Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 822: Approaching The Fluctuation.

Chapter 822: Approaching The Fluctuation.

As the seniors conversed with each other, the boat crossed through the ocean at a high but manageable speed. They were approaching a creature that caught Valeria's attention, so Yasenia didn't want to be reckless.

Evelyn sat on the boat's railings, looking forward, and sighed. Yasenia was near, so she asked. "What's wrong, dear?"

Evelyn smiled. "Just, the ocean is so vast. It makes you feel small, even when our strength is as such."

The dragoness and the rest looked forward, seeing nothing but blue, and understood what Evelyn was going at. Andrea leaned on Evelyn's head and smirked. "Well, we are even smaller if you think of what's out there, right?"

Evelyn rolled her eyes and laughed. "I guess. Hahaha."

Kali was curious and asked. "Valeria, how much further are we?"

Valeria spread her spiritual sense and commented. "Not much, you should be able to..."

Yasenia blinked and commented. "Oh? I can sense the fluctuations, but aren't these battle fluctuations?"

Valeria laughed. "Feel it soon."

Kali laughed with her. Angel pulled the side of her skirt and asked. "Valeria, why are we here?"

Looking at Valeria for answers, the tall, green-skinned woman answered. "Well, our objective is another thing. While there were a few beasts fighting, I don't think you should worry about it." Valeria looked at Yasenia. "Unless you want to save them."

Yasenia looked at the Spirit Queen speechlessly. "Save who? They are to random beasts. How would I even take a side? Just let nature take its course."

Evelyn said jokingly. "How about saving the prettiest? Or if any of them are in humanoid form, the one with the biggest brea-."


The dragoness smiled, her tail slowly returning to a resting position from the perfect arc that it just did.

Kali nodded. "Her technique keeps improving, look at Evelyn, she is spinning in place because of the spinning momentum."

Andrea commented. "Won't see be dizzy? Oh"


" She fell face first. Wow, she usually lands on her feet, a novelty."

Evelyn twitched. "This boat's floor is a bit hard."

Angel laughed unabashedly. "You have a bit of blood dripping from your nose!"

The violet-eyed woman was about to check, but a pair of soft hands grabbed her face and made her look up. Seeing the knitted eyebrows of the beautiful dragoness, Evelyn smiled. "I'm okay."

Yasenia hummed, using her energy to analyze and see what happened quickly. "I know. But if you bled, the damage is not light. Sorry, dear. I should've hit you softer."

As a world jumping ship, it naturally had a way to let the people on it see very far away. While it would consume more energy the farther it looked, it was a very affordable option. It was so hand that Yasenia had been tempted to lend the ship to her intelligence division to spy everywhere. However, she didn't do so because she preferred having a few personal hidden trump cards.

The advantages and disadvantages of both options were similar, so the dragoness didn't think much about it.

As the dragoness's energy sank into the formation, a transparent screen appeared in the middle of the warship. It even had a function to look your way no matter where you were, meaning the energy that created the images would always make it seem as if the "screen" was facing you.

Yasenia looked at it from the side while slowly manipulating it and zooming far away. The image transmitted seemed to speed away, crossing the vast ocean, and finally, they arrived at the battle point around 400 kilometers away from their position.

The place was a place with three underwater mountains divided by a large chasm. The mountains were utterly decimated by what seemed to be the attacks of the battling beings.

Above those places, two creatures big enough to even make Yasenia's eyebrows rise fought.

Evelyn almost cursed. "Compared to those, doesn't Yasenia look like an infant dragon? How large are they!?"

One of the battling creatures was a jellyfish. However, unlike a typical jellyfish, its body was ethereally beautiful, like a small cosmos having turned into the shape of that animal. Its length was probably nearing five kilometers from the head to the tip of its tentacles. That was more than five times longer than Yasenia in her dragon form, including her tail.

The other creature was similar to the combination of a shark and a turtle, with a length of 3 kilometers. While it looked shorter than the jellyfish, its body volume made it look larger.

The body of this creature elongated like a shark but was wrapped in a robust yet mobile shell. Moreover, it had 12 fins at the sides of the body, perfectly placed to move itself in any direction with incredible agility. The head was a mix of a tortoise and shark, having a powerful jaw and flexible neck to deliver lethal bites.

Both creatures looked incredibly dangerous and powerful.

As the giant jellyfish and shark battled in a clash of raw strength, their collisions made the world around them shriek and tremble. Some sharp-eyed people spotted black rifts and asked, "What's that?"

Valeria answered with a calm voice. "Spatial rifts."

The people's eyes widened while Angel asked. "Spatial rifts? But not even Mommy Tatyana managed to create them when she battled in the Sky Continent."

First, Valeria smiled. "Well, that is for later."

The girls understood her hint to not speak about it here.

Then, she created a sound cancelling formation and explained deeply just to our girls. "Spatial rifts happen when the stability created by the heavens is closely challenged. This doesn't mean that the creatures are close to being as strong as the Heavens of that world, but that their strength is approaching the limits created by them. That's one of the many reasons worlds have cultivation limits. While Tatyana, as you said, can fight unhinged in the Sky Continent, if she were to release one of her attacks here, the World would collapse."

Andrea questioned. "Collapse, like Metaphorically?"

Valeria shook her head. "Tatyana's real body's strength can indeed make Distancia collapse with a single blow. No skills are needed; her raw bodily strength can probably split Distancia in half. Her attack would probably create a spatial rift all across the world that would swallow it together with everything like a temporary black hole. Things swallowed by spatial rifts are lost into the [Void], where [The Abyss] resides. So, most people take it as if it is lost forever."

Evelyn gulped and asked. "What happens after that?"

Valeria smiled. "The Heavens of that world would dissipate, and an energyless spot would be born. Because the stability of raw space is much higher than that of the heavens, as it isn't as easily manipulated, the spatial rift would mend itself and leave nothing behind. Where Distancia was, now, nothing would remain."

Valeria saw wariness in their eyes and smiled. "Being swallowed by a spatial rift is incredibly complicated unless it is big enough. For example, those two beasts are creating while battling, and they wouldn't even be able to make your hair move with their swallowing power. Of course, with your current strength, an attack that can leave a spatial rift behind is enough to annihilate you completely. However, as I said, you don't need to fear spatial rifts."

The girls nodded, understanding where Valeria was going with her words.

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