he weighed them silently.

These two things are rare materials for others. Especially after being baptized by the eternal tribulation, their strength and power have reached a whole new level, and have long surpassed their original power and value.

Its inherent potential is certainly worth exploring!

And the magic weapons he once refined in order to deal with powerful enemies whose realm and number far exceeded his own were now useless.

Immortal weeps!

This treasure, which was once worth inestimable value, has now been idle for a long time, and even giving it away feels a bit too much for him.

And if we can integrate the golden complex feet and the light of the tail into it, maybe it will be reborn?

With this idea in mind, Jiang Tian began to try, but he was disappointed.

This magic weapon, which was made from the fusion and sacrifice of more than a thousand valuable magic weapons, could not withstand the impact of the power of the golden compound feet and the light of the tail of trouble, and it showed a tendency to disintegrate as soon as it came into contact.

Jiang Tian was not very surprised by this.

Because the former has been in shape for a long time, its grade is limited.

After that, both of them have experienced the test of eternal tribulation, and their strength, power and grade have completely surpassed each other, and it is meaningless to force them together.

"That's it!"

Jiang Tian put away his fairy cry and rethought the use of these two monster materials.

Materials that have experienced eternal calamity pose a powerful threat to Eternal Realm warriors.

However, given the cultivation and combat power of the Eternal Realm warrior, it is difficult for ordinary magic weapons to cause fatal damage.

The reason why the golden compound feet and the light of trouble tail can burst out with great power in his hands mainly relies on his strong combat power. If there is not enough combat power to support it, relying only on these two materials will not be able to exert much effect. effect.

This seems to be a self-contradictory paradox - if the cultivation level is strong enough, these external objects are dispensable; if the cultivation level is not strong enough, these external objects are only better than nothing and cannot bring much benefit.

It may seem awkward, but it’s true!

Jiang Tian had to face this situation head-on and find a solution.

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