Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 506: First Part of the Alchemy Competition. Kali's charm.

Chapter 506: First Part of the Alchemy Competition. Kali's charm.

"The Alchemy Competition is divided into five steps. The first one will be theoretical knowledge; the second one will be sensory sensitivity; the third will be about flame control; the fourth we'll check your visual knowledge while spotting different varieties of plants; finally, we'll give you a recipe and ask you to create the pill in the time stipulated."

Kali listened attentively. Since she was a beast human, no one bothered her as they did with the other girls.

Moreover, her quiet and distant aura made her unapproachable. Hence, Elder Mu's junior didn't come to speak with her as they did with Andrea.

Kali waited beside her desk and heard the judge explain. "On your tables, you'll see a small book. That is the question book. From this moment forward, you are allowed to open it and answer every question in the book. If the answer is exactly the theoretical one, it will be automatically checked. If it is not, we have a team of five seniors, including me, who will help correct all questions answered."

Kali approached the book calmly and took the writing pen to the side. Then, she read the first question.

"What plant grows in poisonous biomes but helps purify the air? Note: The color of this plant is pink, and it has six flower petals arranged like a cup."

Kali answered instantly. "[Lifeline Dream Whisper]."

Her letters changed from black to blue. 'The beginning guideline says this is an automatically correct answer. Purple means that it is still on hold. Black means that it is an incorrect answer.'

Valeria looked from Kali's soul and smiled. 'Should I help you?'

Kali laughed. 'If you help, it loses its meaning. Although, if they correct me incorrectly, you are more than welcome to inform me.'

Valeria nodded and looked closely.

Kali continued answering questions, and some were marked as purple. However, she didn't mind and continued writing.

When she finished, the final note out of 500 appeared on the book's cover. Follow the latest novels at wuxiahere.com

Kali looked and saw a 455 appearing. 'Huh? So low?'

Valeria said. 'Check the book.'

Kali did so, and they found the first incorrect answer. The question was. "Is the mixing of [Whispering rose] and [Mourning Lily] possible?"

Kali answered positively to the question. However, they marked it as wrong, puzzling Kali and Valeria.

Kali and Valeria realized that most of Kali's "mistakes" were incorrectly marked as incorrect. Valeria only identified two correct corrections among all the marked answers.

Therefore, Kali's final score out of 500 should be 498, not 455.

Kali looked in Yasenia's direction and sent a mental message. 'Yasenia.'

'Hm? What's wrong, love? How did you do in the first exam?'


Yasenia frowned. 'Ha? That low? Are you feeling okay, honey? Do you feel weary from yesterday night?'

Kali laughed. 'Not at all. Valeria and I checked, and I should have a 498. Do we tell the judge that they are mistaken?'

Yasenia was surprised and frowned. Finally, she said. 'Do not correct them. Your position is honestly redundant since Angel has achieved our goals already. Moreover, even if they evaluate you incorrectly, you can finish in the top group and show your strength properly.'

Kali was about to nod when she heard Yasenia continue. 'Of course, if you feel slighted, that changes everything. I can even speak with those seniors and tell them about it.'

Feeling surprised was her first reaction, but soon she laughed.

Valeria also chuckled. 'She is so cute.'

Kali agreed. 'She really is.'

Then, she answered Yasenia. 'No need, love. Thank you.'

Yasenia smiled and nodded.

"What are you smiling about, Lady Yasenia?"

Yasenia heard Jorey's voice and answered without turning her head. "I was thinking that my fox looks very charming."

The average result of the first round was 421.

"We'll take into account the best batch created. If you are lucky, then that's that."

Kali looked at the table and asked Valeria. 'How many should I create? This [Earth Solid Body Pill] is quite an interesting one, to be honest.'

'I've been observing your competitors, and there are seven that you should be aware of. Four of these seven are Elder Mu's disciples. From them, the strongest is her eldest disciple. That child is very talented compared to everyone here.'

'If he has shown all his strength, we should be able to win as long as you create five peak-level Earth-grade pills with more than seventy percent purity in a single batch.'

Kali nodded. 'I see. Do you think I should brag and do my best?'

Valeria said thoughtfully. 'I think what I said is enough to show skill. If you want, you can create them as low-level Heaven-grade pills. Heaven-grade items are already a rarity. If you really try, you might create mid-level Heaven-grade pills with eighty percent purity with this recipe. It would be too much, and you would gather too much attention.'

Kali nodded and began to work.

She had already prepared the ingredients while they were talking, so only mixing and throwing the items in the cauldron was left.

Kali's movements were leisurely and easy, and her face under her veil didn't change.

The items on the vials and the unprocessed herbs slowly transformed into fluids, powders, and bubbling mixes.

Her ease and proficiency didn't escape the old Alchemy Masters; many eyes began gathering on the three-tailed fox lady.

'Hmm, and with this. Everything is prepared.'

Kali opened the lid of the half-a-person tall cauldron and threw two-thirds of the ingredients inside.

They didn't fall to the bottom as soon as they fell but floated inside. Kali created a film on the mouth of the cauldron with energy and ignited her alchemy flames below with a flick of her fingers.

With the sound of air being ignited, an ordinary orange flame appeared below the cauldron, covering the base.

'Now, I have to wait a few minutes for it to heat up to the proper temperature. I need to check the ingredients to avoid boiling the liquids.'

Kali concentrated, and after two minutes, she nodded. 'Perfect.'

Kali's alchemy flame was nothing out of the ordinary.

The thing different from others was her insane precision and control over it.

The cauldron's inside was heated with such precision that different parts would have different temperatures, slowly processing herbs with varying boiling temperatures simultaneously.

Kali's three tails swished as she focused on extracting the purest essence from the ingredients and burning the rest.

'Perfect. After five minutes of slow-burning, I should be able to continue the process if everything goes as I pictured it.'

Valeria looked from the side and smiled. 'You are doing great, Kali.'

Kali nodded and continued her work.

The spectators had long spotted the skilled fox, and many couldn't help but appreciate her.

Yasenia looked at the attentive Elder My and chuckled. "Aren't you going to look at your disciple, Elder Mu? You've been looking at my fox for a while."

Elder Mu laughed. "Don't blame me, Lady Yasenia. She is exceptionally skilled. I'm honestly impressed that she is below the age of acceptance for this tournament. If you said nothing about it, I would've thought that girl was three hundred years old."

Yasenia looked around and saw many gazes of infatuation from many men and even some women while looking at Kali.

Seeing an alchemy work was not exciting, but how the flames would change and move around was beautiful. Moreover, Kali's figure was stunning.

For those that don't remember, our fox even managed to enter the beauty ranking of the Academy, the reason all of what happened to her happened.

Our fox had a very curvy and beautiful body, but instead of looking seductive, she gave a gentle and motherly feeling.

Her gestures, aura, and movement were careful and soothing. Looking at Kali's working figure gave the spectators the same feeling as a mother cooking for her children with a soft smile.

Yasenia chuckled helplessly and continued observing Kali.

'As expected, a gem will shine when exposed to light.'

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