Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 110: (End Of The Book Two)

(Author Note: Trigger warning, trauma and Yasenia's naivety.)

When Tatyana gave the signal, Kali saw Yasenia launch herself towards her with speed far above what she expected. The momentum of the dragoness was big, but Kali wasn't intimidated, "[Living Wall], [Mother Nature's blessing]."

Thick roots shot upwards in front of Kali blocking Yasenia's path, and a verdant green aura surrounded them. Kali relaxed a bit, 'This should hold-.'

But she heard a big *BANG!* Against her wall and saw how the root wall dented badly. She opened her eyes and hastily chanted. "[Mother Nature's coat], [Treant summoning], [Dryad summoning], [Golden crown]."

Tatyana frowned a little, 'She got nervous and summoned too many things at once. This will slow down their spawning rate.'

While her summons were spawning, she heard, "[Celestial coat], [Starry sky], [Sunset]!"


The root wall was ripped open, and Yasenia charged through it, wrapped in a golden-silvery glow with tremendous speed. Kali swallowed at the ferociousness of the dragoness.

Kali was now wrapped in roots that upgraded her summoning speed, strength, and defense. In front of Kali, there were ten five-meter tall treants with a bulky build. Behind Kali, the [Golden Crown] was still growing from the floor. Then, out of the six summoned dryads, two had staffs with green glowing orbs on top, and four of them had bows made out of roots.

Kali commanded the treants to stop her charge and the archer dryads to shoot a barrage of arrows without holding back.

Kali sighed and thought that this should give her some time. However, "[Sun charge]."

Kali saw a golden meteor crashing against her Summons.


A scorching heatwave washed over her summons, and five of the ten treants were incinerated.

Thankfully the other five could block the charge even if they were somewhat damaged. Kali buffed them more, trying to make time for the [Golden Crown]. "[Poisonous spores], [Accelerated growth]"

However, Yasenia slashed upwards, "[Sunrise]."

A treant was bisected, then, using the momentum, Yasenia used her tail to do a follow-up [Sunrise].


another treat was diagonally bisected. Yasenia then jumped onto its body and used it as a spring, ignoring the remaining three damaged treants.

Kali saw the two of the treants split in two in what seemed a single attack and was scared.

Then she saw Yasenia jump onto one of them and use it as a foothold to shoot herself towards her. Thankfully, the [Golden Crown] managed to grow up while Yasenia obliterated the treants and summoned a root wall in front of Kali; this wall was stronger than the previous one. Then, both of the staff dryads strengthened the wall making it more resilient, 'With this, I will be able to resummon my treants and keep harassing her with the arch-.'



The wall was bombarded to the ground! Kali was horrified, 'It didn't even last one hit!? That wall was stronger than the previous one!'

The archers shot empowered arrows toward Yasenia, trying to slow down the rampaging dragoness, but to Kali's despair, she didn't even dodge! The arrows bounced off the [Celestial Coat], and Kali saw Yasenia point her giant sword at her, "[Sun Charge]."

Kali only glimpsed Yasenia's sword tip turn golden, and in the next moment, *BOOM!* A golden explosion hit her.

She felt like a beast carriage ran her over, and she flew backward. After she rolled on the ground for a while, she managed to stop and hastily looked up. The only thing left was the charred remains of her [Golden Crown] and dryads.

Yasenia was walking towards her with her sensual sashaying hips. She was completely unscratched and with her giant sword on her shoulder. "Your summons aren't bad, but they are too clumsy. They have little to no agility. On the other side, your defensive walls are quite tough…."

Kali bit her lips and looked down. Even if she knew that she would lose, it was an overwhelming defeat. Yasenia just charged forwards and destroyed everything in her path as if they were dry branches. 'It wasn't even a fight!'

She looked up and was about to prepare for the second spar when she saw her veil on Yasenia's hand. She reflexively touched her face, and after confirming that it was indeed her veil, she looked down, ashamed. It was one thing getting seen inside the formation since she didn't have a veil to cover her face. However, now that she had the option to hide, being seen was more impactful.

Yasenia saw all these actions and sighed sadly. Because of the explosion, her veil had flown off her face, so she picked it up. 'Who would have known that she would react that badly? I should have sneakily picked it and then put it on her... Should I...?'

Yasenia sighed and walked towards her. When she reached her side, she lifted her chin with one hand. Kali wasn't prepared for that action, and her face got easily lifted.

Yasenia, this time, looked at her facial features closely.

Kali's face had three large scars, one of them went diagonally from her right temple and across her face until it reached her left cheek.

Another one went from her left side forehead through her verdant green eye and passed her nose, crossing with the previous one and crooking it badly.

The final and most glaring one went from her left cheek, across her lips, and under her right jaw. This one deformed her lips badly.

Besides these, there were also smaller superficial ones, but these three were the deepest, almost reaching the bone.

This face would scare a normal mortal. The only thankful thing was that the across-the-eye slash didn't damage her left eye.

When Yasenia lifted her chin, Kali came face to face with one of the most charming faces she had ever seen. Her skin was flawless and supple, her eyebrows were straight, and her naturally red lips were slightly plump and moist.

Yasenia's golden-red slit eyes were exotic yet very beautiful. The slightly upward curve gave a natural seductive glance that quickened the heart rate of anyone who looked into them.

However, after being in a trance for a second, she remembered that Yasenia must also be looking at her hideous face, so she became restless. Yasenia didn't take much time looking at her features.

Knowing that her experience must have been horrendous, her voice softened, and she asked, "Kali, do you love me?"

Yasenia's reason for asking this was simple... But flawed.

Yasenia thought that If Kali didn't have the courage to admit it, she would gradually distance herself from Kali so that she doesn't have false hopes and become twisted because of them.

For Yasenia, looks were just one part of what makes a person attractive.

She understands that this is a heavy trauma. That is why, if Kali had the courage to confess, then Yasenia would give Kali a world of love in return.

However, Kali froze when she heard her question. She started sweating, and her thoughts became a mess after hearing her question, 'S-She knows!?'

Kali restlessly looked around, and to add to her messy heart. She saw Cecile and the rest looking at her. Her heartbeat sped up, she felt a knot on her stomach, and her brain froze in panic.

Yasenia saw that her face was becoming paler by the second and that she was trembling badly, but she didn't release her chin. Yasenia knew that this was a very forceful method, but if she wanted Kali to join, she rather does it because of Kali's courage than for pity.

Moreover, this will avoid Kali's doubts about the reason for accepting her in the future. Furthermore, Yasenia would also be able to remind Kali and their future children proudly how Kali was able to overcome her fears and confess, even when she had a heavy trauma.

However, Yasenia was a little inexperienced, and this forceful method sometimes is too much for the other person. Kali felt horrible right now, and her thoughts started going through a dangerous path, 'Will I have to feel this every time I fall in love with someone? This sickening feeling of-.'

She suddenly heard Alysa whispering, 'That's right, do you think that you are the same as before? You are just a broken thing, played until you couldn't even move!'

Kali answered frantically, 'I am not! I have overcome that night long ago!'

Alysa's mocking laughter resounded, 'You are a monster, Kali! I tainted your body, your will! You aren't anything but a deformed beast!'

'I am not!'

'How many months since you last looked yourself in a mirror? You are even scared of yourself! Do you think she will love you?'

'I-I'm not….'

'Do you think that you can be part of the harem of a peerlessly beautiful woman like Yasenia's? You are delusional! Let me consume you, and I will make you reach heights like no others!'

'W-What heights?'

The heart demon smiled and was about to speak when something soft, warm, and with a sweet floral scent wrapped around her head.

She heard a mellow and slightly deep voice. It felt like a refreshing spring washing her thoughts; the heart demon tsked and hid. "Kali, take a deep breath…."

Kali instinctively obeyed Yasenia's voice and breathed deeply. The floral scent invaded her senses, and she felt something soft caressing her body, relaxing her nerves. Her dangerously beating heart slowed down a bit.

Yasenia didn't want to intervene, but midway, she realized that this method was practically forcing Kali down two paths. This was extremely selfish. Therefore, when she felt an ominous aura wrapping around Kali, Yasenia smiled gently and enveloped her in a hug, not minding her corrupting aura.

Yasenia patted her head with her tail and used her arms to make their bodies closer. She wanted to share her warmth with Kali's now freezing body.

When Yasenia saw Kali responding to her voice even in that state, she resolved herself. 'How can I separate myself from her? Will I be able to maintain a steady heart if I see her being consumed because of her heart demons?... I won't.'

When Yasenia felt Kali hugging her waist and burying herself deeper inside her embrace, she spoke again soothingly, "That's right, honey. Relax, think and answer me. Take deep breaths, and do not become nervous. Now I ask again, do you love me, Kali?"

When the others heard the nickname, they knew their fifth companion was decided.

Tatyana, looking from the side, nodded and led the others out of the room, 'If Yasenia had let her heart-demons consume her, this would have become one of her regrets. Even if I wouldn't have stopped it, I don't think Yasenia would have tried to fill the fifth spot until some years passed….'

Little by little, Kali managed to relax enough to think clearer. Now, even if the nervousness was still eating her from the inside, Yasenia's soft and warm hug seemed to cocoon her away from the world, creating a safe place for her thoughts, '*Sigh* So… Relaxing….'

Kali began thinking about the question again, considering what type of person Yasenia was from what she had learned. 'Yasenia must have picked up some hints, but maybe she isn't sure, so m-maybe that is why she is asking me? B-but why is she asking? I-Is she uncomfortable with someone like me liking her?'

Kali timidly lifted her head from the warm softness and looked at Yasenia. What she saw was a face that would be imprinted in her mind forever. Yasenia's lips were gently raised, and her golden eyes were softly looking at her. Her midnight black hair fell on the sides like a curtain covering the outside world, only leaving the dragoness gentle countenance in Kali's eyes.

Unable to remember someone looking at her like this even once after the incident, Kali couldn't help but tear up, 'H-How could a person that looks at someone like me with this kind of face think that I'm a nuisance?'

Kali built up her determination, and her heart rate raised again. She looked deeply into Yasenia's golden slit eyes and began speaking, "I l-lo…"

Poor Kali was so nervous that she couldn't continue. She was about to change her sentence, but those bright golden eyes seemed to push her forwards, filling her with courage again. Kali tried again, "I Lo-lov…"

She couldn't finish again. However, Yasenia's expression remained encouraging, making her push herself and try one last time. "I L-l-love y-you!"

Kali blushed crimson, and her heart accelerated, 'I-I said it!'

Then, Kali saw Yasenia's expression bloom like a flower in a beautiful and elated smile. At that moment, Kali's heart was stolen by the dragoness, 'H-how can she be s-so happy from a confession of s-someone like me?'

Next happened something that she didn't expect.

Yasenia lowered her head, using her black and silky hair as a curtain, and Kali's scarred lips met Yasenia's soft and sweet ones. Kali's eyes widened in disbelief, completely stunned, and her body froze. 'W-w-what is h-happening!?'

While Kali's body was as stiff as stone, she felt Yasenia trapping her lips with hers and slowly and tenderly continuing their first kiss. Then, she felt Yasenia licking the scar that went through them, sending an electric current up her brain. After that big spark, Kali's body went completely limp in the embrace of the dragoness. However, Yasenia supported her body.

The dragoness didn't stop on her mouth; she moved along her face, kissing every scar on it. As if trying to heal her with her kisses.

Kali started crying, feeling the thoughts behind her actions. Yasenia didn't mind and continued kissing each scar on her face, tasting her salty tears.

Yasenia's first regret was born today, and it was not torturing Alysa through eternity and beyond. How she wished she could go back and make Alysa's life an eternal hell.

Kali continued crying while Yasenia kissed her. "I *Sob* l-love you."

Yasenia kissed her on the lips again, and Kali spoke between kisses and sobs, "I love you."

Yasenia stopped kissing her, and she looked at her moist verdant green eyes. Then she answered in her mellow and slightly deep voice with a smile. "I love you too, honey."

Kali directly burst into tears and wailed in her embrace. Yasenia hugged her tightly and coaxed her without stopping her kisses even for a moment. She summoned a bed and put Kali's back on it. Then, she covered her completely with her body, as if she was trying to guard her against everything in the world.

Yasenia didn't mind the salty tears or her running nose. She didn't mind how Kali looked while crying. Yasenia just felt her heart twisting by her anguished cries. "Let it out, honey. I'm here. I'm here. No one can hurt you from now on. I will protect you, now and forever."

Kali hugged her tighter and continued her loud crying. Yasenia continued in the same position, hearing her never-ending cries.

After a long time, Kali's cries became softer, and slowly, she fell asleep, feeling protected below Yasenia. Yasenia separated a little and felt Kali's arm tighten around her. She couldn't help but smile. Then, she whispered, "From now on, you are my wife, honey. I will make you feel all the happiness you lacked and more."

To Yasenia's delight, she saw how Kali's lips curved upwards. Yasenia's tail started wagging speedily because of the happiness she felt. 'Fufufu~ Just making her smile makes me this happy~ If this isn't love, then I don't know what it is~.'

The others waiting outside entered and saw this scene. Yasenia was on top of a sleeping Kali with a happy smile and a speedily wagging tail. They couldn't help but chuckle. Yasenia looked at the side with a wide smile and whispered, "Can you girls carry the bed? I don't want to bother Kali's sleep."

Andrea chuckled and said quietly, to not wake up Kali, "You seem like a dragon that got a new treasure."

Yasenia's smile widened even more, "I got a very precious and fragile treasure~ I must take care of it with all the care in the world~."

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