Evelyn said, "Well, she is dripping looking at Yasenia…."

The others focused on the harpy's nether regions and had strange faces because Evelyn wasn't exaggerating.

Angel said, "Thankfully, Cecile isn't here. I think she would have charged inside directly, bow in hand."

The others nodded. Kali said, "That harpy is in the half-step. Moreover, I think I've seen her somewhere…."

Kali went to the list of participants and found her. She read aloud, her voice changing to a more disgusted one the more she read. "Here she is! Gahanna, a blue feathered harpy from the Poppy Sect, is at the half-step and has mostly won by sucking her opponent's energy…. "

The other three faces turned ugly. Andrea asked, "She is one of the people that have been forcing themselves on other participants in battle? But she is female, and unless she has a special constitution, she can't absorb Yin energy. Has she been doing that to females?"

Kali nodded her head, filled with disgust and some hostility, "She has... But she didn't absorb their energy; she just played with them. Gahanna has only… 'attacked' males. However, for some reason, she is aiming for Yasenia."

The others knew why, but they would let Yasenia explain the things about herself to Kali. Evelyn said, to clear some doubts, "I think it should be because of Yasenia's [Celestial Yin and Yang constitution]. Yasenia has Yang energy which Gahanna should be able to absorb..."

Andrea chuckled and said, "If it comes to that... 'Battle.' Don't you think Gahanna would have dug a grave for herself?"

Angel and Evelyn opened their eyes in realization and laughed. Evelyn said, "Although I don't want to see Yasenia touched by this bastard... It would be interesting to see that."

Angel explained to Kali briefly, "Yasenia is too good in sexual arts~. However, don't worry, Kali! I'm sure that Yasenia will know how to treat you when you advance the relationship! She is always super gentle~."

Kali nodded, a little expectant but more afraid than expectant. 'I-I hope she isn't disgusted by my b-body's scars...'

In an arid place filled with rocks of all sizes, two beast human females were looking at each other.

One of them had a dragon tail, and her seductive figure could charm everyone under the heavens. Her long, black hair and dress moved with the wind, making a beautiful picture. She had an imposing giant sword at her side, with a core glowing with ominous red light. Her face was expressionless as she looked at her opponent.

On the other side, there was a female with wings as arms and talons as legs. She was naked, showing her slim body and private parts. She was looking at her opponent like a predator would at their prey.

She had blue feathers and black hair, her eyes were sharp, and her facial features were somewhat distorted because of the lustful expression she was making. "I really wanted to meet with you, Yasenia~! Those people from the righteous side wanted you to join them, but I see they failed miserably~ How about becoming my cultivation partner? We can have a very good time together~."

Yasenia looked at her with the same expressionless face without answering.

Gahanna tilted her head and said, "Not answering? Why so serious? I've seen you speaking with other participants. Am I so scary~? I just want to make you feel the most pleasure you felt until today~."

Yasenia continued unresponsive. 'This harpy is dangerous. I feel that the moment I relax, I will be done by her.'

However, a sneer couldn't help but appear on her face, 'The most pleasure I've ever felt? Is she trying to compare with mom? Delusional Pidgeon, I'm going to go all out because of that stupid statement.'

The announcer's voice sounded, "This is the last round before entering the top 100! Our participants have come a long way to reach here. Let's see if they can get that second jade entry!"

The crowd in the coliseum counted with him, "Ten! Nine! Eight!..."

Yasenia and the harpy used their energy coats.

"Since you don't want to speak… I will make you scream in pleasure, hahaha~."

Yasenia looked at the sky and saw that sunset was approaching. Then she focused her dragon eyes and saw that Gahanna's coat was completely different than normal, 'Is that… A blue smoke of some sorts?'

Tatyana, who was paying attention, frowned slightly, 'That's dangerous, especially for Yasenia. Gahanna has evolved her coat completely and changed its nature. If Yasenia doesn't pay attention… Yasenia's instincts will take over her reason.'

Gahanna licked her lips, 'It is the first time I taste a wild dragoness~ will you be able to 'Keep up'? fufufu~.'

"…Three! Two! One! BEGIN!"

Yasenia picked up the sword, and when the countdown ended, she began walking toward Gahanna 'Enough holding back; if I lose this, Evelyn won't be able to come to the secret realm with me.'

"[Starry Sky]."

White lights began gathering around her.

"[Celestial Coat]."

A golden-silvery glow surrounded her.

[Wanning Moon]."

Her sword gained a silvery glow.

The harpy didn't move from her place, nor did she take out any weapons. She observed Yasenia's aura increase and smirked, 'Not bad. I will have to use aerial maneuvers if I want to win comfortably.'

However, suddenly Yasenia's energy release became absurd as energy began spinning around her in a vortex. Gahanna opened her eyes, stupefied. 'What is happening!?

Meanwhile, Tatyana smirked, 'Seems I was worried for nothing; she is going all out. This will be my first time seeing this mode. Show them little treasure, show the world what my daughter is capable of!'

Evelyn in the infirmary smirked and said, "It seems I'm going to go with you girls."

Angel smirked and nodded, "Behold! Our beloved dragoness strongest state!"

Andrea said, completely awed, "One thing is listening about it. Another is seeing for ourselves what an absurd aura release."

Kali was stupefied. 'What kind of girlfriend did I get!?'


Yasenia's eyes turned silver as a phantom black sky appeared. All the energy around Yasenia inflated and exploded violently!


A visible shockwave expanded from Yasenia at vertiginous speeds.

Gahanna was terrified, 'How can someone at her level release such an aura!? She feels more like a senior!'

Yasenia's aura explosion made the smoke gathered around Gahanna to be blown away. Worse, Gahanna felt like a steel wall impacted her body and was blown away by the shockwave more than a hundred meters.

Then, Yasenia spoke, her voice like a whisper, but it reached everywhere under the phantom night sky, "The [Moon charge]s into the [Moonless night], illuminating the world with her presence."

Yasenia spun once with her sword, deploying her silver domain. Then, as she pointed her sword forward, her leg muscles inflated and stomped the ground, gaining sound-breaking speed instantly!

The ground below her feet exploded, sending rocks flying everywhere, and she transformed into a silver meteor!

Gahanna used her wings and hastily took off to the sky. However, Yasenia's speed right now was absurd and reached her even before she separated 5m off the ground.

Yasenia used the momentum of the charge to jump toward her and tackle her. Even feeling the dragoness lunging toward her with her spiritual sense, Gahanna could not dodge.

Yasenia's shoulder hit her square on the chest, transferring the fearsome momentum of the dragoness. Gahanna felt like a mountain had just rammed her!

Her ribs cracked, and her inner organs tumbled as she flew away like a bullet. While midair, Yasenia chanted, her whisper echoing again, "The [Crescent moon], illuminating the sky, the [Shooting star]s guiding our life."

When Yasenia landed from her jump, she did a horizontal strike. A giant 150m wide crescent attack shot from her sword. She used the sword's weight to spin, and her sword-tail slashed horizontally, creating another [Crescent moon] attack. Then, the cycle repeated, sending attack after attack toward the harpy.

Gahanna, who just had the air and almost had her life knocked out of her, managed to stabilize. When she lifted her head and saw those attacks flying toward her, she paled, "Monster!"

She flapped her wings, gritting her teeth through the pain, and evaded the first crescent. She saw the second one and maneuvered in the air to dodge it again. However, there weren't just two attacks!

Crescent after crescent shot at her, but Yasenia wasn't done yet. The stars in the phantom sky started falling—one by one, like shooting stars.

Gahanna despaired. 'How can her meridians support this amount of energy release!?'

She dodged the first shooting star, but a crescent was waiting for her! She moved to the side, but a wing got cut off! "AAAAA-!!" Her shout of pain was cut short because a shooting star impacted her from above.


The star exploded, and Gahanna shot down heavily to the ground. She had one wing cut, her ribs broken, and her front charred. Gahanna spat blood and tried to stand, but a crescent was already in front of her face. Her face now had only fear left, 'How can someone at level one be so strong….'

Before the crescent hit her, Tatyana appeared, and with a wave of her hand, everything vanished, as if it were just an illusion. She smirked as she said, "Overwhelming win for Yasenia!"

The people in the coliseum exploded in cheers. "What was that! I fell the shockwave of her aura from the stands!"

"Those attacks are monstrous. They are nearing the Unification realm in strength if they aren't already there!"

"Isn't she at the FIRST LEVEL of the Mental Nourishing realm!? She is not a genius. She is a heavenly genius!"

"No wonder people call her heavenly dragoness!"

"The academy picked up a gem! When she grows up… I have chills just thinking about it."

Inside the infirmary, Kali looked with wide-open eyes, still unable to comprehend what had just happened.

On the other side, Andrea burst into laughter, "Absurd, completely abnormal! What was that? Is that what we are following after?"

Angel also chuckled, "You have only seen the beginning of the skill! The last attack is what is the most absurd thing."

Evelyn shook her head and said, "I still remember her fighting off against more than 110 cultivators. How she cut through them…. I still have chills remembering it."

Kali stuttered, "W-What did you say? Beginning? 110 what? W-Where am I? Did the cultivation rules change while I slept?"

The other three burst into laughter.

Meanwhile, on the destroyed rocky arena, Yasenia deactivated all her skills. Her eyes and aura returned to normal. Then, she turned and left, not looking at Gahanna again. Her interest in the harpy was null.

Tatyana then carried Gahanna to the infirmary. Gahanna looked at Yasenia's back while thinking. 'Why didn't she even look at me? I really wanted to make her my cultivation partner….'

The last 128 participants gathered. Yasenia looked around and didn't see any of her dears, 'Even Andrea lost? Who did she lose against?'

Yasenia felt someone looking at her and turned. It was a blonde woman with an extremely beautiful face. She had grey eyes and had 175cm in height. Her body was slim, with not many curves. However, her aura was profound.

A single thought filled Yasenia's mind. 'Strong.'

Those were the feelings Yasenia got from that woman. 'Is she the other one, apart from Jaxon, that I can't win against… I think she is….'

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