While walking toward Kali's bed, Yasenia took out the dragon egg she bought in the auction house. 'I have tried to drip blood on it, to have it beside me as I cultivate. I also left it beside the medicinal plants in my ring and have tried to pour my energy inside it directly. I have also tried the combination of the previous ones, but nothing worked....'

Yasenia suddenly remembered what Selena had just said, and her face became strange. Yasenia shook her head, "No, no, no! I refuse to believe that it needs my cum! What does it have that other's fluids don't? Fertilization? Huh? Is this egg not fertilized?"

Yasenia massaged her temple, "I will speak about it when mom returns… I really hope that I don't have to fertilize it... Maybe I can lodge it inside my uterus…?"

Yasenia slapped her cheeks softly, "What am I even thinking about? I think I need to rest...."

Can you imagine her future children asking, "How did mommy open the egg that nobody could?" And Yasenia answered, "I came on it." Or worse, "I shoved it inside my uterus until it hatched."

Yasenia almost tripped thinking about that situation. 'Anyway, there isn't any haste to hatch it. I don't need a mount yet. Moreover, I won't be able to carry a living mount to the secret realm since it would occupy an entry slot if you aren't a beastmaster. It makes sense since beastmasters are bound with the beasts through a soul link, so they count as one.'

Yasenia began thinking of her connection with Cecile. 'Do we also count as one? I need to research about it... If that is true, we could sell one of the entry jades... Maybe give it to Oliver? No, it is too dangerous. He wouldn't be able to even defend himself against the weakest cultivator entering the realm.'

While thinking about these things, Yasenia reached Kali's room. She smiled seductively and thought, 'I'm here. Let's make honey even more in love with me~.'

Yasenia knocked on Kali's door. Then, she opened her nightgown in the chest area and moved her hands through her long black hair, making it a little wilder.

When she heard Kali saying enter, she pushed the door open.

A little earlier, Kali was reading a book, wearing pajamas that covered her nicely, and waiting rather fidgety, 'Will it truly be just kissing? Maybe she wants to advance the relationship? But I don't feel like I can… Take that step yet."

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Kali jumped off the chair with a start and hastily combed her hair. Then she said, "Enter!"

The door opened, and Yasenia appeared in a sexy black nightgown behind it. She had it open in the middle, showing a large expanse of her white mountains. Better, the upper part was semi-transparent, leaving very little to the imagination.

Kali's eyes couldn't help but gravitate toward that area. Seeing her pair of big and standing breasts jiggling with each step was something her poor little heart couldn't take!

Yasenia observed how Kali had her eyes locked in her bosom, looking at it unblinkingly. When she saw that Kali was about to look up, Yasenia slowly arched her lips seductively, making eye contact with Kali. With the big beauty's blatant seduction, Kali's heart rate accelerated, finding her incredibly attractive. 'S-s-seductress! My poor heart can't take this sight!'

Yasenia walked toward the stiff woman sashaying her hips and swishing her tail. When she was before her, she lowered her torso and plastered her body on Kali's. Yasenia hugged her, burying Kali's face in her neck and making her feel her soft body. Her voice was a little lower than normal, with a very sensual tone that made Kali even more flustered, "Honey, I'm a little tired~ let's lay down in bed~?"

Kali stuttered and said, "Y-Yasenia, I-I-I'm not ready, to-to take the next s-step."

Yasenia chuckled beside her ear, and whispered, "I know~ We are going to cuddle, honey~."

Kali, of course, didn't have the courage to refuse anymore, and let herself be guided by Yasenia. Yasenia separated and grabbed her hand, guiding her toward the bed. Yasenia paid attention to Kali's reactions, ensuring she didn't force Kali too much, doing just enough to break her walls little by little.

Yasenia lay on the bed first and looked at Kali, who was still standing. Yasenia opened her arms invitingly and changed her tone from seductive to gentle, "Come here, honey. You deserve lots of pampering today."

Kali's scarred face blushed and moved toward Yasenia. While she was lowering on the bed, she asked in a whisper, "W-why do I deserve that?"

Yasenia hugged Kali, positioning them sideways as they looked at each other eyes. Yasenia didn't make too much skin-to-skin contact, making Kali feel more secure and relaxed, but she also didn't lose eye contact. Yasenia said with a pampering tone, "Because you were brave enough to eat dinner without your veil~. How could I not reward you~?"

Even when she tried not to make expressions on her face, Kali's scarred lips arched uncontrollably. She really liked Yasenia's praise. She looked sideways, avoiding the beautiful golden-red slit eyes, and said, "Yasenia, I do many things without a veil. I, umm… I don't think I deserve praise for it."

Yasenia arched an eyebrow and asked playfully, "Telling me this, is my love asking for more praise? Then this dragoness will deliver!"

Yasenia hugged her closer and neared Kali's lips, almost kissing. Kali, expecting the kiss, didn't know what to do when Yasenia stopped an inch away from her lips. With Yasenia's charming slit eyes looking at her verdant green ones so closely and feeling her warm body temperature, her heart rate sped up again. Yasenia spoke, filling Kali's nostrils with her fragrant breath. "Kiss me, honey. You just have to pluck your lips."

Kali felt her heart thumping strongly. This situation was very different from the pecks she gave before. Right now, they were alone, which added a romantic layer to this situation and made it more difficult to do actual intimacy.

However, Kali didn't want to disappoint Yasenia or herself, so she gathered her courage and puckered her lips. When her lips grazed Yasenia's, she felt like electricity zapped them. Kali's heart thumped excitedly, 'S-Starting the kiss feels too different. My heart is beating crazily.'

Yasenia smiled, arching her eyes beautifully, and said gently, "Such a good girl. I will do the rest, okay, honey?"

Kali nodded with a shy smile. 'I may get addicted at her praises… It feels good to be praised.'

Yasenia pressed her big breasts on her C cups and put their lips together. Kali closed her eyes and felt the cream-like lips on hers and the soft and warm body of the dragoness. Yasenia's warmth and scent were things that relaxed her from the first time she felt them. It felt like a cocoon that could protect her.

Yasenia began licking the scar that went across her lips, making Kali hug her tighter. Yasenia asked, "Do you like it, Kali?"

Kali nodded; she liked when Yasenia licked her scars. She felt like Yasenia was cleansing them, as if something was being replaced with her love toward Yasenia.

Yasenia was, of course, delighted to know that she liked her ministrations. Therefore, Yasenia traced her scars with tap kisses as she caressed her back with her hand. Then, her tail started coiling around her.

However, Kali seemed a little adverse to the act of coiling, so Yasenia stopped and only rested her long tail on top of her. 'Is she associating it with… Ropes? Let's be careful in the future. I have to change her perspective of my body. That anything that is mine won't hurt her....'

Yasenia continued kissing her face, going down to her lips from time to time and then tracing all the scars on her face with the tip of her tongue. Kali answered to her intimacy, returning the kisses and closing her eyes. Kali's body relaxed and willingly closed the distance between their bodies, trying to feel more of Yasenia's soft and warm body. 'So comfortable.'

Yasenia stopped her kisses for a bit and looked at the slight smile on Kali's mouth. Then, deepening her voice, she asked, "Kali dear, can I kiss you more deeply? As we did that morning?"

Kali half-opened her eyes, looking at the person that treated her so carefully, and nodded. 'Who can deny you in this world if you are like this?'

Yasenia closed on her lips and tasted them, trapping them with hers. Kali's flavor was slightly sweet and cool. It was as relaxing as nature itself.

After Yasenia put their lips together, she guided Kali to open her mouth. Kali complied, and Yasenia's tongue entered her mouth, greeting Kali's tongue gently and slowly.

Kali answered clumsily, licking Yasenia's tongue with hers like a cat. Yasenia smiled gently and guided her, deepening the kiss and making it more sloppy.

Yasenia slowly turned Kali and positioned herself on top of her. Kali liked this position because it reminded her of the time they got together. Moreover, she felt extremely good with Yasenia's weight on top of her.

Seeing no adverse reaction, Yasenia was delighted, which her tail and kiss showed.

Kali caught the tail movement on the periphery of her vision, and she felt warm and fuzzy inside. 'Is she this happy because of the kiss?'

Kali wound her arms around Yasenia and hugged her closer. With Yasenia on top of her and her black hair acting as a curtain, Kali felt like she was in another world, full of tender feelings.

Yasenia stopped the kiss and looked at Kali, who had half-lidded eyes as she looked at her. "How was it, honey?"

Kali said while sighing comfortably, "Good~."

After thinking about Kali's problem with stronger pleasure sensations, Yasenia asked, a little hesitant. "Honey… Do you want to… Taste my breastmilk?"

Kali opened her eyes and looked surprised. She asked with a stutter, "Like… Directly?"

Yasenia nodded; she lifted her body and freed one of her big breasts. She looked at Kali, and while on top of her, she approached her nipple to her mouth, grabbing her own breast to guide it slowly.

Kali saw the beautiful pink nipple in front of her and swallowed. Seeing no rejection and even a little bit of anticipation, Yasenia said with a pampering tone, "Open your mouth~ It may be pleasurable to drink it, but don't worry. I'm here for you, honey."

Kali looked at Yasenia's gentle face, then at the nipple. She hesitantly opened her mouth, and Yasenia moved forward, letting the nipple fall in her mouth. Kali had the big soft breast, which was bigger than her face, resting on her, and she became slightly embarrassed.

Then, she sucked the on the nipple shyly. When the milk sprayed, invading her tastebuds, that embarrassment turned into wonder. 'So delicious~. It is sweet and warm, somewhat thick.'

Then she sucked a little more and swallowed. When she swallowed, pleasurable tingling coursed her body, which scared her at first. She unlatched and looked at Yasenia.

Yasenia expected this to happen, so she didn't mind her reaction. She looked at Kali and said in a gentle voice. "Did you like it? We will use this to adapt you to feel pleasure again. What do you say, honey? Do you think you can do it?"

Kali looked up at Yasenia's caring eyes and steeled herself, then she nodded. Yasenia smiled, and she sat on her knees. "Come here, Kali. Let me feed you."

Seeing this 'motherly' Yasenia made her nervous for another reason. 'She is so attractive right now!'

Kali approached, and Yasenia cradled her; Kali couldn't help but blush at her current position. Then Yasenia put her nipple in her mouth again, and Kali sucked on it. She felt Yasenia patting her head while she hummed a lullaby.

She began drinking again, and even with the pleasure tingling through her body, Kali relaxed as she hugged Yasenia's waist. Hearing the beautiful lullaby, Kali couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic, and some tears dropped.

Yasenia noticed but continued humming and patting her as she fed her. She even changed the properties of her breastmilk to become more soothing, leaving the pleasure training for another day.

Kali continued sucking on her breast until she fell asleep in the embrace of the dragoness. Yasenia didn't move for another ten minutes and continued humming as she traced each scar on Kali's face with her eyes. She couldn't help but realize how fragile Kali was. 'I will take care of you, Kali. No one will look down on you anymore, not while I'm alive.'

Then, with the help of her tail, she lifted Kali and carried her to her bedroom, not caring about her exposed breast. She didn't want to move Kali from her current position and wake her up.

Yasenia reached the bedroom and placed Kali on the right. Then she tidied her nightgown and placed Angel on top of her, hugging Evelyn and Kali with her arms. She also coiled on Andrea with her tail, closing her eyes.

The four of them closed on Yasenia instinctively, noticing her presence even in their sleep, which made the dragoness fall asleep with a smile.

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