Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 533: Reaction. Long Baidi's ring.

Chapter 533: Reaction. Long Baidi's ring.

After Yasenia left, the people released a breath they didn't know they were holding.

"My heavens, Lady Yasenia can be terrifying."

"That group had quite a gruesome death. Forced by humans and killed by them, it looks like Lady Yasenia places great importance on her slaves."

"I never thought the punishments were so harsh... Honestly, I'm a little bit scared."

"I feel like I'm about to regurgitate my dinner."

"Don't speak about it. I almost puked because of the stress I felt."

"I heard from a friend that went to the tournament, but Lady Yasenia looks to be quite a collector of some kind. She likes female humans, especially beautiful or talented ones."

"Really? This would explain how Lady Angel and the others came to be. They were probably nurtured since they were children by her."

Ghana turned around and spoke coldly, interrupting the small chat. "I didn't expect stupid people like that to have entered this clan."

Her voice was like a freezing wind that made everyone shudder.

She jumped onto the stage and looked at the group of cultivators with a cold and piercing glare.

"During the next week, we'll make another background check. You can choose how much honesty you speak with, but if you lie and let your actions show it, what you just saw is one of the endings."

"I'm not bluffing when I say that even if that way to die is horrific, it is not the worst Lady Yasenia can offer. I've seen far more gruesome and lengthy death sentences happen before."

The people became scared and paled.

"However, it is not a thing to fear. These punishments are for people who make great mistakes or break the general rules. If the mistakes are while doing work, these kinds of punishments are out of the question. They are reserved for those who either threaten other clansmen or for those who have evil intentions toward them."

Ghana continued. "In Lady Yasenia's books, humans inside the slave house count as clansmen. The slave program she presented to me is nothing but revolutionary and will help us a lot in the future. That's why, instead of buying a thousand slaves, there are only thirty. These slaves are not ordinary humans, as most of them have latent talent, strong minds, powerful strength, and high intelligence."

The people were doubting. How could a human be intelligent?

Ghana saw those expressions and answered. "You seem doubtful?"

One person spoke aloud. Ghana had influence, but her deterrent force was much weaker than Yasenia.

"Humans are a race without potential. Don't all experts say it and show it in books?"

Ghana nodded. "I also thought so, but there are exceptions between the humans. I hope you haven't forgotten Lady Angel, Lady Andrea, Lady Evelyn, and Lady Tatyana. Those four are humans, yet they are able to guide our efforts and support this clan with their efforts."

Ghana turned and looked at them with a smile. "They are humans, but they've earned my admiration through actions. When you see humans taken in by Lady Tatyana, I hope you can set prejudice aside since most of them will probably be outstanding."

A few of them nodded.

Ghana then continued, her previously softened toned becoming stern again. "However, even if this weren't the case, you must look at who they are before taking action. As Lady Yasenia has said, they are our Lady's property. Would you dare rob her sword? If you wouldn't dare, don't place anything improper about humans inside your minds."

Hanna sneered and spouted coldly. "To think people can't understand that Lady Yasenia's property is not something you can touch. Honestly, those six deserved even more punishment."

Laila, one of the heads of the entertainment group, spoke coldly. "You would think that the care she puts on Lady Angel and the others would be enough to clarify Yasenia's love for the humans under her, but some people are blind and want to provoke the dragon."

Florrie, the leader of the assassin squad, uttered with a chilling tone. "Next time someone dares do something like that, I'll slice their Dantian open before Lady Yasenia has the chance to do so."

Florrie was one of the initial spy harpies. However, after this month of working for Yasenia, she understood that as long as they worked with a proper attitude, the Astral Sky Clan was a small haven in the world for their race.

Therefore, her loyalty increased by the day as she saw her sisters and herself becoming stronger at an increasing pace.

She only agreed to spy on Yasenia because of her love and worry for her harpy sisters. Hence, Yasenia's preferential attitude toward harpies was like rain after a drought, making her honest and more than willing to see this clan mature and become a strong allied force for their race.

Ghana looked at the night sky and commented. "Anyway, all of you can return. Rest well and pacify your minds. However, do not forget what happened today if you don't want to be the next."

From that day on, the working environment in the clan became much better, and fewer people than they already were acted wrongly.

Nevertheless, a few people came with resignation applications the next day because the mental impact was too strong.

Yasenia was informed and said to let them go as long as they made an oath not to communicate in any way anything they've learned from or about the Astral Sky Clan or its clan members.

The numbers that were slowly approaching one thousand dropped to about seven hundred.

Yasenia didn't mind. The harpies were more than enough for the moment.

That was why she had set the tests so complicated. Even if they only gained one or two people daily, Yasenia was satisfied as long as they entered legitimately.

The tests Yasenia gave were made in the Sky Continent to prove talent and many other things.

Passing these tests meant that that person's potential was enough to reach Transcendence-realm.

Of course, the tests were created for Spiritual Cultivators, and Yasenia was tweaking them as she went, so wrong assessments were not uncommon in these early stages.

However, the previous number of gaining around 500 members in a month was absurd in Yasenia's mind. Not because she didn't believe that places with high-potential people existed, but because the place she was didn't even qualify as a main City in the vast Distancia Continent.

If people were this talented here, then in the central areas and main cities, talents like herself would rank as average.

Yasenia understood that her talent level was at the peak of even the Sky Continent, so having so many recruits didn't make sense.

Either way, as Yasenia wrote, analyzed, and worked on reports in her office, she heard a soft knocking sound from the door.

Yasenia lifted her head from the jades, papers, and stone tablets on her large desk and looked at the window. 'Ten o'clock in the morning. I didn't have any meetings at this hour.'


Yasenia saw the door open, and a head with beautiful, long threads that gleamed like sunlight popped together with large, cute blue eyes staring at her.

Yasenia's calm expression softened as her lips arched dotingly. "Baby, did you sleep well?"

Angel entered with a broad smile and ran to Yasenia's side with short steps.

The cute tap of her little feet made Yasenia's heart melt, and she opened her arms to gather her pampered baby between her arms. "Good morning, love. Sorry, baby, I couldn't accompany you until you woke up today. I had to do a few things."

Kaleina was playing on the desk with Yasenia's tail so she didn't get squished between the hug of the big-breasted beauties.

Angel smiled sweetly and hugged Yasenia while burying her face in her fragrant neck. "Good morning, Yasenia~."

Yasenia patted her butt with a smile and used one arm to support her while using the other to continue working.

Angel straddled her and moved a bit to have a cozy position in Yasenia's embrace that wouldn't bother her loving dragoness work.


"Don't mind him and go."

The ape woman nodded and disappeared.

A few seconds later, a few giant explosions big enough to blow up a small mountain occurred in the distance.

Then, the woman returned three seconds later with a bloodied, unconscious Long Baidi.

The Patriarch tapped his throat, sealing Long Baidi's speaking abilities, and nodded. "Let's go to the meeting."

The two seniors disappeared from there at extreme speeds.

And the other five groups followed.


Tatyana: And here I thought this cockroach would scurry around a bit more.

Author: Fufu~, he still can scurry around~.

Tatyana: Whatever. Even if he becomes part of their clan in any miraculous manner, I'll kill her as soon as he lays eyes on my little treasure.

Author: Quite domineering, eh? With your current body, those seniors that appeared are out of your reach strength-wise.

Tatyana: Tsk. Let them enter my formations, and I'll see who is out of reach then.

Yasenia: Mommy would win!

Angel: Mommy would definitively win!

Author: ...

Andrea: Anyway, let's go to the questions.

Author: Not you too, Andrea. QAQ.

Andrea: *Smirk.* I summon you!

Author: My catchphrase, QAQ!

Fightnguru: Hello~.

Evelyn: Ho, ho~. A new one! Hello!

Andrea: So, what's your question?

Evelyn: Hehe, are you eager for someone to ask you something?

Andrea: Well, it would not be bad, hahaha.

Fightnguru: Sorry, Andrea. This time, I have a question for Yasenia.

Yasenia: Hm. I'm all ears.

Fightnguru: if you could control how many children each girl would have from you, how many from each girl would you want?

Yasenia: How many? Like... in what period of time. A year, a century, a lifetime?

Fightnguru: Oh... I forgot to specify.

Yasenia: Don't worry, I'll answer those three.

Fightnguru: Thanks.

Yasenia: *Smiles softly.* Well, if I were to choose in a year, one from each of them is enough. Even though I want many children, I don't want to be overwhelmed by them. Each and every one of them should be cherished, taken care of, and properly educated.

Yasenia: Having too many would make me unable to give my whole heart to them. The last thing I want is for my future babies to feel neglected by their mama dragon.

Fightnguru: Wow, I didn't expect such a sweet answer.

Author: What did you expect?

Fightnguru: Maybe, a crazy number or something?

Yasenia: Hahaha, being eager to have them doesn't mean I want to have many.

Fightnguru: What about in a century?

Yasenia: That depends a lot on what happens in that century. But I would like to wait at least thirty years between the birth of each child for each mother.

Fightnguru: So specific?

Yasenia: By the time they are thirty years old, they should be able to begin their own adventures, like I did. So, although I would be worried about their safety, they should be old enough to experience the world on their own.

Yasenia: The last thing I want is to create useless, pampered children, not because they would be useless, but because those children may have difficulty having a happy life.

Yasenia: Even then, if any of them develop to be like that, I would naturally care for them and love them unconditionally as I'm their mother. However, I'll try my best to give them the best education and values I can in the meantime, never giving up on them.

Yasenia: Hm? Why are all of you silent... crying?

Angel: Wuwuwu, I'm so happy you'll be my children's mom.

Andrea: Tsk, today it is raining.

Evelyn: Sniff, we are space, Andrea. Where is the rain?

Fightnguru: I think... Yeah, this is enough. Thank you for answering, Yasenia.

Yasenia: *Smiles brightly.* No, thank you for asking.

Author: Our dear dragoness is as sweet as ever with her family. With this slightly longer [Celestial Theater], we say goodbye.

Author: Goodbye, little lurkers.

The rest: Bye-bye ~.

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