Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 316: Peaceful, Intimate moment between a Phoenix and a Dragon.

After Yasenia carried Andrea to the bed, she stretched her body and walked toward Cecile's room. Her lips raised in a satisfied smile. 'One last room~. Time flies when I do things with them. fufufu~'

When Yasenia reached Cecile's room, the Phoenix was reading a book. She was leaning on the headboard, and there was a flame beside her illuminating the room dimly. The window on the other side spilled moonlight on her other side.

The view of the silver-winged female reading calmly under the Moon was peaceful and beautiful.

This scene was like a deja-vu.

Since Yasenia normally left Cecile for last, this scene wasn't strange. Yasenia approached, still naked, and sat beside Cecile.

Cecile opened her arm and wing, letting Yasenia cuddle with her. Yasenia didn't do anything strange and just leaned inside her lover's embrace. Her head rested on her shoulder, and Cecile used her arm and wing to surround her naked mate and secure her.

Even then, there was no sexual tension. The feeling they gave was harmonic and peaceful.

Cecile kissed Yasenia's forehead and started to read aloud. Yasenia hugged Cecile's waist and listened attentively.

"There was once a human that gained everything."

"He was talented, passionate, and attractive to both genders."

"He used his natural advantages to build a town. Then, as his strength increased, his town transformed."

"First, a city. Then, a kingdom. Finally, an Empire."

Cecile's voice was relaxing and soothing. Like an ethereal whisper that lulled people to sleep. Yasenia's body relaxed as she leaned deeper inside Cecile's soothing embrace.

"He built a family, a country, a reputation, and everyone revered him as the strongest."

"However, nothing last forever. Even if his Empire was the strongest and his strength was unmatched, he also had plenty of enemies who grew daily in the shadows."

"If one can reach such strength, others also would eventually be able to."

"Once such foes appeared, the relentless attacks weakened the Empire. The people he trusted, afraid of getting killed, betrayed him. Finally, even a part of his large family abandoned or betrayed him."

"In the end. Everything he built was razed to the ground, and his life was lost in battle. The people he held dear and stayed with him until the end followed shortly after."

"The End."

Yasenia saw Cecile turn the page. There was another story there. Yasenia asked, "What is this book about?"

Cecile said softly, "This book is a compilation of short stories."

Yasenia looked at Cecile, leaning her naked body over hers, and asked. "Are you afraid I will follow that man's steps?"

Cecile secured the dragoness with her arm and looked at her. Even with all Yasenia's parts touching her, her heart could remain calm. Cecile kissed Yasenia's nose and answered. "Yes. I don't know how much your thoughts have changed over the years. I understand and feel that you've slowly rediscovered yourself in how you feel about us, and your current feelings for us are even deeper than before. However, what are your ambitions?"

Yasenia kissed Cecile's chin slowly as she thought about it. After kissing her two times, she said, "I want to create a space where we can safely grow our family."

Cecile looked into Yasenia's eyes and said, "That's difficult, my love."

Yasenia looked mesmerized at that pair of phoenix eyes and asked. "What do you think we should do?"

Cecile kissed Yasenia's lips softly once, making Yasenia close her eyes in comfort while it lasted. "How about, instead of creating it, we blend into a place where we can create a safe space and grow our family."

Yasenia blinked and then understood. Yasenia laughed and asked, "Since when did you think about those things? That's a really good idea."

Cecile smiled, making her peerless facial features even more beautiful, and said. "Since a certain person opened my eyes. I was too ignorant and short-sighted before."

Yasenia really liked this change.

She moved and placed a leg on top of Cecile. Her voluptuous naked body and other things touched the Phoenix. "I'm glad. That's a good change."

Cecile made her garments disappear, allowing their naked bodies to touch together. However, none of them moved further.

Yasenia leaned her face in Cecile's neck and licked her softly. Her penis wasn't even erect as it rested on Cecile's thigh.

Their breast touched, and Cecile's arm circled Yasenia's waist.

Cecile sighed in comfort as their skin touched together, and she nuzzled her face with Yasenia's.

Then, Cecile opened another book with her free hand and began to read for the two of them while receiving Yasenia's touches and lovely caresses.

The Phoenix's beautiful voice spread in the room, giving the ambient a nice touch. Yasenia felt her soul relax as she heard Cecile's voice, and their bodies practically melded into one.

Cecile would, from time to time, turn her head and kiss Yasenia. Yasenia left her body in Cecile's care, giving her lovely caresses, kisses, and licks, and received Cecile's kisses whenever she gave them to her.

Their interaction was lovely and peaceful.

Even if they were naked, it wasn't necessary to have intercourse. Hugging each other close and feeling each other presence was enough for them.

Under Cecile's voice and care, the tired dragoness's eyes slowly closed, and her eyelids grew heavier. She wanted to remain awake, but the soft pats on her waist and the tender kisses she received from her mate softened every bone inside her.

In truth, Yasenia had avoided sleeping inside the Trial all she could because she feared that someone would attack her in her sleep.

She had almost forgotten the feeling of safety her lovers gave her.

Now, even in her most vulnerable state, Yasenia could relax her guard.

After reading for twenty minutes, Cecile felt the woman between her arms softening even further. She felt like she was holding a boneless woman.

Cecile lowered her gaze and looked at her beloved.

Yasenia had her eyes closed, and her breathing was even. Her arms hugged her loosely, and the long tail behind her was limp. The long leg on top of hers rested its whole weight, the same as the rest of the body. As if she was leaving her everything to her.

The Phoenix smiled tenderly, her icy blue eyes filled with boundless love.

Here, completely naked and between her arms, her dear dragoness had fallen asleep. Her facial features had completely relaxed, and her breathing was even.

Under the moonlight and dim candleglow, Yasenia's sleeping face was gentle and peaceful. Her straight eyebrows softly curved, her tempting mouth was slightly opened, and her features had softened.

How good that felt? How fulfilling was having Yasenia fall asleep in her embrace?

Cecile felt as if she had drunk a jar of honey. It was as if Yasenia's every action after reuniting with them confirmed further that, even after twenty long years of separation, their dearest dragoness still loved them dearly.

Cecile stored her book inside her ring and hugged her lover with both her arms. Then, she whispered with a lovely tone that no one other than Yasenia would ever hear from the cold and indifferent Moon Phoenix.

"My mate. My beautiful mate. It has been hard, right? Don't worry. We are here for you now. With us, you can relax. Sleep, my love. You've already made enough today."

Then, she softly kissed Yasenia's lips. "I love you, my love. Rest well." Yasenia heard Cecile's voice and moved closer to her in her sleep.

Cecile didn't move and stayed in that position for almost half an hour, observing Yasenia sleep. With their naked bodies touching as they were, Cecile felt fulfilled and complete.

Although she still didn't have enough of cuddling with the sleeping Yasenia, she wanted everyone to wake up beside her. Therefore, she decided to carry Yasenia toward the other bedroom.

First, Cecile used her three phoenix tails to lift Yasenia's long and heavy tail and avoid dragging it across the floor. Then, she lifted her between her arms horizontally and carried her toward the other bedroom.

Using her energy to open and close doors, Cecile had no difficulties carrying Yasenia across rooms.

When she reached the room, she saw Angel positioned in the middle, Kali and Evelyn to her sides, and Andrea beside Evelyn.

Cecile was reluctant to be separated from the soft body between her arms, so she decided to be a little selfish and steal Angel's place this night.

She placed Yasenia between Angel and Evelyn. Then, she laid on top of Yasenia, using her as a mattress. And spread her wings to cover the other four with them. Then, using energy, she moved the bedsheets on top of them.

With Yasenia's body below her and using her breasts as a pillow, Cecile closed her eyes and happily welcomed sleep. Her nostrils filled with the calming, sweet, floral scent, and her head sunk into the malleable big breasts. 'Sigh, lying on top of her is satisfying. Especially skin to skin as we are.'

And with that thought, the Phoenix also fell asleep.

The night went by without problems, and the first rays of daylight entered through the window at the side.

The first person to wake up was Evelyn. She opened her eyes slowly, her waist still aching from yesterday night. After remembering how wild she went, a satisfied smile appeared on her face. 'That was crazy good. I really missed the feeling of waking up with Yasenia's comfortable, warm Yang energy nourishing my meridians.'

She looked to her sides and saw Andrea and Yasenia beside her. She felt the sheets a little heavier than normal, but the refreshing and cool scent was very nice. 'What kind of bedsheets are these?'

Everything made sense after seeing Cecile lying on top of Yasenia and her wings covering them like a blanket. 'Oh, that's why. I can perfectly see Yasenia's naked breasts as soon as I wake up. What a perfect morning.'

Without anything to do, she waited for Yasenia to wake up as her eyes roamed not only the two pieces of flesh she loved so much but also her attractive sleeping face.

The next person waking up was Andrea. She looked at the ceiling for a second and then softly chuckled, 'Finally, I'm back with her. I've truly missed her.'

Then, she searched for Yasenia and saw that she was quite far from her. Even if only Evelyn was beside her, unlike other times, Yasenia wasn't hugging Evelyn close. 'What a shame; I wanted to cuddle her.' She then heard Evelyn whisper, "Good Morning, Andrea."

Her gaze moved from Yasenia's sleeping face, and she saw Evelyn looking at her with her violet eyes. Andrea kissed her forehead and said, her voice deep from having just woken up, "Good morning, Evelyn."

Evelyn smiled and snuggled closer to Andrea, "How was yesterday night? I, myself, went totally crazy on her."

Andrea put an arm over Evelyn and smirked, "I think we all did. Yasenia's body is truly like a drug. I don't think I will be able to quit in my entire life."

Evelyn nodded, fully agreeing with the sentiment. Even if there wasn't a real addiction occurring, the emotions, sex, and Yang energy were so great that they basically worked as one.

The next person to wake up was Cecile. She opened her icy blue eyes slowly and saw Yasenia's tender flesh first in the morning. Her scent directly entered her lungs as soon as she took in a deep breath and stretched.

Cecile stretched, her silver wings extending even further, stretching all her back muscles. She even rubbed her face on the malleable breasts below her head, sinking in the delight of Yasenia's soft body. This big movement caught Andrea's and Evelyn's attention.

However, the Phoenix was too occupied feeling Yasenia's body because morning made a certain part of Yasenia rock-hard, the opposite of the rest of the body. Moreover, that part was pressing on her privates.

However, like the previous night, Cecile didn't become aroused and just relished in the comfortable feeling of the dragoness's seductive body.

Only after Cecile's wings stretched did they realize that Cecile was actually naked.

The rare sight of Cecile's perfect, naked body made both of them dazed.

It wasn't that her seductiveness was high. On the contrary, Cecile's figure had an aesthetic beauty that caught the eye. Her body gave the impression of something ethereal, pure, and elegant. A relic that shouldn't be tainted by mortal dust. Beautiful as the reflection of the Moon and the night sky in a lake.

Evelyn muttered with awe. "Fuck me; she is beautiful."

Andrea nodded, "The opposite attractiveness Yasenia gives, but not weaker in the slightest."

Cecile heard them and turned to look at them.

With her head resting on the big breast, her lips raised in a simple smile as she said, "Thanks."

That day, Andrea and Evelyn learned that Cecile's morning smile was bad for the heart.

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