Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 362: Talking about Valeria's past. Tatyana's resolution.

"How many can you control now?" Kali asked while sitting on Valeria's lap. She hadn't left since Valeria sat her there, so she had to lift her head to ask the question.

Valeria looked at Kali's curious eyes and decided to answer. "Well, I have to create them first. However, once I do, they'll be like stalks of my main body. Since I'm quite weak right now, I should be able to control six bodies without losing too much combat efficiency."

They looked at her, speechless. Cecile asked curiously. "So, you are, in truth, six times as strong as you are now?"

Valeria shook her head. "Not even close. My spare bodies will not have that much strength. My main core can fight against the other five bodies to a stalemate unless I get serious. Then, my five bodies would win with destructive tactics such as sacrificing one or two of them to take me down. However, the same as with Tatyana, I use my only soul and a single dantian to control all six of them. Hence, it is six bodies, one individual."

Angel got thoughtful and asked. "So, if you control a soul via a secondary soul, it can't be considered yourself?"

Mirrory answered her. "That would be a stretch, but if that secondary soul is nurtured enough and away from the main soul for too long, the soul can gain independent thinking. It is quite dangerous since they would know everything about you. If they, for some reason, betray you, it would be a disaster. It has happened in the past once or twice."

The others frowned, thinking of the possibilities. Mirrory sighed and said. "Do not spin the idea too much, juniors. Tatyana can have other bodies because of a lost ancient technique that no one could complete before her other than its creator, and Valeria is literally the Spirit Queen! A Nature Spirit created by concentrating absurd amounts of Life energy in one place during millions of years."

Valeria's eyebrow twitched. "Why did you have to tell them my age!"

Mirrory was stumped. "You old monster, you still care about your age when you've probably crossed the ten-million-year mark!?"

Valeria pouted. "I'm not that old!" Kali blushed, thinking that she was too cute.

Mirrory snorted. "Face it. Moreover, if you are compared to me, you are basically a baby!"

Angel blinked, "Wow, Mirrory! Why are you so old!"

Mirrory's eyebrow twitched. Then, she said. "Sorry Valeria, I shouldn't have said so."

The others didn't fall to the ground because they were already seated.

Valeria nodded. "It is good that you understand."

Mirrory definitely ignored Angel's question and continued. "Speaking of Valeria's body control, not even other Nature Spirits can replicate what she can do; she is their Queen for a reason. Therefore, they are the exceptions of the exceptions. People with multiple bodies are as rare as they can get."

"Finding a person with a Yin and Yang constitution is tens of thousands more common, and Yasenia is probably the only one with such a constitution in the whole Sky Continent, a place with hundreds of trillions of people."

Hearing this comparison, they understood that worrying about this was the same as worrying about lightning falling on them with a clear sky.

Tatyana looked at Valeria and suddenly commented. "Leaving its extreme rarity aside, I can understand now how you were able to give birth to a whole new race. You really got to work, hahaha."

The others choked and entered a coughing fit. Mirrory rolled her eyes and didn't speak anymore.

Meanwhile, Valeria giggled at Tatyana's comment. "I wanted company, and what better company than my own progeny? The spirits are good children. But they all looked the same and were already self-sufficient. So I wanted to try having other children."

'Wow... Sometimes, the reason for the origins of a whole race can be so casual.' They all thought at the same time.

Valeria continued. "After seeing human variety, I wanted to try something like that. Moreover, the human bloodline is extremely adaptive, so I used my summoner of that time to have some children and then, with his permission, others to get more gene variety to the race. That's why my [Nature Spirit Elves] are almost completely human-like. I used humans to create them, after all."

Kali asked shyly, "V-Valeria, how many children have you had?"

Valeria got thoughtful and said. "If we don't count the creation of Nature Spirits as having children since that's asexual... I would say less than five thousand, but I'm not completely sure. Some of my bodies were quite active, after all."

The coughs were louder this time, and even Yasenia looked at Valeria, flabbergasted. 'A super mom.'

Tatyana smirked, "I see. Valeria can be considered to be a super M.I.L.F. "

Valeria asked, confused. "What are you talking about? Super Milf?"

Tatyana shook her head, "My things, don't worry."

Valeria was confused, but she just shrugged. Then, after thinking of something, the tall, voluptuous green lady looked at Yasenia and smiled, making some of them gulp. "I'm a very good and experienced mother, Yasenia. I can guarantee that I'll be very good with everything."

Yasenia didn't doubt it.

Tatyana coughed and said somewhat sourly. "Stop blatantly seducing my daughter in front of me!"

Valeria chuckled and transmitted the next just into Tatyana's mind. 'I won't stop~. Your daughter's genes feel so tasty. I really want to have her children. More important than that, Yasenia herself will be a good mother to them, so I won't let the matter rest~. You should give up, Tatyana, this senior has taken a liking to your daughter, and Kali's bond with her makes us, in a way, inseparable~. Moreover, although Yasenia doesn't have romantic feelings for me, she is fond of me."

Tatyana's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. 'So much for having too good of a daughter. Everyone wants a piece of her!'

Valeria laughed, amused. 'It's your fault for raising her up to be such a good woman.'

Tatyana sighed. If Valeria were a random person, she would have secretly made her disappear! But this senior won't be easy to deal with.

Tatyana sighed one more time and looked at the dragoness. Yasenia looked at Tatyana innocently, like the good girl she was. 'I can't punish this adorable face! Should I feed her something to make her ugly? That way, she won't attract so many bees and butterflies.'

Yasenia felt a chill and didn't know why. 'What's wrong? I feel danger!'

Leaving dangerous thoughts aside, Tatyana suddenly said. "By the way, I don't remember [Spirit Nature Elves] having a high amount of human bloodline. It was actually very thin. Wouldn't they have to be half-human if they were made how you told us?"

Valeria looked at Tatyana, confused, and said as if it was a matter of course. "I purified the next generations with my bloodline. Of course, the human bloodline would be thin."

All of them got their imagination running and thought. 'Now, Tatyana seems like a very moral person.'

Tatyana thought, speechless for the first time. 'She is like the exaggerated version of myself.'

Yasenia looked at Tatyana and Valeria and said. "If we have children, they'll be out of your boundaries!"

Tatyana and Valeria repeatedly blinked, looking at Yasenia with innocent looks.

Yasenia thought to herself that she would have to watch her children in the future.

However, the others looked at Yasenia with similar thoughts. 'What if they fall in love with their super pampering ultra beautiful and protective mama dragon? Nonono, we have to protect our children's feelings!'

And so, a secret organization to protect future generations from their attractive dragon mother and their grandma was born today.

Anyway, in Valeria's case, you couldn't apply ordinary common sense. Valeria was a spirit, one of the first Nature Spirits, to be exact, so she had to create many during her years to spread her race. For her, normal birth or asexual birth was quite similar, so she didn't feel it was strange at all. Furthermore, the purifying nature of her existence made it so that close relationships wouldn't have complications, unlike what happened with humans and other races.

Even then, there were two individuals who had been looking back and forth, not understanding some of the crucial details. Of course, they were Angel and Ebirah.

Angel was curious about how she could purify the bloodline and wanted to understand, so she opened her mouth to ask. However, Mirroy interrupted her. She even materialized and patted her head with a smile. "Don't ask, little Angel. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss. Therefore, let's leave it at: "Those who understand, understand." and "The ways of the seniors are profound.""

Angel looked at Mirrory and nodded obediently. Mirrory sighed inside. 'I saved her innocent mind!' Not knowing that, beside some punctual things, Angel's mind was quite corrupted by a certain skilled dragoness.

Andrea changed the conversation and asked, "Have we told you the name of this Continent, Tatyana?"

Tatyana shook her head. Yasenia said. "Distancia Continent. Do you know it?"

Tatyana's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Distancia Continent? We are so far away from home."

Seeing their questioning looks, Tatyana sighed. "We are in a lesser World. Compared with the Sky Continent Middle-level World, it is very weak and young. Unlike with Cultivation, challenging a higher rated World in a War is a gap impossible to surmount. Therefore, lesser Worlds are in a different dimension than the Middle Worlds. It is a natural barrier created to protect lesser Worlds from higher-level ones. Therefore, the distance between Sky Continent and Distancia Continent is basically impossible to cross."

Yasenia frowned and asked worriedly. "Then, I won't meet with you again?"

Tatyana tapped Yasenia's snout and smiled. "Of course you will. How would I be able to go to the Sky Continent in the past otherwise? I was born in a very backward Continent, after all. There are natural one-way portals to travel to the upper dimensions. We just have to go to one and cross it."

Kali asked, "How do you know the Distancia Continent, mother-in-law?"

Tatyana scratched her cheek, "Well... I may have created a little bit of trouble in a nearby lesser world."

The others were speechless in more than one way. Has this woman left her mark through the whole Universe, or what?

Furthermore, seeing her innocent look, they knew that "a little bit" was a very big euphemism.

Angel asked. "What did you do?"

Tatyana smiled happily and said. "Not telling!"

This time, it was Yasenia's and the others' eyebrows that twitched with annoyance. "You really like being mysterious, don't you?"

Tatyana smiled like a flower, "My second favorite thing is leaving people with that itch to want to know but not being able to~. Well, torturing my enemies until they break is too fun, so we can call that my third favorite thing!"

Cecile asked curiously, "What's your favorite thing?"

Tatyana patted Yasenia's head and said, "Having my little treasure's company, of course."

Yasenia smiled and wagged her long tail.

Her smile was surprisingly pleasant to look at, even in dragon form. Although she had a reptile head, the dragoness had some human traits that made it appealing.

For example, she had big expressive golden eyes, a smooth jaw, and a pair of beautiful golden curved horns that complemented her smooth blue scales. When she smiled, her eyes curved in a human-like manner, which was beautiful even for a dragon.

Tatyana kissed Yasenia's snout. "Although it is somewhat bad I landed here if they remember me, this place is perfect for reaching the Dantian Spiritualization realm. It has been a lot of time since then, so it is possible that they won't recognize me. Moreover, with the energy quality here, I can guess that there aren't any Transcendent Realm cultivators in this World, so you have a good chance of surviving as long as you don't create enemies."

Yasenia commented. "Now that we are all up to date. It is time to decide on our next location. First, do we have to make haste and return to the Sky Continent as soon as possible, Mom?"

Tatyana shook her head. "Even if you want to return, it is not possible. Our strength is too low to make the trip. We have to at least be in the Dantian Spiritualization Realm. Furthermore, you'll only be a burden for me if you come back, little treasure."

Yasenia didn't feel bad because it was the truth. "Is everything good over there?"

Tatyana nodded, "I managed to take back enough landmarks and resources to last for tens of thousands of years. Moreover, they can't send much stronger people for a while. I can resist easily. We even have some victories against the Demons. Sadly, they are as resilient as cockroaches, so no matter how many I kill, more appear. I got bored after obliterating four of their main ten armies. With that Death energy, I will send my main body to cultivate and break through the next realm."

"How many demons are in each army?" Andrea asked.

Tatyana got thoughtful for a second. Then, she shrugged. "I don't know. My Undead army was bigger and stronger, so I just crushed them with brute force and added them to my numbers. I think one of the reports said something about three hundred million, but it must be wrong."

They sighed in relief, only to hear: "It should've been more. Or I would've killed them even easier."

After realizing that probably over ninety percent of those people were stronger than them, their mouths were twitching incessantly. 'My mother-in-law is too terrifying.'

Meanwhile, Yasenia felt a renewed sense of pressure. Her objective hadn't changed, which was becoming strong enough to help Tatyana. Therefore, knowing that even if she was running through the cultivation levels, her mother seemed to be flying, it didn't feel very comfortable.

Tatyana didn't console Yasenia. She understood her dearest's objective, but she won't slow down to wait for her.

Yasenia's objective might have been to become strong enough to help Tatyana, but Tatyana's goal was to become strong enough not to allow Yasenia to participate in her battles. Tatyana didn't say it and told it as if they were easy battles, but that wasn't the case at all.

Tatyana stopped fighting the demon armies because she was getting short on resources. Although it was a fact that she managed to get rid of four out of ten armies, she also had to pay a heavy price in casualties.

The losses were light enough not to weaken her and maintain the Continent's delicate balance but sufficiently heavy to deter her from seeking a fight with the fifth army.

Just thinking of Yasenia charging in the middle of those battles that have changed the map of the Sky Continent was enough to make Tatyana antsy.

After becoming a transcendent realm cultivator hundreds of thousands of years ago, this was the most motivated Tatyana had ever been in gaining personal strength. She looked at the resting dragoness on her lap and thought tenderly. 'Grow at your pace, little treasure. Mom can hold the sky for you until you can spread your beautiful wings throughout the Universe.'

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