Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 431: Use of Energy for levitation and flying. Yasenia for Tatyana.

Chapter 431: Use of Energy for levitation and flying. Yasenia for Tatyana.

The night went by, and another day arrived.

As always, they all slowly woke up while surrounding the dragoness. This time, Yasenia wasn't the last to wake up; Angel was.

Therefore, although she woke up early, she couldn't leave, fearing waking up her pampered baby.

However, after ten minutes and seeing no movement from her little dear, Yasenia decided to move out and prepare breakfast.

The girls who woke up by then, Cecile, Tatyana, and Andrea, helped the dragoness slowly escape Kali, Evelyn, and Angel's tight embrace.

Yasenia laughed softly and mentally communicated. 'I can't move my arms. Help me move them without waking them up.'

The others smirked and used their energy to levitate them for a bit.

Using energy to move objects was a prevalent practice. Not to mention moving an average person, for a Unification Realm expert, their energy control was good enough to fly around at a decent speed.

Flying freely and fighting was still impossible. However, feats like blocking a single attack mid-air or moving their body through the air were easy.

Even then, the energy consumption to fight in the air was too high, so it wasn't worth it, especially if they wanted not to get blasted flying in every exchange.

They needed to use energy to absorb the momentum of the blows, and transferring it to the ground was much easier than making it dissipate while floating.

Hence, the ability to fly while fighting was only possible for high-level Dantian Spiritualization realm and above. These cultivators would have a solid energy core, and the consumption to keep steady in an air battle would be negligible.

However, it was still too early for our girls.

After laying the three dears on the bed, Yasenia and the others walked toward the kitchen.

Kaleina felt Yasenia moving and groggily opened her eyes.

Naturally, Mama Dragon noticed and used her fingers to gently caress the little head that popped out of her hair. "Sleep more if you are tired, dear. It is still early in the morning."

The girls saw Kaleina yawning and showing a small row of sharp white teeth. Then after nuzzling with Yasenia's cheek, it dove into Yasenia's thick and silky hair again. She didn't fall because of Yasenia's ability to give her a soft bed within her hair.

Kaleina liked it there because Yasenia's scent surrounded her. Since, at night, Angel would occupy her mommy's breasts, Kaleina decided to take the hair for herself.

Andrea commented. "Soon, Kaleina will become big enough not to be able to hide like that. What will you do then, Yasenia?"

Yasenia snorted. "Even if I have to carry a mortal python-sized Kaleina around my body, I will as long as she wants to."

The others laughed.

Yasenia suddenly asked Tatyana. "Mom, do you know how to Spirit Cook? The books I have about it are yours, right?"

Tatyana nodded. "I've dabbled a little with it. However, my understanding is quite shallow. It may be the one I've practiced the least of all the things I know."

Cecile was curious. "Why is that, Tatyana?"

Tatyana said calmly. "What need do I have for food? If it weren't because Yasenia liked to cook, I would've forgotten about those books."

Andrea smirked. "No wonder Yasenia spoils Kaleina so much. She has inherited it from her mother!"

Yasenia smiled happily. "Of course, Mommy has pampered me since I was little!"

Yasenia then turned toward Tatyana and commented. "Even if your knowledge is shallow, as you say it. That's comparing it to your knowledge in other professions, right?"

Tatyana nodded, and Yasenia rationalized. "Then, compared to me, you should be a master."

Tatyana didn't deny it.

Yasenia smiled and spoke. "Let's cook breakfast together!"

Tatyana shrugged. "Sure, why not."

Thus, mother and daughter went to the kitchen while the others practiced cultivation. It has been almost three months since they entered the Unification Realm, and they were a step away from breaking through to the next level.

Meanwhile, mother and daughter worked together in the kitchen for some time.

Yasenia looked at Tatyana's work and was impressed. "You call this 'Shallow knowledge?'"

Tatyana finished cooking another plate and chuckled.

She cleaned her hands and walked between the counter and Yasenia.

"Little Treasure, it is not to brag, but I'm better at almost everything compared to you. You still need a few years to catch up to me."

Their soft lips met with each other, and only the sound of their kisses could be heard for the next few minutes.

They didn't escalate it further and shared a slow, intimate moment full of feelings. Such a slow kiss made Yasenia remember their first kiss, and a smile spread on her lips.

Tatyana felt her smile while they kissed and asked with one of her own. "Why are you smiling, little treasure?"

Yasenia chuckled and reminisced. "I was remembering our first kiss. It feels like a lifetime has passed, but only twenty-five years or so have gone by."

Tatyana felt a slight prickle in her heart.

She felt awful each time she remembered how she had lost so much time of her little treasure's youth.

Yasenia saw through that micro expression and leaned forward to capture her lips again. "Tatyana, don't feel so bad. It was something good and allowed me to grow a lot. Maybe we will separate again in the future because of the situation-."

Tatyana shut her up with a kiss and stated. "We won't. Nothing can separate me again from you, little treasure. And those who try will only be rushing to their end." Yasenia saw those red eyes glowing with endless killing intent and felt like the world had become an ocean of blood and corpses.

The blood reached her knees and seemed to be creeping up, trying to consume her body.

The corpses around crawled toward them as an abyss opened above them, wanting to devour gods and immortals alike.

Yasenia could see Tatyana's body in her embrace, tangled with countless red vines and thorns digging inside her skin.

Even then, Yasenia's heart was as placid as a lake.

She knew the endless ocean of blood and corpses represented Tatyana's endless slaughter.

The abyss above them represented Tatyana's bottomless void and darkness.

The vines were all Tatyana's heart demons trying to consume her and not allowing her to move.

Even then, Tatyana calmly moved her arms while blood splattered, as if unaware of the pain it caused.

The invincible Death Empress's soul was as such.

An endless plane that could well be called Hell.

Yasenia looked into the blood abyss those eyes appeared to be and smiled. "I know, Tatyana. I'll also do my best to be by your side forever. Even if I can't, I'll just be consumed with you into this darkness surrounding us."

Yasenia hugged Tatyana's thorn-filled body and kissed her lips.

Tatyana closed her eyes and felt a slight relief from her constant torment.

'So comfortable.'

The kitchen door opening interrupted their intimacy, dispelling all the imagery around them.

Even then, they didn't mind and smiled at each other.

After they stopped kissing, they looked sideways and saw a red-faced Angel looking at them.

Yasenia chuckled and used her tail to call her. "Come here, baby."

Angel flew across the room and dove between mother and daughter.

Yasenia and Tatyana smiled and squished her with their breasts.

She said sweetly, her voice muffled by the abundant flesh surrounding her head. "Good morning, Yasenia, mommy Tatyana."

They chuckled, and Yasenia lowered her head to bathe her in morning kisses. Angel mewled happily and asked while being attacked and hugged her neck. "Yasenia~, did you make breakfast? I can help you if you haven't finished!"

Yasenia's eyebrow twitched. She gave her one last smooch on the lips and then said. "Of course, I've finished. Look here, baby."

Angel saw five trays filled with stuffed buns and smiled happily. "Buns! So yummy~."

Yasenia looked at Angel softly and kissed her cheek. "Help me carry them. I still have to prepare the coffee and milk tea."

Angel nodded with a happy smile and used her energy to carry the buns.

Tatyana chuckled and crossed her arms. "You really love little Angel."

Yasenia raised an eyebrow and hugged Tatyana again. "I do love her. However, that doesn't mean I don't want to continue our previous situation~."

And before Tatyana could speak again, her mouth was invaded by Yasenia's passionate kiss.

"Mmm~." Tatyana moaned and melted in the dragoness's comforting embrace.

Yasenia's hug felt like snuggling near a fire in the middle of a harsh winter.

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