Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 319: Situation outside the Lost Town.

Our girls walked slowly down the street, slowly going toward the exit. Behind them, Sierra walked slowly; her enormous size was bigger than most buildings at eight meters tall and almost twenty meters in length. The snowy white fur and the blue rune on her forehead that meant "Queen" were even more prominent. However, the aura of a level-four beast was what made most heads turn.

In truth, although Yasenia and the others' appearance would catch most people's eye, Sierra's presence was like a flag, telling everybody where they were.

Evelyn looked at Sierra and jokingly complained, "Sierra, if you keep growing, I will have trouble finding places for you inside towns and cities!"

Sierra snorted playfully, "Such a terrible master. She takes me in but doesn't even try to find me accommodation. Should I change owners?"

Evelyn said, speechless, "You are taking our language and terms very fast. Is it that easy to learn?"

Sierra looked at Evelyn gently and lowered her nose to nuzzle with Evelyn. "It is because you are a great teacher, Evelyn. Thank you for your efforts."

Evelyn smiled widely and hugged her nose, "Don't worry! I really like teaching you."

Sierra softly threw Evelyn up, making her land on top of her head. "Let me carry you. After all, there could be a battle as soon as we leave the town."

Evelyn took out her spear and smirked, "If there is a battle, let's cause havoc together, Sierra!"

Yellow lightning crackled through Sierra's fur, looking extremely imposing and affirming Evelyn's words.

The others also took out their weapons and armor. With each step, they equipped one thing after another. Their common clothes slowly changed to a full gear of Heaven-ranked armor or dresses.

The people looking at them opened their eyes wider with each second until they were fully geared.

Angel was wearing a holy white dress, her hair loose, and a big shield on her right arm that covered half her body. Her long blonde hair and aura made her look like a pure and angelic valkyrie. Her dress's waving together with the soft steps made it appear like Angel was walking on the clouds, harmonious and elegant.

Evelyn was dressed in purple-black garments, her silver-blue spear sparking as lightning went from the base to the tip in erratic paths. Her arrogant smirk spokes volumes of her self-confidence, and since she was mounting the giant Sierra, she was extremely imposing.

Andrea had a full silver armor that didn't cover her head, showing her long curly hair and heroic and beautiful face. She carried a heavy-looking red and black halberd in her hand. At her side, Ebirah walked slowly. Andrea was clearly walking in a protective manner near her. She was like a tall knight, ready to war against hordes of enemies and protect those she held dear.

Kali had her green and golden dress floating gently, a wooden sword on her waist, and her two big fox tails swaying softly with the wind. With her veil covering her face, she looked mysterious and gentle, similar to a nature spirit.

Cecile, on the other hand, was like a one-thousand-year glacier. Her expression was devoid of emotion, and her ceremonial Phoenix dress flowed with the wind. The crystal blue bow on her hand reflected the light, and her platinum-silver long hair, pair of big wings, and three phoenix tails made the air around her freeze.

At the helm, Yasenia walked confidently in her revealing clothes. Her expression was calm and slanted on her back; the giant [Draconic Heart] made her figure attractive yet imposing. Her long tail swayed from side to side, making "S" shapes at the rhythm of her sashaying waist.

Unlike previously, her disposition was more steady but didn't lose in seductiveness, creating a maturely seductive yet serious poise. Lethal for all that laid their eyes on her.

Andrea and the other girls inside the Unification Realm lifted an eyebrow the moment they approached the exit.

Yasenia looked sideways at their expression and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Andrea chuckled, "We have company right outside the gates. There is a large group of cultivators."

Kali wondered, "Do you think there are more hidden?"

Evelyn smirked, "Probably? However, I thought they would ambush us. Who knew they wanted a frontal confrontation? Asking for death is a phrase that fits perfectly."

Angel commented with a cute tone, "They are hundreds... Did they underestimate Yasenia? They are going to be squashed if more don't come~."

Cecile coldly answered, "It doesn't matter. If they dare attack her, only their corpses shall remain."

Yasenia's eyes released a faint killing intent as her pupils thinned. "Let's see who is giving us such a wonderful greeting, shall we?"

Then, Yasenia led the group, and the eight of them stepped out calmly. The people at the gates made way, creating a circle around them to spectate whatever conflict was about to happen.

At the entrance of the town, a group of nearly seven hundred cultivators was waiting for them. Their levels varied, with extremely few in the Unification Realm. Although it had been almost two months since the Secret Realm had begun, advancing into the Unification Realm was extremely rare.

The nearly twenty kilometers around Lost Town had been emptied of tall trees. Clearly, they didn't want to give them a chance to escape using the forest surrounding Lost Town.

You have to remember that although Sierra was extremely big compared to the enormous trees in the forest, she was like a small pup before a giant tree. Losing people in the forest was extremely easy.

Yasenia could identify two groups since they weren't waiting in the same area. There were also some familiar faces in front of both groups.

One group was made of demons, humans, and a low amount of Human-beasts. Nevertheless, the non-demons in the group reeked of blood and malice, clearly demonic cultivators that had plenty of bad deeds in their record.

The other group had mainly humans, without a single demon, and a quarter of them were beast humans. This group looked more righteous on the exterior, but if someone looked closer, only vanity and arrogance would fill their ranks. In Yasenia's opinion, she wouldn't like to relate with either of the groups.

Yasenia stopped walking after they were a kilometer away from both groups. Their position made the edged of a triangle. Even then, because of Sierra's size, Yasenia's group didn't look at a disadvantage presence-wise.

The person leading the Demon-Human group was, incredibly, a human. However, she wasn't surprised once Yasenia saw who this human was. That silver hair was characteristic of this annoying cockroach.

Leading the other Human-Beast Human group was the Tang and Long family pair. For those who've forgotten their names, they were Long Baidi and Tang Xian.

Yasenia looked at the Silver-haired man and spoke aloud, using energy to carry her words easily across those distances. "Gerd! Such a long time since we saw each other. How is everything going? I don't know if I've missed you or not."

Of course, Yasenia wouldn't forget about someone who wanted to kill her and endangered her dears. However, after her experience inside the Trial, the number of people similar to Gerd that aimed for her life was so high that she classified Gerd as "one more."

The silver-haired handsome human male sneered. "Stop acting so confident, Yasenia. You are surrounded by eight-hundred cultivators. Do you really think you have a chance? I alone am enough to kill you, not to mention the army I have behind me!"

Yasenia raised her eyebrow and smirked. "Am I really 'acting' confident? You don't even know how high my strength is, and here you are, leading a crowd toward me. Who is the one acting confident? Aren't you ashamed of guiding so many people toward their deaths?"

Tang Xian said, her voice sounding gentle and merciful. "Yasenia, I understand that you are nervous, and you are saying those things to maintain your calm. However, if you give us what you gained in the underground hall, we will retreat from this fight. We are not savages that know no reason, after all."

Gerd's face darkened, "That wasn't the deal, Tang Xian!"

A person from Tang Xian's group shouted, "How dare you call the holy daughter by her name, scum!? Just a filthy demonic cultivator doesn't have the right to do so!"

Tang Xian lifted her hand, making her white dress wave beautifully and highlighting her ethereal aura. The gesture was so on point that Yasenia feared she had even practiced it!

"Don't be angry; we are just speaking. Anger is an emotion that leads to disaster."

The man that interrupted said with an infatuated expression, "Yes, Holy Daughter! I will adhere to your teachings!"

Evelyn muttered speechlessly, "Are they blind? Why are they so infatuated with her when Yasenia is infinitely more beautiful?"

Andrea lifted an eyebrow, "Infinitely more beautiful?"

Evelyn chuckled, "Well, a zero will be a zero no matter how many times you multiply it, right?" Andrea and Kali laughed aloud, and even Cecile cracked a smile.

Yasenia also smirked but continued listening attentively. Long Baidi ignored Gerd and said aloud with a righteous tone, "Yasenia, just giving a single item will allow you to leave here unscratched. Is your life more precious than a treasure? Are the lives of those you love more precious than a treasure? You should know what to do and not be selfish!"

This hoax would work if they weren't trying to steal something! However, the masses would be sheep, and because Long Baidi's superficial arguments weren't inherently wrong, they gave him enough credibility for those who refused to think deeper about the situation they were used in.

Some were even nodding as if Long Baidi was a wise man saying something profound.

Gerd looked at Yasenia and said sinisterly, "If you dare accept their offer, I swear I will find a way to capture one of your lovers and break them until only a husk is left!"

Yasenia's eyes moved toward him, but her heart remained as placid as a still lake. However, that kind of lake hid the terrors that lay beneath extremely well.

After looking at Gerd's angered face for ten seconds straight, without speaking a single word, her gaze left his face, and she observed both groups in detail.

Her eyes had been scanning each and every single one of them while they lost time conversing with each other. Now, she knew who were the strongest ones in each group.

'Not bad, there are nine Unification Realm experts in each group counting Gerd, Tang Xian, and Long Baidi. This makes a total of eighteen Unification Realm experts. Moreover, there are two of them in the second level. Those would be Tang Xian and Long Baidi.'

Yasenia's thoughts spun rapidly, 'Assuming the worst. There should be at least as many experts hiding as they are visible. That leaves us with a one-against-five scenario, not counting the masses that may participate. However, my influence on beast humans should be able to make those in the groups either betray their group or incapacitate them. [Dragon Authority] is very powerful toward those with a high-percentage beast bloodline.'

Yasenia deduced. 'Even then, although I don't know how much my dears have grown, it shouldn't be an easy fight, and accidents may happen. Being overconfident in a one-against-many scenario is just arrogance. I think we should find a way to retreat safely.'

Cecile suddenly spoke, "Why doubt us?"

Yasenia looked at her, and Cecile repeated, "Why do you doubt our strength?"

Yasenia looked deeply into Cecile's eyes, but she didn't answer. With Cecile, words were superfluous because their link could tell more than a thousand words with a single look. Cecile smiled softly and asked, "Do you think we are going to fall as those inside the Trial did?"

Yasenia wanted to deny it, but she couldn't. She sighed and said, "Yes. I could overcome my sadness at that moment, but if any of you died, I don't know what I would transform into. It scares me just thinking about it."

Andrea lifted her hand and rested it on Yasenia's head, softly caressing her. "Yasenia, you still haven't told us what happened the first time you lost someone close. However, a Heart Demon will be born if you continue avoiding it."

Yasenia looked up at Andrea and smiled wryly, "I know."

Then, she said jokingly, "I wouldn't be surprised if I already had one. Although I've managed to grow as a person, the journey was hard and bumpy."

Angel said in an uncharacteristic serious, "You don't have one."

Yasenia lifted an eyebrow, and her smile became genuine. "How do you know, baby?"

Mirrory appeared in her flamboyant red dress, her scarlet hair dancing beautifully, and said lightly. "She can tell because of her constitution, and I can tell because I'm me. Although your heart is certainly not perfect right now, your heart defenses are like an armored mountain against a mortal with a shovel. However, don't become overconfident. If you continue as you are, it is just a matter of time before the relentless heart demons make a hole in that armored mountain."

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